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maddy 03-14-2005 12:51 PM

I don't enjoy painting interior trim or louvered doors.
I'm desperately praying all this work and money will pay off when the for sale sign appears in the front yard.
I hope I stay motivated through the week to get all the "stuff" done on my week off.

imaginewithme 03-14-2005 06:50 PM

Today is the 2nd anniversary of my grandfathers passing :(

I went to a memorial of a lady I've known for 18 years....it was sad.

I am unusually horny today

osuche 03-15-2005 01:03 AM

1. I got a verbal offer today from the company in CA ~ not as high as I wanted...now we are in the Negotiation Phase

2. I had my first non-adversarial meeting EVER with my boss....almost makes me sad that I will be leaving soon. :D (OK...not that sad)

3. I am sitting in a hotel room in Houston and I have a big customer meeting tomorrow!

IAKaraokeGirl 03-15-2005 11:21 AM

1. I'm trying out something with the cooperation of my son's teachers--I hope it works.

2. Kleclere and I are looking at minivans for our version of the Brady Bunch--again. :rolleyes2

3. I was *really* tired last night, and with kleclere's have-to-get-up-before-the-crack-of-dawn work schedule, we went to bed at my children's 8:30 bedtime. Man, I'm getting old. :D

Stolen Kisses 03-15-2005 01:12 PM

1) I am tired from lack of sleep- I keep waking up thinking someone is watching me sleep. :(

2) I am horny b/c I have had no sex for 8 days. :( :(

3) I am happy that Starlet and The Shield are on tonight :)

rabbit 03-15-2005 08:19 PM

1) I ripped someone in a business meeting today...she had it coming.

2) I had a terrific dinner...yum!

3) I need to do some work this evening but am not motivated.

Lilith 03-15-2005 10:40 PM

1) I was told this evening that my little kiddo will be prominently featured in an advertisement/film that will be shown as part of a huge presenatation at a BIG national convention. (proud mommy moment)

2) I saw someone doing a super good job at something today and made sure that her supervisors knew how excellent she was.

3) My mom is the bestest!

osuche 03-16-2005 09:23 AM

1. We have the home inspection today....if all goes well, in a couple of days we should havea final agreement onthe house.

2. I'm doing some prep for my negotion on the job offer, which will take place tomorrow.

3. I woke up feeling very lethargic and I wish I could spend all day cuddling in bed

IAKaraokeGirl 03-16-2005 09:48 AM

1. I realize now that, no matter how much progress I've made, I have absolutely no patience when I want something.

2. I am very tired and not feeling well today, but feel obligated to be here at work.

3. I'm looking forward to date night with kleclere tonight.

Lilith 03-16-2005 04:58 PM

1) I truly think I may be capable of murder.

2) Some times people in prison are safer there than on the street.

3) I am wound tighter than a top.

osuche 03-18-2005 06:29 PM

1. I woke up unmotivated...took an afternoon nap....and woke up bitchy. I just don't think I can win today

2. Tried to put water in the hot tub and it appears some pipes are broken. <sigh> WOnder how much that will cost me to fix?

3. Got the remedy request for the house today -- 8 items....6 of them potentially expensive. Suddenly I am feeling much less smug about life

Lilith 03-18-2005 06:34 PM

1) I spent time today doing 3 of my fave things: perusing stuff at the library, shopping, and talking to loved ones on the phone.

2) I am making a delicious supper :slurp:

3) I ran into an old friend who had moved away, and we had lost contact. She is visitng her family here for Spring Break with her now 4 kiddos...I was the matchmaker who nudged her towards her hubby when he was a daddy of a kiddo in my class. I am sooo glad to see they are happy.

BIBI 03-18-2005 08:15 PM

My house is a mess and I don't care.
I had a relaxing day spent with a friend
I am looking forward to going out tonight

maddy 03-18-2005 08:36 PM

I picked up my new specs today and totally 'cited about the magnetic slip on shades part!

I also purchased a new handbag, as my gift to me from my bonus.

I wasn't as productive as I could have been today, and I don't feel guilty about it.

BlondeCurlGirl 03-19-2005 01:32 PM

1. I feel better after having spoken with a friend last night...our friendship was borderline over.

2. I have the day to myself since my guy is out playing in the snow with his school friends.

3. I need to buy new sheets for my (our) bed.

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