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shadowsfate 03-05-2009 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by Lord Snow
I didn't even think about pvp gear to help get her up to where she needs to be. I'm not fond of it, so I don't think about it. PvP just isn't my thing.

I'm not a huge fan of it, most of the time. But there just those days when you want to kill something other than CPU-ran creatures :roflmao:

But, truthfully, I really enjoy Wintergrasp on those occasions that I do show up for it. And Strand has its moments too

Jude30 03-05-2009 11:27 PM

PvP can be a lot of fun as a break.

I hit 80 late last week. So I've been just messing around, trying to finally get epic flight. I haven't been this broke since I got my first mount at 40.

Lord Snow 03-06-2009 11:19 PM

I have my epic flying mount, but I don't have my epic flying skill. Still trying to get the money for that one. I keep advertising in trade that I will give them nothing in exchange for the amount I'm short. No one likes that idea it seems. Guess I have to do it the hard way and actually work for it. Ewwwww. I've done wintergrasp once and all I did was shoot one of the big cannons at the tanks that were rolling up. That was fun.

Matte 03-07-2009 12:05 AM

Best option to gear anyone up is to focus on reg dungeons and get faction rep. As you get exhalted with each faction...youll get access to better gear and be able to hook up more heroics. Also theres plenty of decent epic craftable items that people may be selling on the AH.

BTW my main is a shammy on Echo Isles. Also my old main was a pally...and I have a hunter on cenarius that I'm leveling :D

Lord Snow 03-08-2009 03:05 AM

Finally, a fellow shammy. What spec? I'm resto all the way. My question and problems are with my mother's toon, which happens to be on a different server than me. Otherwise, there would be no problem. I told her to run regular dungeons and one of her guildies made her an epic gun to use. Jumped her stats quite a bit just switching out the gun and a pair of gloves. She's still got a way to go. Thanks again for all the help.

Lord Snow 04-14-2009 10:30 PM

For those Pixies that play and haven't logged in today: 3.1 RELEASED TODAY! Which means we get several new things so make sure you read the patch notes. Some include changes to abilities (lots for Death Knights), Ulduar of course, a new pvp area and several others. Also, I haven't noticed any updates for addons, so be sure to load your out of date ones. Carbonite quest and Warcraft Instant Messenger didn't work at all for me. I even had problems with whispers the old school way. Have fun and hope to see you in game if you're on my server. I'm still Kiamvir on Blackhand.

jbh3 04-15-2009 12:41 PM

OK.....I'll pass this info on to my stepson and his gf.
And also my gf!!!! It seems *** has recruited his mom to play and I now have a MONSTER on my hands!!!........I'll probably be here a lot more!!...LOL :)

Jude30 04-15-2009 04:34 PM

1000G for dual spec!?

I've been working on tailoring, thought I'd have a little longer before the patch. I literally have not been this broke since I was level 20. I have less than 20G.

FlirtWithMe 04-15-2009 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by jbh3
I'll probably be here a lot more!!...LOL :)
Oh No :rolleyes2

:thumb: :D :boobs: :x:

jbh3 04-16-2009 12:56 PM

Silly girl !!! I can hear you giggling all the way from here :)

FlirtWithMe 04-16-2009 01:20 PM

I am so tired that you'd likely only hear Zzzzzzzzz today, instead of giggles :rolleyes: The giggles will return though, I promise :x:

jbh3 04-16-2009 01:24 PM

"The giggles will return though, I promise "

I know hon.....I know :)

FlirtWithMe 04-16-2009 01:34 PM


Lord Snow 04-16-2009 10:11 PM

Woot! All my addons are fixed. Carbonite has been retooled and is sweet to behold. I highly recommend it. You can't get it from curse.com anymore though. You have to go to carboniteaddon.com. As an added note of personal accomplishment, I am 803 gold from having my epic flying skill. I forgot how much money simply questing could bring in. I enjoy the new dailies for the area they added. Still have to do Sons of Hodir and Oracles. I want to see what I can get the egg to hatch into. Have fun.

PS-Don't forget to love your loved ones. I know it's hard to leave the game, but petting the puppy every once and awhile never hurts. LOL

Lord Snow 06-02-2009 07:16 PM

Got my epic flying, I'm exalted with Sons of Hodir and working on Ebon Blade. Haven't been doing my oracles. Started leveling a priest and decided I really hate Durotar. Been working on my hunter and death knight's trade skills. It's patch day so I have to wait for the downloads. Anyone got any updates they'd like to share?

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