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imaginewithme 04-07-2005 06:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I got this today.

Aqua 04-07-2005 06:31 PM

Saw $2.42 yesterday... and they are talking about raising our gas tax even more. :(

I know shit needs to get paid for... but damn! :mad:

maddy 04-07-2005 06:44 PM

GRRR I know I don't have MUCH to complain about but I'm going to anyway. I'm having car troubles and one of the recommended solutions is to run the highest grade of gas in my car... two days ago the station nearest my house was $2.40 at 7am, by the time I got uptown (18 miles away) that station said $2.25. By the time I left work at 6pm the same uptown station was up to $2.30. Like I said I know based on the above I can't complain much but I'm still disgruntled.

Freya 04-07-2005 08:33 PM

$2.25 / gal

lizzardbits 04-07-2005 09:09 PM


jay-t 04-07-2005 10:09 PM

its 2.15 gal. here

!st quarter profits come out next month it will be interesting to see them.I work in the oil and gas industry and the powers that be are telling us gas will go up another 85 cents + by the end of the year!

flutelady 04-07-2005 10:22 PM

$2.47 tonight at the "cheap station" for the "cheap stuff". Stupid damn California prices :mad:

Mercury_Maniac 04-07-2005 10:23 PM

$2.36 here for regular 87 octane.

suppose to jump up again this weekend

Irish 04-08-2005 01:37 PM

Why didn't George W. think of this?
Gas rationing in the 80's worked even though we grumbled about it.
It might be good for us
The Saudis are boycotting American goods.
We should return the favor.
An interesting thought it to boycott their GAS.
Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into
the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don't
import their oil from the Saudis.
Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up
the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my
family, and my friends.
I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies
are the best to buy gas from and which major companies import Middle
Eastern oil :
Shell............................. 205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco......... 144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil............... 130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway... 117,740,000 barrels
Amoco............................62,231,000 barrels
If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18
Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:
Citgo.......................0 barrels
Sunoco.............. .....0 barrels
Conoco...................0 barrels
Sinclair....................0 barrels
BP/Phillips..............0 barrels
Hess........................0 barrels
ARC0.0 barrels
All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and
each is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are
importing. Irish :eek:

MilkToast 04-08-2005 09:40 PM

Man, I have thought long and hard about a reply to this post. I think that I am going to be on the outside here and say that I do not mind the high gas prices... it will finally force us to think a little more about huge ass vehicles here in the US as well as considering other fuel sources (however, this does not mean I condone the current thinking with hybrid vehicles or fuel cell cars... they are just as bad with either huge battery packs or with a fuel that takes more energy to "bottle" than it delivers). In any case... I could go on for quite a while about all of this but will choose to just duck out of the thread.

And re: the post about middle eastern oil and the boycott, a little research should lead y'all to see that even though they are a main supplier of oil we only really import ~15% from them... it's the ability of OPEC (which also includes South American companies) to control the price that makes a difference. Of course it might also make a difference if the U.S. decided to modernize refineries (which we have not done in many years) or get their heads out of the clouds when it comes to the idea that we are somehow entitled to cheap fuel as long as it does not have to come from somewhere that would pollute our own lands. And I also do not think that it is so bad that a gallon of gas might cost more than a gallon of milk... oh, wait... we actually pay to keep the price of milk high...

Maybe we should consider finding a way to harness methane from the dairy cows... heck, they only eat feed... which we pay our farmers to no grow!

CRAP! I'm on a soap box again... I'm bailing now while I still can. I better go tank up the SUV while I still can afford it (yes, I actually do have a V8 SUV which I use in winter as it is a 4WD and to tow a trailer... other times I drive a nice 2.0L car... which in some countries is still considered outrageous!). DOH!... I'm going now....

maddy 04-08-2005 10:37 PM

Interestingly enough, Denton County, Texas has recently unveiled their plan and it's "success" for alternative fuel sources. It's not a new discovery, but they are one of the first in the nation (or at least local news sources say so) to take advantage of bio-diesel. They made a $650,000 USD investment in using methane gas captured from landfills and refined/recycled restaurant grease to produce bio-diesel for all the counties vehicles. Presently they are able to supply the fuel to themselves for about $1 USD/gallon. Part of the longer term plan is to produce more than the county can use in it's vehicles and sell to other sources. They believe the $650,000 investment will pay off quite quickly with the rate at which fuel prices are rising.

Irish 04-08-2005 10:49 PM

As I have stated before.Most of my life,people have come to me,to build custom,cars & motorcycles,with large,powerful,big HP engines.I have found
that the people,that BITCH &COMPLAIN the most,are the ones that want
everyone else,to drive more conservative vehicles!It's as my father said,when I started racing motorcycles(already raced cars)-Once it gets in your blood,
it stays there.I didn't believe him then but ,over the years,I found that he was right! Irish

Sharni 04-08-2005 11:17 PM

Wether you drive a small vehicle or a big vehicle...it doesnt change the price you have to pay per litre/gallon

I drive a 6 cylinder...my choice and yep i whinge about the amount i pay...but i need a family size car...a small car just will not do what i require of it

If i could get by with a small more economical vehicle..i'd have it in a heartbeat...and guess what...i'd still be bitching about the amout i have to pay per litre*LOL*

I'd really like one of them Electric/Petrol cars myself....but a bit on the pricey side just yet...and unfortunately just too small

Update on pricing

Unleaded: AU$1.02c / litre
Diesel: AU$1.15 / litre
Gas: AU$0.49 / litre

and unsure what the new E10 fuel is worth as its not available here as yet

BIBI 04-09-2005 02:28 AM

I paid 96.5 per liter yesterday....they predict one dollar per liter within the next week or so.

hot_shot_uk69 04-09-2005 03:09 AM

just hit an all time high

85.9pence a litre..

thats like 1.6 US dollars a litre!!!!!!!!!!

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