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classydj 10-19-2001 01:43 AM

Would You Ever Be In A 3Some
Well people what do u say. And please dont just vote give some reasoning to it too. Personally I would love to be with 2 women at once in theory but i think that in practice I'd be too afraid she'd like the other woman more and maybe I can't compare to another woman. Or even worse if it was me and my girl and another man, I would be scared she'd like him more, and then i couldn't even argue that it was unfair as we have the same equiptment. Don't get me wrong as i have said b4 i have had no complaints but plenty of compliments thus far, but i fear pushing my luck too far. Anyway enough about me, i know what i think lets hear your opinions.


the queen 10-19-2001 02:02 AM

Yes, I would and yes, I have. Only if it is me that is joining the couple. I don't think I could handle bringing someone else in with my honey and I. I am slightly on the jealous side and know that there would be problems. I did my girlfriend and her boyfriend when I was in high school and it was awesome. Except that she got a little jealous of me the next day when her boyfriend told her that I could suck his dick better than she ever could. Yikes! It was all good though. I enjoyed her more than him... Make sure that there is no jealousy on either part, constantly look at your girl, make it obvious that you are trying to please her more than yourself. Make her the center of attention and you probably won't have any problems. If you decide that this is what you both want, good luck! :)

Nubian 10-19-2001 04:40 PM

Would love a threesome
I would love to have a 3some once (and only once) but my wife would not be too keen on the idea. I would even try it if my wife desired the reverse (2 males), but it would have to be one time only, otherwise I don't think either of us could handle the jealousy issue.

sweetc0rn 10-21-2001 04:04 AM

Yeah... I would love to try but I don't think I have the courage to give it a try. I would love to have a woman too. As I did say, I always have a fantsy about girls on girls so maybe if a woman gonna ask me to join them... why not? :p

Oldfart 10-21-2001 07:27 AM

As tempting as it may be to the male ego, I don't think

I could really watch my G/F having it off with another

person.If invited by another couple, as the second dick in the

proceeding I'd feel toomuch for him going through the same.

So, only in my fantasies.

Lovediva 10-21-2001 09:35 AM

Deep down I would love to experience a threesome....you know 2 men and me ;).....but it has and probably never will happen.
But that's what makes fantasies fantasies!!!!!

I have talked about it with my b/f and I said we could get another woman, a stranger....and he said "No...I can't handle you now, let alone having another woman....But if it was 1 exactly like you....I would be in heaven!" .... so my quest is to find somebody exactly like me! :D

Anybody have a cloning machine??? ;) :D

Lady Pleaser 10-21-2001 05:46 PM

Yes I have
I've had a 3some (2m,1f) a 4some(2m,2f) and a 5some(3m,2f) all were fun and I would do it again, as long as all participants are OK with it. It can be very deliteful for everyone.

Roostah 10-21-2001 10:52 PM

not sure about this. On the one hand, another woman and my woman would be fantastic to watch and enjoy, but it would have to be someone I knew really well or didn't know at all to get over the jealousy/inadequacy thing

andyhart 10-23-2001 08:18 AM

What's a threesome?
LOL!! I heard that playing dumb is a great way to answer a tough question. If the situation were right and it was my partners idea... I might. Just don't ask me to be bi-sexual. There are far too many beautiful and erotic women out there!!

Xpose 10-23-2001 05:16 PM

Mrs Xpose and me have had several lenghty conversations about this, I am more in to the idea of watching her, without the other guy knowing I was watching, if you're with me? And believe it or not, but the idea of me having sex with another woman while Mrs Xpose doesn't really turn me on.

Our conversations have led to some fantastic sex between us, and I have a feeling that that's the way it will stay. At a dance recently, I aked her which of the guys there she would have sex with, when reality struck home I didn't like the idea of her having sex with any of them.

Well, you've seen pics of her, would you share her?


Samorkate 10-23-2001 07:13 PM

This is Sam...
The thoughts of Kate doing erotic things really turns me on. When we were younger, I tried to get her to dance topless on amateur night at the local strip club, no amount of pleading would change her mind.
She is more receptive to a one on one encounter, but the thought of contracting a disease scares her. She believes that she can contract unsavory diseases by any touching of "bodily fluids", even with her hands.
I would love to watch her give some other guy a BJ or even a hand job, but other than the bug thing, she insists that no man would be just happy with just that, they would have to go "all the way".
Any thoughts?
I guess I will have to just fantasize...:confused:

PurpleLayc 10-24-2001 09:59 AM

If I could talk hubby into it and find someone that flips my fancy, then I would have my 3some. Hubby isn't into a 3some if it's me and another male but if it's me and another female, well, we'll not get into that one....

darrenfate 10-24-2001 11:54 AM

We have talked about it, my g/f just loves to have her breasts sucked and it drives her wild to think about what it would feel like to have both sucked at the same time makes her want to play.

She is open to the notion - mostly female as the third- , but I can't imagine finding someone to even bring the subject up with. Anyone have any bright ideas on starting THAT kind of conversation?

Pussy Willow 10-24-2001 02:31 PM

It's OK with hubby.......
If it's with another woman, which is fine by me since I think I'm
bi in the first place. I l ove the taste of my own pussy juice, and
I love all the pics of juicy pussy better than the cum shots of
the guys....................

Anyway before I really start rambling, we would have 3some
if we could find another consenting female. It would be great
by both of us !!!!!!

MidnightsBlue 10-25-2001 05:19 PM


I would have a threesome. Hubby is not to keen on having another male join in but neither am i. Would love for it to be with another woman since i always fantasize about :)

Panther 10-25-2001 07:15 PM

My wife and I have been in a few threesomes with other guys. I love watching her body as another guy makes love to her. Sometimes I join in and other times I sit in the room and watch and jack-off. Once in a great while I leave them alone and watch them from outside our bedroom window.

nutworld 10-26-2001 11:55 AM

I've always wanted to be in one..and much to my surprise..I think that I wouldn't mind if it were a MM/F one..but I'd prefer the opposite.

That being said..I just cant realistically imagine it happening, unless I am the 3rd party. I know the wife would never want to participate in one.

PurpleLayc 10-26-2001 11:59 AM

Well, Nut...you could always join me and who ever else I find since hubby won't join....

nutworld 10-26-2001 12:04 PM

just let me know when and where Layc..and I'm always there for you !!

Daywalker 04-10-2002 09:58 PM

My wife and I have had both MMF and MFF threesomes. Both of us are str8. It was to say the least exciting!! Both were equally fun for me. I have discovered that I really get off watching her with other men. I love the look on her face when she cums. I always join in. I couldn't stand it to just watch and not fill an inviting opening. She is fantastic always open to new experiances.

Master1012 04-10-2002 10:19 PM

In theory I like the idea but I'm not sure if it came to actually doing it, don't know if I could. It'd be easier if it was my g / f and another woman but still, I'd feel like I was cheating on my g / f with the other woman. If my g /f wanted a mmf then it'd take a whole lot of convincing for me to do it and still then probably not
( I want my g /f to be mine and only mine - i'm greedy )

Charlie55 04-11-2002 11:26 AM

This is a hard guestion to answer. I think I would like to have a FFM threesome but don't know about wife. She has told me she has no interest in having sex with other woman. We have been married for 33 years and neither of us has cheated. The other woman would have to be a special friend to take part, no strangers. And how would we feel afterwards? To many questions to know where to start.

MissX 04-11-2002 02:47 PM

Sign me up! I know that MrX would love a ffm, I reckon a two couplesome would be more fun as I'd like both ffm and mmf...but it would have to be a fun night with guys that you could have a laugh with...any takers? :p

kimmer22 04-12-2002 01:26 PM

I have been involved in 3 3somes thusly....2of which were with my best friend(female) and the guy was my boyfriend(current) i was a bit jealous at first but then you get past that and realize....hey 2 women are pleasing this guy imagine how great he feels...it was awesome. The other time it was with my boyfriend and his best friend pleasing me...that was awesome...but I can say that when his friend was doing me and I was giving my boyfriend head...I was only really concentrating on the fucking part of it! And there was a downside...when my boyfriend tried to have sex w/ me later, because he didnt get off during the ordeal...I dried up and nothing worked, because I was with a new guy and the sensation of my boyfriend wasn't turning me on at that point....because I experienced someone different, and it was allowed. So you can run the risk of goin thru a lot of emotional things, but if you can get past it, then its a great feeling. I don't think I'd do it again though...that rollercoaster of emotion isn't for me.

looga 04-12-2002 10:06 PM

Three, Four, or MOOOOORE
:D :cool: :cool: Been in MM/F FF/M FF/MM FFF/MM and group
grope sessions. :p :p Love them all. Sex is where u find it and feel comfortable in doing it. For ten years my partner and I have been having a BALL or two. We are both Bi [me only a little] she is full on. If you like it "DO IT ":D :D :D

Dominatra 04-12-2002 10:50 PM

simply erotic
I've been in one threesome -- and it was completely AMAZING....course it helped that it was two friends (one guy and my best girl friend) so there were no wierd feelings, but now i don't know if i could do it with my current man cuz there's all these unspoken rules and feelings involved. Let me just say, nothing like taking it hard from behind while doing some sweet muff diving *wink*:p :p :p

Jizzlobber 04-12-2002 11:58 PM

I have always thought that I would like to try a three(or more)some, just for the experience. But since I'm having trouble with even getting into a twosome right now, it's kind of a moot point. It wouldn't matter though, if it were me and two girls, or me, another guy and a girl. Either way there are some interesting scenarios.

Tango Seven 04-13-2002 05:05 PM

This is a tough one to answer. I would like to, but not sure how I would feel seeing my wife having sex with another guy. It'd be easier if it was my wife and another woman but still, I'd feel like I was cheating on my wife with the other woman. If we did have a MFF threesome the other woman would have to be a special friend to take part, no strangers. However, my wife has told me she has no interest in having sex with other woman.

If we wanted to have different partners than a MMFF would be our preferred choice, but how we would feel afterwards is a difficult question to answer.

Lilith 04-13-2002 10:18 PM

*Bookends* some day ;)

nutworld 04-14-2002 01:08 AM


Book my end right now.. :)

Lilith 04-14-2002 09:23 AM

I have your reservation pencilled in....I forgot to ask.... business or coach? and are you aware that a meal will be served? Do you have any dietary restrictions? Just trying to provide you with the smoothest ride possible;)

nutworld 04-14-2002 10:23 AM

Ahhh Yess. Those quirky little details.

Definatly Coach..and the only dietary restrictions I can think of would be Lips, nipples and other such areas located a little further south of those mentioned. That and PLENTY of time to enjoy the delicacy

MrsSweetness 04-15-2002 08:31 AM

3 somes
I wouldn't mind it really, but since hubby is hardly home, I would have to pick two people for it instead of just one...

Roostah 04-15-2002 03:44 PM

LMAO at Mrs Sweetness! I seem have the same problem - Maybe I should look for two women to share me instead of one to share with my wife!

nikanik 04-16-2002 10:35 PM

Been there Done that
But only as the 3rd party. No emotional scarring for me. But i couldnt share my baby with anyone. Let alone him sharing me.

popper70 04-11-2004 05:36 AM

i enjoyed each single time we did it. as u can see on our pix ;)

BigBear57 04-11-2004 06:05 AM

I never have but yes I would. I think MMF or FFM just to try it. Maybe one day.

HornyHoney26 04-11-2004 06:07 AM

Fantasy would be two guys and me HEHEHE

And it would be totally selfish , all about mememememememe


BadChicken 04-11-2004 06:08 AM

Ms. BadChicken and I have had 3's with both male and female partners, 4's with other couples and a 5 with two other guys and a girl. All of them have been very enjoyable to both of us. She actively participates with everyone while I busy myself with just the ladies, however I do enjoy the sight of her getting banged by the other guys. The more, the merrier!!

Teddy Bear 04-11-2004 07:05 AM


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