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imalikalotapuss 05-15-2004 12:45 AM

Highs & Lows
The idea for this thread came from a new friend here. I thought it sounded like a great idead. I think it will help me and hopefully others will reply also. The idea is to write about some High in your day and also a Low point. SO i will start. This has been a real difficult week for so i hope this helps.

Day 1
My highs for the day. Well i made a new friend who is also a member here at pixies, i have my son for the weekend and we will be moving into a different place. Hopefully the begining of a new life.

My lows, well there are still times when i feel like i am all alone, have feelings of failure and deep sorrow. Today was one of those times, not really sure what causes this feeling but in time i hope to pin point it.

Well..i have started this and i have to admit that it helps..just writing it and posting. I hope that others will join me.


darogle 05-15-2004 02:03 AM

Highs~ Got to talk to CGT this morning. :love:

Lows~ I overslept and was 40 minutes late for work.

BIBI 05-15-2004 02:11 AM

HA! What highs?
Got rear ended by a hit and run driver tonight and when I got home my house had been broken into........cleaned me out! :(

darogle 05-15-2004 02:35 AM

OMG Bibi!!!!! (((((( HUGS ))))))

nikki1979 05-15-2004 03:25 AM

holy shit BIBI r u ok?????? omg im so sorry hun


Summer 05-15-2004 07:18 AM

BIBI sorry to hear that but I have found your high. They left your computer so you could come back to Pixies. (just trying to find the brighter side)

imalikalotapuss great thread idea. Once my day plays itself out I will be back! ;)

FallenAngel5 05-15-2004 07:22 AM

we have to do highs and lows all the time at our staff meetings :)

High - I'm done with college for the summer...

Low - I have to leave all of my fantastic friends here (and the high-speed internet) and go home

Irish 05-15-2004 07:31 AM

High---I STOLE the car,that I hit BIBI with,no insurance involved!
Lows---At the pawn shop,they checked thier ,just stolen,sheet &
tried to get my name,when I pawned the Ex-BIBI stuff!
Seriously:I hope that you're OK! Irish

jennaflower 05-15-2004 07:43 AM

My hi/lo for yesterday since today has only begun...

Hi: Seeing my best friend shine

Lo: Realizing just how quickly time passes us by.

Lilith 05-15-2004 08:09 AM

High~ The girlfriend I threw the shower for understood the significance of the stones I used in the necklace I made just for her.

Low~ Aqua was out of town and out of touch.

osuche 05-15-2004 09:04 AM

High ~ Talked to a friend in ATL who I haven't seen for nearly a year.

Low ~ Pigged out on bad food and then felt like shit. :(

((((Bibi)))) ~ SOmetimes bad things come in groups. Really sorry to hear about your positively shitty day.

rabbit 05-15-2004 09:51 AM

From yesterday....

High: Received a mail note from a high school age acquaintance that I haven't heard from in years. (yeah, we slept together 20 years ago...:lust: )

Low: I had another "disagreement" with my boss...he can get nasty when he doesn't get what he wants.

Wicked Wanda 05-15-2004 10:06 AM

Highs: Most importantly-Leigh called. Leigh is cutting her trip short to come home early. Matt sent a brief e -mail Thursday, HE IS ALIVE AND WELL AND COMING HOME SOON!!!
Last night I met, danced with, drank with, walked with, and eventally slept with the most amazing woman, who didn't care that I also fuck men.

Lows: Coming home this moring to an empty flat and a collection of notes from my tenants complaining about different things.

Wonderful highs, little lows. I feel like I have stolen someone else's Karma.


Steph 05-15-2004 11:41 AM

High ~ this joint I'm smoking

Low ~ listening to a friend whinge about her mate for an hour this morning

englishrose 05-15-2004 11:48 AM

high- a reasonable amount of sunshine today
low- not hearing from the person i so want to hear from...

BIBI 05-15-2004 04:34 PM

I guess the "high" today is that I actually woke up lol
The low is that they didn't steal this piece of crap called a computer!;)

Thanks for the well wishes and LOL@ Irish :)

dicksbro 05-15-2004 05:46 PM

Bibi, just got home and read all that happened. I'm really sorry and you've got our very, very best wishes that everything will work out okay for you. You'll stay in our prayers, for sure!

Oh, yeah ... lots of highs for us. My wife and I celebrated the 44th anniversary of the day we met (our wedding anniversary is next month). We got to spend it with our daughter and her family in Indianapolis and had a great drive home.

Lows ... hmmmm ... I guess hearing about Bibi's problems was about the worst news. Really terrible.

jennaflower 05-15-2004 10:13 PM

bedtime... so.. here is my hi/lo for today:

HI: Finding a new theme song for my life... "I wanna live" by Josh Gracin

Lo: my leg muscles aching from my new exercise regimine.

Kissy 05-15-2004 10:23 PM

High: My husband watched my kids while I went grocery shopping ALONE! :D

Low: I woke up with the flu and was chasing my kids (or trying to) all day

imalikalotapuss 05-15-2004 11:02 PM

Well today's hi/lo's

HI's.. I moved into a bigger place..got almost everything situated, and seems like a nice place.

Lo's..well i have a real bad feeling that i have lost a very dear friend..seems to not want to talk to me.

BIBI..sounds like you had the worst day..(((hugs)))

osuche 05-16-2004 12:26 AM

High ~ Getting my email inbox down to only 80 unreads, and going to dinner with my SO. I think we ate everything on the menu :D

Lows ~ Not feeling so hot, had sleeping sickness (12 hours and I'm still tired), and slept through my opportunity to go to the gym.

FallenAngel5 05-16-2004 01:15 AM

OK - so for today...

high - spending the evening with 3 of my closest friends....
lo - having to say goodbye to them for 3 months

jennaflower 05-16-2004 09:21 PM


Hi: Realizing that my goal is not only obtainable.. but that I WILL succeed

Lo: Wishing I could help a friend.

osuche 05-16-2004 10:46 PM

Hi ~ Went to the driving range and learned that hitting golf balls gets more difficult without practice. But I had fun :D

Low ~ Got very little work done. Immersed myself in a book and tuned out the world.

denny 05-17-2004 08:41 AM

high - made a new friend here at pixies

low - think I may have lost another

WildIrish 05-17-2004 09:20 AM

Excellent thread!

Because I don't yet know what today will bring, my news for yesterday is:

hi - I raced through the grocery store at breakneck speed because I only had 45 minutes to get back home. And I saved 30% on my order by choosing sale items! :D

lo - I left a wake of bruised and battered bodies & overturned carts from the people in my way. :mad:

Lilith 05-17-2004 09:30 AM

High~ Giving Mr. Lil his *wink*wink* birthday present (the BIG 4-0) at 12:01

Low~ I refuse to have a low today :p

darogle 05-17-2004 09:47 AM

Hi~ seeing my honey :love: (even if just on webcam)

Lo~ knowing that she's not feeling well :(

Mackenzie 05-17-2004 09:48 AM

I'm going to do this backwards.....

Low-lastnight my so and I broke up. We cried all night ended up having sex and.....
high- decided to give our relationship another chance.

I didn't get any sleep last night and my eyes are so red and puffy, hopefully I can go home and get some sleep.

BIBI 05-17-2004 11:20 AM

HI for the day just HAS to be my new look ;)
Low for the day is the bagging of my new stockings! :)

Irish 05-17-2004 11:38 AM

BIBI---Are you related to Ruth Buzzy(sp?)?You sure look like her!

Steph 05-17-2004 12:02 PM

High ~ getting hit on twice at the grocery store!

Low ~ my dog's "accident" in the house early this a.m. I hope it's not a sign of more to come as he turns 11 in July.

Irish 05-17-2004 12:11 PM

Steph---One of my previous dogs,lost complete control,of his bowels & sometimes his kidneys too,as he got older.He also lost
almost all strength,in his back legs.It is horrible,because you can't
even put him in the car to go to the Vet.Good Luck!This was a big
dog.I don't know if that has anything to do with it.Not fat,just BIG

cbass1976 05-17-2004 01:11 PM

high....got a job today
low.....have to mow

sorry to hear about your luck bibi

jennaflower 05-17-2004 06:08 PM


Lo: BAD Migrane... head feels like it is gonna explode.. only wonder if that will be before.. or after I puke :( Wish the sun would go down

Hi: Making it home safely in spite of the migrane.

jennaflower 05-18-2004 08:37 PM


Hi: Encouragement from my best friend

Lo: Guilt and discouragement.

imalikalotapuss 05-18-2004 09:37 PM

HIGH for the day..got my computer fixed and being able to be online again..Yesterdays..making another friend..and still friends with the one that i thought i lost

Low..having to pay for the repairs to my computer
feeling a little lonely today

cowgirltease 05-18-2004 09:39 PM

My high...... I don't have a high

My low... my grandfather died:(

Lilith 05-18-2004 09:42 PM

((((((((((CGT))))))))) so sorry

flutelady 05-18-2004 11:54 PM

CGT, I am so sorry about your grandfather ((((hug))))

My high today.... making plans with a very dear someone.

My low today... feeling like someone else is fucking with my head.

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