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dm383 07-19-2003 01:52 PM

Strange Days
I came across a diary for this year, with some strange (and not so strange!!) event "anniversaries"!

Todays is.....

Samuel Colt, inventor of the Colt revolver, born today in 1814.

I'm planning on adding a new "fact" every day, but feel free to join in! :D


(Note to Mods.....wasn't sure where to put this... feel free to shift it to Games, or wherever.... I'll find it!! :) )

LixyChick 07-19-2003 04:47 PM

Today is ALSO......

the day AFTER dicksbro's birthday.....LOL!

I had to do that!

Great idea dm....this could be fun and informative! I love trivial facts!

dicksbro 07-20-2003 04:11 AM

Look at that ... two posts ... two pistols. :D :D

(I just had to do that, Lixy. :))

(Is that a pistol in my pocket or am I just glad to see ya'? Ooops, just have shorts on with no pockets ... I must be glad. :))

dm383 07-20-2003 05:06 AM

LOL@ DB!! :D (Love the latest Av, DB; What kinda amphibian IS that, anyway... not seen a Frog in socks before!! ;) )

Todays snippet:

This day in 1995 a man suffering from RABIES, in Suzhou, China, bit FOUR people in totally random attacks!

(It 's not known if these four people also became infected!)

Seems to suggest, be grateful for where you live!


dm383 07-21-2003 05:54 PM

Whoops.... only just made it for today's!!

"When his brakes failed on a mountain road in 2001, Marco Vincento bailed out without warning. One of his eight passengers was able to stop the car...Marco, however, struck his head on the roadway and was killed!"

Just goes to show ya..... something?!! :eek:


dm383 07-22-2003 04:47 PM

Feel free to add to these folks!!
This day in 1918, 504 sheep were killed by lightning in the Wasatch National Park, USA.

Must confess, I don't think of the US as a big "Sheep" country!!!


Nubian 07-22-2003 05:05 PM

On this day (July 23)...
1974: Greece becomes a democracy (the military government collapses)

1986: Prince Andrew marries Sarah Ferguson.

1995: Britain sends 1,200 troops to Sarajevo.

dm383 07-23-2003 02:20 AM

July 23rd
"In 1914, The Austro-Hungaran Empire issued an ultimatum to Serbia, following the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serb assassin; the dispute led to World War 1."

See, ultimatum's NEVER work!!!


Nubian 07-24-2003 07:17 AM

July 24...

Matthew Webb, the first man to swim the English Channel (in 1875) drowned while attempting to swim the rapids above Niagara Falls.

dm383 07-24-2003 04:45 PM

July 24th
"The excursion ship Eastland capsizes in Lake Michigan in 1915; 852 people die"

"In 1797, Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson received the injury to his right arm which ultimately caused it to be amputated"

Maybe, just MAYBE...... ships are BA-A-A-A-D!!!

campingboy 07-24-2003 06:42 PM

July 24

1846 Toronto Ontario - First Canadian demonstration of the electric telegraph at Toronto city hall.

Nubian 07-25-2003 06:27 AM

July 25
1978: The birth of the world's first test tube baby was announced in Manchester, England.

dm383 07-25-2003 05:05 PM

July 25th
"Today in 2000, Concorde crashes on take off from Paris airport, killing all 109 people on board plus 5 on the ground!"

Makes me think I should dig my parachute out of storage!

dm383 07-25-2003 05:14 PM

July 26th
I know it's a bit early, but we won't be here again til a week tomorrow!!

"In 1995, the eternal flame that burns in the Russian town of Taganrog to honour those killed in WW2, went out. The town had not paid it's gas bill!!"



Nubian 07-26-2003 09:22 AM

July 26...

Comedian and actor Paul Reubens, aka Pee-wee Herman, was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of indecent exposure outside of an adult movie theater in Sarosota, Florida. Reubens apparently was masturbating while watching a porno flick in the theater. Following the arrest, toy stores across the nation removed all Pee-wee toys, and his kiddie-show career was destroyed.

Nubian 07-27-2003 08:48 AM

July 27
At the GOP Convention 43 years ago tonight, Oregon Governor Mark Hatfield nominated Vice President Richard Nixon for the Presidency; 29 years ago today, the US House drew up articles of impeachment against President Nixon for obstructing justice in the Watergate case.

Nubian 07-28-2003 06:08 AM

July 28

The singing telegram started when the first person to receive one, singer Rudy Vallee, got it for his 32nd birthday.

campingboy 07-28-2003 09:48 AM

Born July 28, Terry Fox 1958-1981,

marathoner, was born on this day at Winnipeg in 1958. Terry lost a leg to bone cancer in 1977 and started his cross-Canada 'Marathon of Hope' in St. John's on April 12, 1980 to raise money to fight the disease. Before he had to end the marathon Sept 1 in Thunder Bay, when cancer was discovered in his lungs, he had run almost 5400 km, and raised over $1.7 million. He gave up his fight on June 28, 1981 in New Westminster, BC, but thousands of Canadians run every year in his memory.

Nubian 07-29-2003 12:45 PM

July 29...
1981: Charles and Diana marry

Thousands line the streets of London to glimpse Prince Charles and Lady Diana on their wedding day.

campingboy 07-29-2003 03:22 PM

July 29 in 1907 London England

- Sir Robert Baden-Powell forms the Boy Scout movement, with assistance from Canadian financier Lord Strathcona.

Nubian 07-30-2003 06:42 AM

July 30...
1966: England win football's World Cup for the first time since the tournament began in 1930.

Nubian 07-31-2003 06:53 PM

July 31...

The British Government announces a total ban on landmines, a month before the first anniversary of the death of Princess Diana.

dm383 08-02-2003 04:51 PM

August 1st
"In 1995 an Egyptian newspaper reported the deaths of 6 people who had jumped in to a well........ to save a chicken!"

Fries with that?!?!

(Thanks to Nubian and campingboy for keeping this going!!)

dm383 08-02-2003 05:00 PM

August 2nd
"In 1964, North Vietnam fired on a U.S. destroyer sat in the Gulf of Tonkin...... and began the Vietnam War."

To my shame, I never realised it had gone on for SO long! :(


Nubian 08-03-2003 12:40 PM

August 3rd
1978: The Queen officially opened the 11th Commonwealth Games in Edmonton, Canada.

dm383 08-03-2003 03:27 PM

August 3rd
In 1925, a court in Indiana ordered a motorist who had run over & killed a pedestrian to spend an hour with the body.

Now that's what I call a punishment!

gryphon 08-03-2003 06:01 PM

August 3rd 1914, germany declares war on France

Nubian 08-04-2003 09:43 AM

August 4th
1964: FBI agents uncover the bodies of three missing civil rights workers at a dam near Philadelphia, Mississippi.

dm383 08-04-2003 09:02 PM

August 5th
In 1992 Jeff Porcaro, drummer with rock band Toto, died after inhaling pesticide fumes from his garden

I KNEW I didn't like gardening!!

Nubian 08-05-2003 08:48 PM

August 5th
1962: Marilyn Monroe found dead

Film actress Marilyn Monroe is found dead in her bed with an empty bottle of sleeping tablets by her side.

dicksbro 08-05-2003 10:31 PM

Just wanted to tell you two what a terrific job you're doing with these little bits of trivia. Very interesting reading. Thanks!

dm383 08-06-2003 04:13 AM

August 6th
Today in 1945, the first A-bomb is dropped on Hiroshima, Japan; killing (an estimated) 140,000 people.

Just wanted to tell you two what a terrific job you're doing with these little bits of trivia. Very interesting reading. Thanks!

You're welcome dicksbro..... it's kinda fun!


dm383 08-06-2003 07:39 PM

August 7th
US embassies in Nairobi,Kenya and Tanzania, were bombed this day in 1998, killing 224 people and injuring over 5,500. Osama bin Laden is later indicted for the attack.

Many of those mentioned above were Kenyan/Tanzanian nationals...... this guy has just NEVER cared who he hurts.

dicksbro 08-07-2003 06:17 AM

BTW ... Did you know that in 1957 Oliver Hardy (comedian of Laurel & Hardy fame), died at age 65.

dm383 08-07-2003 05:21 PM

Thanks for joining in db...... if you have any more, PLEASE jump right in!!! :)


dm383 08-07-2003 07:16 PM

August 8th
Crr-ay-zee Postie!!

Award-winning carrier John Merlin Tailor is teased by four colleagues in Oak Glen, California, in 1989. Three days later he puts on his uniform, goes into work, and shoots them with a .22 pistol

Just you deliver that letter WHENEVER you like, mate!!!


darogle 08-08-2003 05:16 PM

Today, Aug 8th in

1588 - The Spanish Armada, numbering 130 massive ships, were defeated by the English sailors with their smaller, easily maneuvered ships. 1945 - President Truman signed the United Nations Charter.

1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte set sail for St. Helena to spend the remainder of his days in exile.

1963 - A group of 15 thieves stole seven million dollars in Britain’s Great Train Robbery. Scotland Yard called the theft, "Britain’s biggest robbery ever attempted." Fingerprints identified all but three of the gang. One of the convicted escaped, and was never again caught.

1974 - Richard Nixon announced on television he was resigning for his part in the Watergate scandal, effective midday on August 9. He was the first United States president to resign from office.

1990 - Iraq announced that it had annexed Kuwait as its 19th province and President Bush sent United States troops to Saudi Arabia as part of a multi-national force to defend the kingdom.

dm383 08-09-2003 06:24 AM

August 9th
Sorry, another depressing one!

"Today in 1945, the United States explodes it's sole remaining Nuclear Bomb over Nagasaki, Japan, killing an estimated 74,000 people"

Darogle, thanks for playing..... got any more?


dicksbro 08-09-2003 06:48 AM

Here's another for today ... August 9, 1842 saw the US-Canada border defined by Webster-Ashburton Treaty.

darogle 08-09-2003 01:36 PM

Well sure, I got more DM....

Today (aug 9th) in:

1854 - Henry David Thoreau published "Walden," which described his experiences while living near Walden Pond in Massachusetts.

1859 - The escalator was patented by Nathan Ames of Saugus, Massachusetts.

1893 - In New York City, America’s first bowling magazine was published. Its title: "Gut Holz"

1930 - The sexy cartoon girl, Betty Boop, made her debut on this date in the animated short, Dizzy Dishes .

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