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Lovediva 02-10-2003 12:45 PM

Extra - marrital affairs.
If given the right circumstances...and nobody would ever find out..especially your spouse/So....

Would you or wouldn't you have one?

Be honest!! :D

Peacelul 02-10-2003 01:22 PM

The idea appeals to me but I have too much of a conscience, feel too guilty too easily. Would rather have my partner involved, if she is willing.

Sharni 02-10-2003 01:23 PM

Nope i wouldn't

The guilt would eat me up inside

Loren 02-10-2003 02:27 PM

Re: Extra - marrital affairs.
Originally posted by Lovediva
If given the right circumstances...and nobody would ever find out..especially your spouse/So....

Would you or wouldn't you have one?

Be honest!! :D

Nobody find out?? I would know!

celticangel 02-10-2003 04:39 PM

have been there-------the pain was too great--------if I stopped loving my partner and found that I was attracted to someone-else I would hope I would be strong enough to end one relationship before heading out on another----------------

I have too much respect for my s/o and wouldn't hurt him for the world-----------------also I can't see me ever being in that position------who couldn't love a wee furry super hero!

dm383 02-10-2003 05:04 PM

If given the right circumstances...and nobody would ever find out..especially your spouse/So....

Trouble is........ they DO find out!! Almost always, sooner or later.

Some of you may already know, that this is how my marriage ended.... "grass is greener " etc.etc. ......... well, Bollocks it is!
I am a very lucky guy, in that I found someone who takes me for what & who I am; but who also knows (I hope!) that I would rather cut it off, than even THINK of cheating on her....... she has given me trust that I'm still not sure I fully deserve; she is, quite simply, MY Angel!! SO, the answer is a definite NO.

You're the best, sweetie....... and I luv ya!! :D


Vintage Vixen 02-10-2003 05:11 PM

Absolutely not...wouldn't take the chance of losing the best guy in my life.No way,no how would it be worth it.

luc328 02-10-2003 05:18 PM

No way would I cheat. The trust your spouse/SO places in your fidelity is awe-inspiring. You can never truly get it back if you screw up.

Missy1965 02-10-2003 05:54 PM

I was married to someone a few years ago that I considered my best friend yet I wasn't attracted to him sexually throughout most of our marriage which last a few years. Things were nice between us he was so good to me and would have done anything for me no matter what it was as I was to him. However, not being attracted to someone one sexually was extremely hard to deal with on a day to day basis for years and I was very frustrated but I still never cheated on him. Instead, we divorced and we each moved on with our lives. So if I would never cheat on someone I wasn't attracted to then I couldn't imagine cheating on someone I was really attracted to. So no matter how tempting it may be I just wouldn't ever do it. I couldn't live with myself after.

Lilith 02-10-2003 05:59 PM


Tess 02-10-2003 07:36 PM

Interesting question...

I've been married (and divorced) twice. I know my first wife had several affairs, the second one did not. I only strayed once during both marriages. Is it right? No. Is it wrong. Probably.

I guess the bottom line is that going outside the marital bounds is a situation where you have to weigh what the risk is. The loss of the marriage is largest possible consequence. And the confusion and pain of the children of that marriage has to be considered should the marriage end.

But if you're on your way out of the marriage anyway, the risk is very small, so why the hell not.

Sometimes the risk is what makes the affair exciting anyway. If there wasn't the risk, would the affair be as exciting? I think that is where you'll find the truth of the matter.

Lilith 02-10-2003 07:58 PM

Re: Extra - marrital affairs.
Originally posted by Lovediva
If given the right circumstances...and nobody would ever find out..especially your spouse/So....

Would you or wouldn't you have one?

Be honest!! :D

This is the question..............nobody would ever find out.........so the question for me is can you do it and live with knowing you did it?

rabbit 02-10-2003 08:28 PM

Yes...if it was the right situation with the right person.


Missy1965 02-10-2003 09:17 PM

No matter what still wouldn't do it no matter how much I wanted to.

txgrneyes 02-10-2003 10:44 PM

If something is missing from the relationship and your s/o wouldn't try that something for one reason or another and somebody offered it to you. Your honestly telling me that you wouldn't if the circumstances were right.

I beleive I would...not to hurt him but to satisfy me...and make me happy for a while so I can try to convince him to try so I wouldn't have to.

Lovediva 02-11-2003 06:25 AM

OHHHHHh Rabbbbittttttttttttttttt.......I have this situation..............

..............that I need help with! ;) :D

Bilbo 02-11-2003 07:11 AM

I did,
it was the wrong thing to do, for all the wrong reasons, Revenge!

Damn near killed me with guilt, I had to tell Sharni, was very rocky for awhile but Love concures all

Smurf 02-11-2003 07:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
situations ???:D

dm383 02-11-2003 07:28 AM

There have been a lot of interesting answers to this thread already, and I've been "surprised" by some of the answers........ anyhow,,,,,

Originally posted by Lilith
This is the question..............nobody would ever find out.........so the question for me is can you do it and live with knowing you did it?

Previously, I could (and did) live with the guilt aspect of an affair; now though, I don't think I could. The nearest I'll EVER come to an affair now, is enjoying the pictures that the lovely Pixie ladies post here; the Angel knows I look and is OK with it, so it's "cool". If she objected though, well I guess I'd stop... she means WAY too much to me to jeopardise what we have.

Rest assured (??) though ladies.... there'll be Plenty more comments from the SuperRodent on your lovely pics!! xx


fzzy 02-11-2003 07:40 AM

I couldn't do it .... mainly because it would leave me feeling so ..... wrong ... that's the only word I can think of to describe it .... I wouldn't know who I was anymore if I were to make that choice.

rabbit 02-11-2003 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Lovediva
OHHHHHh Rabbbbittttttttttttttttt.......I have this situation..............

..............that I need help with! ;) :D

Oh, Diva...do tell! ;)


don73153 02-11-2003 09:11 PM

I have the feeling that if I love someone enough to marry them, then cheating isn't even thought about.

When it IS considered, then it's time to re evaluate the situation.


ericthered 02-12-2003 06:22 PM

No - affairs are out - irresponsible -lying's not good for you.

However, if I ever find a naked blonde in my hotel bed, I won't think twice. She made me do it, honey, honest!

hagel9 02-12-2003 07:48 PM

I would Only if my mate was involved so I am going to say No, I don't dare

Brian_Watt 02-12-2003 08:54 PM

The guilt of doing that would kill me. I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt my girl. I love her too much

scotzoidman 02-12-2003 11:00 PM

Had to answer "I don't know"...I wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize my marriage, & I have a guilty face...but I know better than to say "Never"...
Diva, did you have a particular circumstance in mind? ;)

Lovediva 02-13-2003 10:27 AM

Yes.....I do. :)

You see...I have this ITCH deep down inside........and I can't seem to reach it....... :(

Think you can help me out???;) :D

xanne 02-13-2003 11:04 AM

I have to agree with Scotz and say "I don't know". I was very tempted last year with my S/O being so far away and us having such a rocky patch, but it didn't happen. But I was surprised how close it came to happening............

Oldfart 02-13-2003 01:43 PM

I'll go with Lilith and say, under the right circumstances and a guarantee

of no-one ever knowing, yes.

Lilith 02-13-2003 01:47 PM

TY I felt like the lone tramp:p

inman 02-14-2003 01:34 AM

no I will never...... i love my wife and she gives me everything i need...... hen why should i choose another affair..... not necessary.

but for other if they dont get what they want they may go..... there is nothing wrong.

vampeyes 02-14-2003 08:46 AM

I've gotta say yes especially if the circumstances were right and he didn't find out.. Hell who am I kidding if the circumstances weren't right I might do it LMAO :D Sometimes ya just need some!!!!!!!!

hairypalmblind 02-14-2003 09:48 AM

It sure is fun to DREAM about cheating...like while masturbating...but, as with many fantasies, actually DOING it presents far more risks than potential benefits.

I am constantly amazed the power of sexuality...while in the presence of a sexy woman...or while masturbating and fantasizing...I can imagine myself betraying my wonderful wife...my family....and for just a F__ck?

No doubt this man is hard wired for "sticking it in any available hole" as many females will describe. But, I was also given a mind, and a conscience, and it has, and will continue, to prevail.

Sex with a new partner, as great, and compelling as it is, is not worth such sacrifice.

skipthisone 02-14-2003 09:52 AM

Vampeyes you just put it perfectly right!!

BlueSwede 02-15-2003 10:41 PM

I don't like the 3 choices (but I voted anyway). I wanted a fourth choice: No, because I don't believe in being unfaithful to my partner. Even if my partner never knew about it, I would know about it and have to live w/my own conscience.

BlueSwede 02-15-2003 10:45 PM

What Don said reminds me of my fiance's favorite quote (his grandfather's quote, really): If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, try watering your own lawn.

whitehorse 02-16-2003 03:48 AM

Always faithful
Sorry, couldn't vote. When in a relationship, I am always faithful, whether I'll be found out or not.:D

Sugarsprinkles 02-16-2003 04:54 AM

Originally posted by txgrneyes
If something is missing from the relationship and your s/o wouldn't try that something for one reason or another and somebody offered it to you. Your honestly telling me that you wouldn't if the circumstances were right.

I beleive I would...not to hurt him but to satisfy me...and make me happy for a while so I can try to convince him to try so I wouldn't have to.

Very well phrased, txgrneyes!

This is precisely the situation I find myself in. Up until 10 months ago I would have adamantly insisted that I would NEVER cheat.
But one can only take so much neglect. I love him dearly, and would never leave him, especially after investing over 30 years in our basically happy marriage. If he ever finds out, I can honestly say that I tried everything I could to get him to understand what I need from him that he is both incapable of providing, and unwilling to try alternatives to provide.
What I am doing is NOT meant to hurt him, spite him, or "get even" with him in any way. It is simply because I found someone who is happy to provide what I need, and I believe I'm doing the same for him.

hitachi 03-05-2003 06:07 PM

No I would not be able to cheat. I lived through this when my spouse had an affair about 8 years ago. The deception and the lies nearly tore us apart. The fact that she went behind my back is what was so hard. I actually new about it the first night, we had been fighting a lot at the time and she told me what she was going to do and I let her do it instead of losing her all together. The next day she felt so terrible a bout it and said it would never happen again. Well it went on for about a year be hind my back, every time I confronted her she lied about it and told me I was overreacting and making something out of nothing. That’s what was so hard, the LIES and the lack of respect she had for our marriage. Once things finally ended, it took a few years to get our trust in each other back, she still carries some guilt around even after all this time. I could never go through an affair again.
Now if I new about it upfront I could handle a threesome or sharing her with someone else (this has always been a fantasy). But there is just know way I could approach a situation like that without clear understanding of what we expect out of the situation and having the trust and support of each other.

BigBear57 03-05-2003 08:52 PM

Had it done to me and it hurts like hell, no way I'd do that to anybody I loved. No way.

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