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Missy1965 10-31-2002 09:38 PM

Horny all the time
Ok.....To all the ladies out there of all ages. Guys feel free to jump in too I would like to hear your input as well. When would you say is the age that we supposedly hit our sexual peak? I am 37 and have been having sex for quite a few years and I gotta say that for the past few weeks I can't seem get enough of it. Maybe it has something to do with finally being with someone who totally pleases the hell out of me because I never enjoyed, wanted or needed it as much as I have over the past year. I have actually become a freak about it. HaHaHa!!!! I have heard 30's are the prime for women and I have heard 40's and so on. If that is true boy do I have alot to look forward to. I would like to hear your comments on this. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

BlueSwede 10-31-2002 11:02 PM

I'm older than you are by a long shot, and I haven't hit it yet. Not all of the kinds of orgasms I have can be triggered in a flash, but I have more types of orgasms and much stronger and longer-lasting orgasms than ever before. It just keeps getting better....

BlueSwede 10-31-2002 11:05 PM

And, yes, if I could, I'd have sex at least once daily. The question wouldn't be when am I horny but when am I not.

Steph 11-01-2002 11:49 AM

Like you mentioned, Missy, it could have something to do with your significant other. Also, I'm 28 and I think sex is getting better and better and better!

robin44 11-01-2002 11:51 AM

I am 44 and found that sex is getting better with age, certainly an increase in variation ;-)

LixyChick 11-01-2002 05:45 PM

The saying goes.........."With age comes wisdom!" I am more wise to my body and what I need to feel good now. I have experimented throughout the years and I know what I like and what I don't like. I do not fear pregnancy as I did when I was younger. I've come to love myself and realize I AM worth "IT". "IT" is anything that makes ME feel good as opposed to trying to please any other despite whether I am pleased. Sex and self love have increased in intensity.....YES!

I am 44 now.........when I was 24 I would have typed you a different response! I love me and what I have become..............mature!

*Using the edit feature* AK? I posted just before you, but I still had edit time and so I had to say...........

"And here's to you Mrs. Robinson.........Heaven holds a place for those who pray.......hey, hey , hey! What's that you say Mrs. Robinson......Joltin Joe has left and gone away........hey, hey,hey".

Teehee, sweety! I robbed the cradle!

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 11-01-2002 05:45 PM

Well as the youngest person to post to this thread so far (24) I have to say it looks like I've got a lot to look forward to!!

But FYI Missy, I think that the 'official' sexual peak for women is around age 30 while for men it's around age 18. . . I wonder if that means there are a lot of 'Mrs Robinson' type relationships going on out there that we don't know about?!

Missy1965 11-01-2002 06:03 PM

Thanks for the responses. I think I agree too with all of you. I am surprised to hear that 18 is a mans peak time. I don' think anyone at 18 or at least anyone I have ever been with at that age knew what they were doing. So I find that hard to imagine. I would like to think men get better with age too or us women are in trouble....hahahaha

Ironwood 11-01-2002 06:36 PM

Originally posted by A.K.'s Sex-Pot
But FYI Missy, I think that the 'official' sexual peak for women is around age 30 while for men it's around age 18. . .

I don't think I hit mine until I was 30-something, but there were extenuating circumstances.

Missy1965 11-01-2002 06:44 PM

Extenuating circumstances Ironwood? Can i be nosy and ask what they were?

Ironwood 11-01-2002 07:04 PM

I was a virgin until I was 23, and then monogamous for about 10 years with a woman who didn't have much of a sex drive. It wasn't until (very shortly) after we divorced that I had my first proper seeing-to, and the woman responsible was well-satisfied also. Since then I've been as active as my standards allow. ;)

You know I didn't imagine anyone would ask. :p

Missy1965 11-01-2002 07:22 PM

Yes, I was curious and I have to say It's refreshing to see a man who is open and honest about things. It took me alot of years also to have a "proper seeing to". I think we do mature sexually with age and if that is true the up coming years should be outrageous..hahaha

dicksbro 11-01-2002 07:27 PM

I think age is secondary to attitude. I'm 59 and it's true ... I don't just jump to attention and don't really experience premature ejaculation anymore. But see, that's good. I'm more patient letting me concentrate more on my wife's needs and as I am better able to respond to those needs, I feel great satisfaction on top of my own climaxing.

I think with age is patience which compensates in many ways for the body slowing down some. ;)

( Then again, you Pixie ladies do have a powerful inflluence on us guys ... :D )

Missy1965 11-01-2002 07:47 PM

Hello Dicksbro...You sound like a very mature minded man. The fact that you care about pleasing your wife over your own needs is really nice to hear. I can remember when I was younger and being with a guy (I won't say a man) was pretty much all about him getting off probably becasue he didn't know how to please a woman..hahaha. Now that I am older (37) I can also say things are so much better for me. I am with someone now who takes the time to please me too. Boy does he ever!!!!!!!!!!

dicksbro 11-01-2002 07:51 PM

Missy, that's great ... for you and him and I'm sincerely happy for the both of you!

By the way, welcome to Pixies! I really think it's the best site on the web and the place to have the most fun. Enjoy! :D

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