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Lilith 08-01-2002 11:46 PM

[email protected] can I get ya lovies@~
OK....Good Morning! *kiss* ....you just woke up...

What do you usually have for breakfast???? Have to make sure I have it in the house when you sleep over;):p

Reverend Silky 08-01-2002 11:48 PM

if anything, oatmeal or Raisin Bran. usually nuthin. but apple-cinnamon oatmeal is the fuckin magic.

PantyFanatic 08-02-2002 03:03 AM

*Cigarette*, COFFEE! and a ~Shower~

dicksbro 08-02-2002 03:06 AM

Maybe some bacon and eggs with the coffee, although, we could just sleep in :D :D

Bilbo 08-02-2002 03:45 AM

OH! just 1/2 grapefruit thanks


Bilbo 08-02-2002 03:45 AM

maybe a Vegemite Sandwich

lixnlix69 08-02-2002 05:01 AM

A slice of cold pizza would be wonderful! But could we make it more like brunch? I hate to eat when I first get up.

Mr. Lix will have coffee, toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, and more coffee.........he loves his breakfast (ergo the reason I leave before him in the morning....I ain't cooking all that!).

TY for asking Lil!!!!!!

Mrs Lix

FussyPucker 08-02-2002 05:11 AM

*pulling Lilith back under the covers* breakfast can wait an hour......or three right babe ? hehehe :D

mmmmmmmmm that's better now I think some lovely toast and a bowl of cereal washed down with your great coffee :)

All I need now is one of your lovely warm smiles and a peck on the cheek and I'm ready to face the world !

Thanks you're a n angel

legend 08-02-2002 05:27 AM

just some cornflakes and a cuppa tea

Eros 08-02-2002 08:12 AM

I'm with PF, gimme a smoke, some coffee, and a shower One of those bagel sandwiches from McDonalds would be good too, the ham, egg, and cheese ones are the best.

heatluvintxn 08-02-2002 08:16 AM

Pop tarts or granola bars are the breakfest of choice in my domain.

That and a Dr. Pepper for the caffine :D.

skipthisone 08-02-2002 08:32 AM

An orange or apple and a moutain dew. Vitamin C and a massive dose of caffiene...oh and a side of Lilith please

Irish 08-02-2002 08:34 AM

SlimFast Ultra powder&skim milk. (2)two cups of coffee.Vitamin pills,Glutamin,+perscribed pills.Depending on blood-sugar reading;
sometimes Met-Rx&skim milk instead of SlimFast.Glass of juice!

Grumble 08-02-2002 09:16 AM

well I always have weeties and fruit(usually a banana)with low fat milk, a couple of slices of mixed grain toast with some cheese and a cup of white tea (english breakfast) heaps of tablets and two injections

xanne 08-02-2002 09:50 AM

Tall skim latte and a carbo (muffin, cereal, toast, danish, something.......)

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