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TinTennessee 06-29-2006 08:48 PM

In My Hands!
I'm holding my copy of the NEW Laurell K. Hamilton book (Danse Macabre), hot off the presses, that I got today and I CAN hardly wait to start it!

Just needed to share...you may now resume your normal perving! :roflmao:

Mercury_Maniac 06-29-2006 09:40 PM

i thought i was perving when i saw the title! :D

Cheyanne 06-29-2006 09:49 PM

Originally Posted by TinTennessee
I'm holding my copy of the NEW Laurell K. Hamilton book (Danse Macabre), hot off the presses, that I got today and I CAN hardly wait to start it!

Just needed to share...you may now resume your normal perving! :roflmao:

Ha! I now know what I will be purchasing this weekend! YAY! : ) No spoilers! :D

Lilith 06-29-2006 10:08 PM

Interesting...perhaps Stephen King should sue since he has a book by the same title


imaginewithme 06-29-2006 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by TinTennessee
I'm holding my copy of the NEW Laurell K. Hamilton book (Danse Macabre), hot off the presses, that I got today and I CAN hardly wait to start it!

Just needed to share...you may now resume your normal perving! :roflmao:

Actually it looks like you're holding some pretty boobies to me


Ok, sorry! :sad:

sodaklostsoul 06-30-2006 12:45 AM

I got mine a couple of days ago...............it's pretty good so far. I'm on chapter 20. :)

Lost 06-30-2006 02:19 AM

got mine yesterday,
another Pixies member dropped it off for me since she finished it


have a series to finish reading before i start it though :(

wyndhy 06-30-2006 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
Interesting...perhaps Stephen King should sue since he has a book by the same title


a teeny bit of fyi:
titles cannot normally be copyrighted because short phrases do not meet the minimal copyright requirements. there are lots of books and movies that share the same title

enjoy the story TT!!

Aqua 06-30-2006 12:32 PM

I thought of King's book too. While it's not something that can be copyrighted, using a well known book title to me is like using a well known song title.

Would any band dare call a new song 'Stairway to Heaven'?

Now, I don't think King's book, 'Danse Macabre', enjoys quite the same popularity as 'Stairway', but I would say SK is as well known as Zeppelin.


All I really meant to say was,

Enjoy your book TT!! :D

TinTennessee 06-30-2006 11:14 PM

Originally Posted by Mercury_Maniac
i thought i was perving when i saw the title! :D

You naughty boy..where was YOUR mind? :boink:

TinTennessee 06-30-2006 11:19 PM

Chey....No WAY would I spoil it for you. No way would I tell you that Anita might..... :)

Lil and Aqua...Don't care what she calls it, as long as she keeps writing!

IMW....thank ya darlin', but yours are prettier :D

SD.....It's good isn't it?

Lost....hurry so you can start it...it's really, really, really good so far :)

Wyn and Aqua...thanks..wanna borrow it when I'm thru? lol

sodaklostsoul 07-01-2006 12:02 AM

It's great.....I'm a little over half way thru the book. I'd be done by now if I did'nt have to work!!!!

sodaklostsoul 07-01-2006 01:05 AM

Dang it!!!!!!!! I need to sleep.........but I can't stop reading!!!!!!!!

TinTennessee 07-01-2006 06:30 AM

Originally Posted by sodaklostsoul
Dang it!!!!!!!! I need to sleep.........but I can't stop reading!!!!!!!!

LOL I know how you feel. I stayed up late last night reading, after pulling a 60 hour work week and now I have to be up for a 4th of July parade that my mom and step-dad have to take part in...I'm such a good daughter cause...


:curse: :hair: :roflmao:

ShadowDancer 07-01-2006 08:34 PM

I got mine on the 29th too...
and have already FINISHED IT!!! WAS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD. Anyone who wishes, I'm willing to discuss in PM! There were some parts that were just...GRRRRRRR....!

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