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Lilith 06-28-2006 02:29 PM

Rx: Sex
Have you ever had an extended time when your partner was unable to have sex? How did you handle it? How did they handle it?

Any ideas on how solo sex with a partner can be intimate?

Scarecrow 06-28-2006 02:58 PM

Things kind of had to go hand to mouth for awhile.

wyndhy 06-28-2006 03:00 PM

watching the other masturbate...or mastubating them yourself ;)

and of course there's oral. about a week or so after my c-sec's, i felt ok enough to get comfy on the bed and he'd just fuck my mouth. carfully. slowly. and oh so gently so i didn't get jiggled around. he'd often end up jerking off toward the end cause the need to go fast overwhelmed but it was always fun. and athough i'd get that please-please-please-fill-me-now ache on occasion, i found i loved it even if i didn't (or wasn't allowed to :p) cum. so i guess i handled it just fine

and i think my partner handled it pretty well, too. :p;)

Bardog 06-28-2006 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
Have you ever had an extended time when your partner was unable to have sex?

I'm tempted to answer YES and add that the extended time is called "Marriage" ! :pissed:

But I fear if I did I would get :spank: or at least :whack:

Originally Posted by Lilith
How did you handle it?

Sometimes a man has to just take matters into his own hands......

So I guess I can't add any really good ideas.....

imaginewithme 06-28-2006 03:40 PM

Unfortunately I've had to do the "no sex" ordered by the doctor on several different occasions in the past 5 years or so. Several of them being 6 weeks at a time. one time after a major surgery and not being allowed to have sex I gave him oral and he kissed all over me. It was very nice.

You know kind of like when you were just dating someone and kissing and kissing that felt so good????

Then of course after I had the baby had to wait 6 weeks....but that was fine with me...HAHAHA the baby was birth control herself! But we had the calender marked for 6 weeks exactly and had a good ol' time.

Aqua 06-28-2006 04:53 PM

I've gone through a Dr ordered dry spell. Mrs. Aqua took some special pics for me and would let me do some light groping until she was able to climb back in the saddle.

Matticus 06-28-2006 05:30 PM

I could not have sex for about two weeks after my vasecotmy reversal. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night and she would be petting the kitty with much vigor. :loveshowe

I was in so much pain that sex was kind of far from my mind but here little secret thing in the darkness, when she thought I was asleep. That got me right back into action.

Glyndwr 06-28-2006 06:36 PM

Pretty much all of the above. Slowly carefully using your imagination, there are hands, mouth, feet, household objects, the contents of the fruit bowl, but most of all lots of hugging and reassuring ;)

Jude30 06-28-2006 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
Have you ever had an extended time when your partner was unable to have sex? How did you handle it? How did they handle it?

Any ideas on how solo sex with a partner can be intimate?

As I've said before when my wife was pregnant we weren't able to have sex from the time we found out untill six weeks after the birth. So it was nearly nine months. It sucked. She wasn't even allowed to have orgasms because of their affect on the cervix. So we together as a couple didn't do anything. I didn't want to go to her for blow jobs if I couldn't reciprocate. We abstained from making out because that would only lead to her getting hot and bothered with no way of release and a lot of time before going into the hospital she was already arroused a lot of the time and it seemed cruel to me to increase that arousal in any way. To be honest we cheated a few times either her giving me oral or very quick anal, but I always felt bad afterwards for leaving her high and dry so it just became easier to masturbate alone. I felt no need to make her feel any worse about her inability to take care of my needs.

sodaklostsoul 06-28-2006 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by Glyndwr
Pretty much all of the above. Slowly carefully using your imagination, there are hands, mouth, feet, household objects, the contents of the fruit bowl, but most of all lots of hugging and reassuring ;)

Fruit Bowl!!! :brows:

Lilith 06-29-2006 08:03 AM

Thanks for the replies. I think I just feel disconnected. Even the way we sleep right now is different and I am just looking forward to feeling intimate again even if not having 'swinging from the chandelier' sex.

wyndhy 06-29-2006 08:14 AM

i know what you mean lil...for days i slept in the lr on the lazyboy. when i could finally get that big bear hug after a while and snuggle (not usually a snuggler, me, but we always want what we can't have :p:D), well, one of the bestest hugses and snuggleses ever.

hang in there! (((hugs)))

WildIrish 06-29-2006 03:43 PM

Is Mr. Lil feeling disconnected as well?

Twice now I was in a situation where I had to abstain from sex because of surgical procedures, and three times it was Mrs. WI that had to avoid intercourse after childbirth. In each case, it was more difficult for me than it was for her. Not for the lack of sex, but for the lack of intimacy. Mrs. WI is not a huggy & kissy person, so without the intimacy of sex...well, there weren't many other viable options. Sitting around holding hands lost it's luster quickly.

Leave him notes, with each leading to the other, and the last one leading to you on the couch. Give him a kiss when he arrives and tell him you miss being close.

If that doesn't work, tell him your breasts ache for his tongue. That one always works for me. :D

Lilith 07-03-2006 09:08 AM

Last night Mr. Lil was in the shower with me, shaving my legs for me. I was feeling quasi humilliated, then he stood up. Lovely. Being that something about running his soapy hands over my body was making him feel good I kissed him and moved one of his hands to my breast and one to his dick. It was sexy and steamy and hot. He still digs me.

Aqua 07-03-2006 10:50 AM

Sounds yummy Lil!

Won't be too long before there's handcuffs involved. ;)

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