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lizzardbits 05-12-2005 11:07 PM

Amazon Women Warriors
1 Attachment(s)
I now understand why in Greek mythology, it was thought that Amazon Women Warriors lopped off, seared off, or rid themselves of a breast for shooting their bow and arrows. My friends that live in the Missouri Ozarks use compound bows to deer and game hunt. I was able to shoot many arrows over several days time and each day, i hit my left breast at least 3 times. (yes yes, i was trying to keep it away from my body, but it seemed that everytime i smacked myself, i got a bullseye)

so i am proud of my very colorful bruise, and outshooting a dude that has been shooting for over 20 years. And his fiance, my best friend, hit a bullseye the 3rd time she ever shot the bow and arrow. We are so proud of ourselves and our chant this last week was "We are Women! Hear us ROAR!"

i just thought i would share my story :D

cowgirltease 05-12-2005 11:33 PM

BOOOYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :line:
Dang woman you earned your stripes!

sodaklostsoul 05-12-2005 11:58 PM

Yikes that looks painfull!!!

mayhem1978 05-13-2005 01:49 AM

awwwwwwwwww sweetie bring that over here and let me kiss it better

PantyFanatic 05-13-2005 06:10 AM

:yikes: :faint:

Of all the thoughts I have about doing something with your breasts, …… THAT has never been part of the visions. Buy a gun. ;)

lizzardbits 05-13-2005 07:01 AM

but i don't want a gun, LOL, i like the work out that drawing back that heavy bowstring and knowing that I can shoot that thing and accurately as well.

My friend that deer hunts is now trying to convince me to go deer hunting with him, nah, I'd rather shoot at targets.

Lilith 05-13-2005 07:03 AM

Excellent! I've always wanted to try it...on targets.

wyndhy 05-13-2005 08:54 AM

sweet! congrats on mastering the bow and arrow

OUCH! :x:'s and ice packs

Teddy Bear 05-16-2005 12:47 PM

chest guard rather then ouchieee!
2 Attachment(s)
I think the Greeks made up that about removing a breast to make the other Greek guys think the Amazons lacked 'womanhood', make them unappealing in other words. The myth is kinda like a modern day hoax. ;)

For any woman interested in archery you need to get a 'chest guard'. Saves having alot of pain and will allow you more time on the range.
This is a good one... http://www.alternativess.com/cgi-bi...853649364974238
(Its a busy site and is sometimes not availible, if you don't get through at first, keep trying.) :)

In old days a tight leather vest was worn. The Japanese had a special lacquered wood chest plate.

I was told all this by Master who is a traditional long bow archer Himself and teaches it to any who wish to learn. (He also added: 'It hurts when I pop my arm, but OMG her breast... ouch.')

Congrats Lizz!! Proud of ya girl! :) :D

WildIrish 05-16-2005 02:28 PM

Seeing a bruised boobie like that brings a tear to my eye! Please be careful with such a delicate and sexy thing.

When you're not in bed. :D

Cobalt 05-16-2005 02:38 PM

OOUCh, Shooting bow is more of a challenge isn't it. I got some protien that might help that heal faster! :D

lizzardbits 05-18-2005 04:00 AM

thank you Teddy Bear! I bookmarked that page. i have to say that while i was shooting i was thinking about making a duct tape bra and pulling myself out of the way with that (tape OVER clothing of course) I will look into ordering one before i shoot again and after i get back from the UK.

LOL Red Green would be proud of my duct tape bra idea

Cindy Kim 05-18-2005 01:16 PM

Large breasts were not meant to go with fighting. Fortunately for me and my taekwondo pursuits, my breasts are rather small :wiggles:

Kaelynn 05-18-2005 01:26 PM

So apparently I am blessed with small boobs, or at least not ones that want to reach out and grab things... I have shot an arrow before, rather accurately... but never hit myself... and after seeing yours... thank god I didn't... I hope it heals quickly

AngelicVampires 05-18-2005 02:39 PM

Awww, bad bow....bad. Hope your war wound gets better soon.

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