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HarleyRider6769 12-21-2003 11:16 PM

Sex with a Married Person
Ever had sex with a Married Person ? Is it wrong to Be the "Other" In a Relationship ? I have Never Done It , And Have Never Cheated .

jennaflower 12-21-2003 11:18 PM

Nope.. never been with a married man... atleast not that I know of... altho the thought of doing so is inticing.. I don't think that I could do it...

Nice Guy 12-22-2003 12:08 AM

I've been with a married woman, she was seperated but still married.

Cheyanne 12-22-2003 12:11 AM

I have sex with a married man quite often.. hehehe... ;)

PantyFanatic 12-22-2003 12:16 AM

I always thought it was ok to have sex if you were married................... or did you mean married to eachother? ;)

gekkogecko 12-22-2003 12:50 AM


Every time I whack off, I'm having sex with a married person!

nikki1979 12-22-2003 04:44 AM

i used to not care weather the guy was married or not....in my older years , ive not had sex w any guy whatsoever except MY husband. in all honesty , if he cheated i wud not blames the girl id blame him its not her fault . just my mentality tho, ive had so many friends call me crazy but i cant help the way i feel. LOL


Loren 12-22-2003 11:18 AM

Re: Sex with a Married Person
Originally posted by HarleyRider6769
Ever had sex with a Married Person ? Is it wrong to Be the "Other" In a Relationship ? I have Never Done It , And Have Never Cheated .

Having been married 15 years I certainly have!

As for the question you are asking: It would depend on the state of the primary relationship. To me the immoral thing is not having sex with a married person, but acting so as to risk harm to their relationship. There are a lot of marriages where the relationship has already failed but they simply haven't split up for whatever reason. I see nothing wrong in being the other in such a situation. Trying to seduce a happily married person, though, I see as wrong.

RyanČ 12-22-2003 02:00 PM

Nope, I've never "had" a married lady. And I don't intend to, even if the most gorgeous one turned up on my doorstep now. I believe it is wrong.

rabbit 12-22-2003 08:47 PM

Yeah, I have slept with married women when I was single...twice. In both cases, they were the seducers.

Never after I got married, though (except of course with the Mrs).


wyldchyld 12-22-2003 08:53 PM

i've been asked to have sex with a married man...was at a bar and he was in town for a funeral from texas and when we went to dance he asked me to leave with him but i couldnt do it. i guess i just look at it this way--if i ever got married, i dont want another woman sleeping with my husband. i cant do something like that to someone when i dont want it done to myself

seaker 12-22-2003 09:01 PM

I think I'm just an old hippy, I thiink sex is there for the enjoying and ther is nothing wrong with it.

BlondeCurlGirl 12-22-2003 09:02 PM

I can't say I'd rule it out. Like Jennaflower said, the thought of it is very enticing...I guess I'll make that decision when the opportunity presents itself. :eek:

Lilith 12-22-2003 09:18 PM

For me it depends on the reason you are playing around with a married person. If you are just playing to play that is one thing but if you are playing for keeps then that is quite another.

souls_cry2000 12-22-2003 09:23 PM

I've had sex with a married person(s). Whether it's wrong depends on the circumstances I gues. It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye, arm, sexual organ or sees a lawyer.

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