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Lilith 10-13-2003 06:03 AM

-+- Sex Change -+-
If you could change one thing about your sex organ, what would that be?

pompey1 10-13-2003 08:47 AM

Thicker & Longer

Casperr 10-13-2003 09:22 AM

Frequency of use!

Specifially, frequency of use by someone other than myself! :)


jennaflower 10-13-2003 10:02 AM

Hey Casper...

by chance.. would you have any pics of you doing naked cartwheels?? ;)

WildIrish 10-13-2003 10:37 AM

Do I have to change anything?

Well, if someone had a gun to my head and said "Pick something to change or I'll blast ya one", I suppose I'd go with:

making it glow in the dark!

Lunchbox 10-13-2003 10:40 AM

I'm thirty something and my balls are already halfway down my thighs - I just worry where they'll be when I'm sixty four!

What Wild Irish - you mean yours doesn't?

Lilith 10-13-2003 10:48 AM

God I love you people!

skipthisone 10-13-2003 10:54 AM

There is this one position I think is interesting ... a hard 90 degree bend would come in handy sometimes.

Lilith 10-13-2003 11:01 AM

Originally posted by skipthisone
There is this one position I think is interesting ... a hard 90 degree bend would come in handy sometimes.


Vullkan 10-13-2003 12:21 PM

Blushing now...but has anyone heard about Brazilian catfish? The give off a little electrical charge.....so

If my touser howitzer, fired off little bits of electricity to add to the experience, I dare think every lady would be lined up at my door.

Lilith 10-13-2003 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Vullkan
Blushing now...but has anyone heard about Brazilian catfish? The give off a little electrical charge.....so

If my touser howitzer, fired off little bits of electricity to add to the experience, I dare think every lady would be lined up at my door.

"I swear Bernice, he was positively electrifying. So good it made my hair stand on end!" ~rotflmbfao~ :D

Vullkan 10-13-2003 12:34 PM

well the question was asked...so why be selfish?

The greatest part of an experience is on you can share with another

Scarecrow 10-13-2003 01:14 PM

Re: -+- Sex Change -+-
Originally posted by Lilith
If you could change one thing about your sex organ, what would that be?

To stay hard longer:hot:

Sharni 10-13-2003 01:25 PM

Permanent shave would be excellent!

Loulabelle 10-13-2003 02:25 PM

Sharni - that one's got my vote too. Definitely!

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