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White Noise 07-05-2003 05:13 AM

Inter-racial sex
Anyone every done it?

PantyFanatic 07-05-2003 07:03 AM

I think so. So far I've found most homosapien have sex as a common interest. It was jsut good sex for me.;)

Wicked Wanda 07-05-2003 07:21 AM

Silly, tired question.
I have answered this before.
I have had sex with members of both sexes and with so many different skin colors I can not count. I appreciate the contrast in skin colors when we are together, it is ineresting and erotic visually, but if the lights are off, I can't tell any difference.
And that is about as far as anything special about it goes for me.
Stories about white women and "big black men" are silly and tiresome to me, and I suggest that they are more about the subjugation of women than anything else. At least that is how many of them read. All of the black men and women I have bedded have been sweet, wonderful, considerate lovers, because that is who I choose to go to bed with.
OK, I am very tired and a little "headachy/ have a bad sex and alcohol hangover" as I write this so I apologize to anyone I have offended, but "in wine there is truth" yes?

Sexually interacial,


dm383 07-05-2003 07:44 AM

Well said WW. Personally, I have never slept with anyone of a different culture.... but only through lack of opportunity (and shyness, if I'm honest!!) But, like WW, colour doesn't matter, it's the "person inside" that determines whether I'd want to sleep with someone. ('course, I have the perfect lady to share my life/body with now, so it's kind of a moot point anyway! :heart: )

BTW, hope the headache gets better soon Wanda!! XX

Lilith 07-05-2003 08:52 AM

"In RUM there is truth too"~ Lilith

I am thrown by the inter-racial stories as well but understand that unfortunately in some places this is a taboo area or has been. I think newer generations will not see it as taboo. To a 50 year old man raised in Georgia it is most likely taboo and therefore becomes a sex category! To a 19 year old in a major metropolitan are it would just be sex! It's a dying taboo I think!

That being said, I consider my race to be the human one and have dated/ had sex with people of varied racial ethnicities.

quisath 07-05-2003 09:29 AM

Makes no difference in Skin Color....................It's the Partener you choose and how well they wish to share with you. ;)

I have to say that"I just Love a Sex Fiend (manjaca) Like Myself". ;)

Loren 07-05-2003 11:29 AM

Re: Inter-racial sex
Originally posted by White Noise
Anyone every done it?

I've never *NOT* done it!

She's Chinese, I'm white.

BlueSwede 07-05-2003 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Wicked Wanda
Silly, tired question.
I have answered this before.
I have had sex with members of both sexes and with so many different skin colors I can not count. I appreciate the contrast in skin colors when we are together, it is ineresting and erotic visually, but if the lights are off, I can't tell any difference.
And that is about as far as anything special about it goes for me.
Stories about white women and "big black men" are silly and tiresome to me, and I suggest that they are more about the subjugation of women than anything else. At least that is how many of them read. All of the black men and women I have bedded have been sweet, wonderful, considerate lovers, because that is who I choose to go to bed with.

Bravo! Bravo! I couldn't have said it better myself! I also agree w/how Lilith put it as far as why it might be exotic to some. I have never understood the interracial stories either. But we're talking about my life and my family here, so I am rather sensitive when it comes to this subject. I have been part of an interracial couple/family since I was 19 yrs old and will be for the rest of my life considering the fact that I have 2 beautiful biracial children. WW is correct; people are people; there are good lovers in every group and rotten ones as well, and just forget about the damn stereotypes; they're just that--stereotypes.

d5254t 07-05-2003 10:07 PM

I too feel that it is a tired subject not to put down the person asking, since I am sure he was just trying to start a conversation, I was also part of an interracial relationship for 8 years and have beautiful biracial 3 year old. I don't feel that there is any difference, all I saw was the person not a black man, still don't sometimes I have to be reminded that he is black.


lakritze 07-05-2003 10:53 PM

We are all one human race cumming in a varieity of colours,shapes and sizes.So many differences,so little time.

White Noise 07-05-2003 11:42 PM

Well, I'm glad people took the time to tell me their thoughts and it was just to start conversation - sorry that I haven't gone through the entire threads available.

Vigil 07-06-2003 03:01 AM

Give me inter-galactic sex. After all "men are from Mars and women from Venus".

I agree with WW on the sub-plot of these sites, why do they wish to degrade, humiliate and hurt?

Casperr 07-06-2003 05:44 AM

Ok.... once again I'm the odd one out here!!

I like to look at black women having sex. Not to subjugate them, not to degrade or humiliate them. But just because I find something sexy about black women. Yes, granted, it is the person that matters and not the body colour/shape/smell. But I think there is a difference between being attracted to something and being hung up on it. It is just one of the many, many, many things that turn me on.

For me, it's got nothing to do with taboo either - it's just an eroticism thing. It's like saying I like petite woman, or I like bald men, or i like people with pimples on their bum - it's just an aspect of attraction, and if i was attracted to someone's mind I wouldn't care about any of the physical things.

Just my thoughts!

denny 07-06-2003 09:10 AM

I'm a bit of a mutt so some of my couplings technically cannot be considered interracial. But I think I have officially qualified for the distinction, Yipeee!! Where do I get my prize????

txgrneyes 07-06-2003 01:07 PM

i personally have not. and probably never will. Hope not to offend anyone but being brought up in the south with the southern morals and beleives.. "it just aint fitten". But my personal beleif is if it is what you like then do it...it just isn't for me. Although there is something highly erotic about he contrast in skin color. But i can not get over all that my daddy instilled in me about races. I am trying so bare with me.

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