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metaphysical700 05-27-2003 11:11 AM

AM Sex
Does anyone find that they are horny in the morning and their partner just isn't in the mood or vice versa?

I fall into the latter caregory. I just don't really have any kind of 'pneumatic urging' when I've just woke up. I feel like I'm letting my partner down and I should compromise but I don't want to have sex without desire.

I don't know what I hope to get from posting this.. just what are your thoughts?

I'm adding this icon because I've never seen it before and I think it's wonderful.:bfly:

GusAspar 05-27-2003 11:15 AM

It would be nice to have sex at any time - I'm not choosy about time of day! (But yes, there are some mornings when the urge is not there. Usually with me it's the other way round - I'm ready but she's not - and things like getting the boy to school, getting to work and all that stuff gets in the way.)

babybunny 05-27-2003 11:22 AM

Meta~ Believe or not, I am the one nontoo happy to receive morning sex. Probably becuase I am a nite owl who stays up late and loves sleeping in. I dont like waking up at 7 or 8 just to fuck. I have tried changing to wanting it but when half asleep, the brain functions not very well. :D But I usually just spread my legs and fall back asleep...I really dont mind since it makes me very horny when I wake up and have a willing partner to take care of me again. So all in all....its good. :)

Lilith 05-27-2003 11:25 AM

<~~~~ wants morning sex all the time. I wake up sleepy and sexy and usually home alone.

skipthisone 05-27-2003 11:35 AM

I almost always wake up in the mood, but my SO is a very non-morning person....Once in a while she wakes up and takes advantage of it, because for some reason it is almost impossible for me to get off in the mornings, but when i finally do it is intense beyond belief.....the batteries must be very charged from the night. :D

Steph 05-27-2003 12:31 PM

I'm not a big fan of morning sex. I love coffee and brushing my teeth and going to the bathroom . . . give me a nooner any day!

Sharni 05-27-2003 01:10 PM

I get up at 3:30am through the week(so no morning sex there)...so weekends i'm usually not receptive of morning sex unless its at a decent hour *LOL*

BlondeCurlGirl 05-27-2003 01:13 PM

When I've got the extra time, AM sex is the best way to start the day...I'd much rather feel his tongue on my clit than hear the alarm clock buzzing in my ear... :D

darkangel37 05-27-2003 01:43 PM

had it this morning!

girls_rule 05-27-2003 01:55 PM

Mornings are not my thing, unfortunately that's my guys favorite time. I'm just not in the mood, by evening I'm all ready and he's exhausted. Hmmmm, you think we're out of sync!

dicksbro 05-27-2003 02:07 PM

My wife seems to like mornings for sex while I tend to be an evening person. Maybe that means we should just go all night! :D :D

In on my watch and out on hers. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it. :)

Scarlett 05-27-2003 02:58 PM

I am not a morning person at all. I don't want anything to do with anyone until I have a cup of coffee in my hand.

quisath 05-28-2003 01:32 AM

Morning, Noon and Night....................in that order too.

Irish 05-28-2003 09:22 AM

I think that it's, mostly,a gender based thing.Men,usually,awake with an erection.It rubs on the bedclothes and makes them horny!
Women, usually,worry about getting breakfast,getting the kids
Men are concerned with those things too,but have that physical
stimulus to remove,first! Irish

Passion Please 05-28-2003 10:21 AM

It all depends on how much time we have.. if there is time mornings are wonderful times to wake slowly and sensually... and make slow long love.. But then nights are for fast frantic sex before crashing exhausted to sleep... the inbetween is snack time anytime.. then again there are no rules... big grin

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