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dzbuster 01-17-2003 06:37 PM

how do i get my gf to....
clean my house? she keeps promising, i buy the supplies then we spend the weekend in bed. my house is really getting to be a mess. HELP

Doomsday 01-17-2003 06:48 PM

......... you are wierd....... you aren't man enough to do you're own house work.... and you complain about a weekend of sex......... Just clean it yourself or don't.. that is what single guys do.... either clean.. hire cleaning people... or just live in a Pig Sty.... and I never heard a guy complain about a weekend in bad.. that house must be... narrly... totally revolting....

Missy1965 01-17-2003 08:35 PM

Try this....Make a game out of it between the two of you. Try cleaning in the buff. Do a little something in every room as you are cleaning it. Then you can meet up in the bedroom and have a grand finally!!!!!!!!!!! Just a thought

Lilith 01-17-2003 09:43 PM

dz~ she is gonna kick your ass when she sees this!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:p

BSDDBabe~ I think this falls under justifiable homicide;) if ya need help hiding the body just PM me!!!:p

BIBI 01-17-2003 11:08 PM

hmmmmmmm.......I wonder how often the housework crosses your mind as you while away the weekend in bed?????? ;)

scotzoidman 01-18-2003 01:32 AM

You just want her to do the French Maid thing, don't ya? Admit it...

Vintage Vixen 01-18-2003 12:37 PM

Might i remind you of the summer day when i was cleaning the kitchen,just then a knock on the door...your 2nd ex she saw me cleaning and said "you don't know what you're getting yourself into lol" "it won't stay that way" ...I thought nooooo it'll stay tidy lol...WRONG!!!
But thats ok cuz now i know and quit complainin bout stayin in bed all weekend BRAT
:D :p

Vintage Vixen 01-18-2003 12:40 PM

Oh btw thanx LILLITH i'll let ya know lol :):)

dzbuster 01-18-2003 02:15 PM

in a thread i replied that the most important feature i look for is a sense of humor. i have found this to be very important for women to endure hanging out with me

and lilith you want my body DEAD OR ALIVE? roflmao

dzbuster 01-18-2003 04:21 PM

would you clean my house?

Lilith 01-18-2003 04:41 PM

DZ~ I just replied to your subserviant thread...............Bring BSDDBabe and YOU come clean mine:p

dzbuster 01-18-2003 10:16 PM

depends...... where do you live?

Wildeye 01-20-2003 03:47 PM

v. funny, - fuck cleaning, just fuck. You will get plenty of time when you become a parent to do cleaning.


denny 01-20-2003 09:11 PM

Wildeye has it cold. Never pass up an opportunity. It's a short ride!

Vintage Vixen 01-21-2003 01:23 PM

Alas...another weekend has cum and gone,Did i clean the house?
Noooooo:):)I don't recall any complaints there lol:)

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