Members with Birthdays on 12-14-2010 |
RedNLaycee, lazaruslong, thatsmzbitchtou, sagittarius, Slippery, larbidel, Glengary (78), caramel (68), RobtheReck (59), lockedin (59), silverfox54 (56), denim (55), alex1170 (52), aguy_2 (51), adaddyinwaiting (51), chocky (48), MovieJones (45), DONP1 (45), inthewnd67 (43), trob1313 (43), fcharles (42), Outsizer (42), clmsadj (40), Warlock (39), imaginewithme (38), signalnine (37), IainP (37), boadecia (34), bigman76 (34), nekosan (33), trav14 (32), StillB (32), grgoddess (31), lobosolo (31), selective (31), BP123 (31), moozilla_78 (31), silkykitty1214 (29), BluStarLite (28), moonlight (28), deadmend (28), irishman2010 (28), esskode (27), RIPSRV (27), Jackdemz06 (27), dr. gonzo (26), chantal50 (20) |
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