View Full Version : +Nursing a Heartbreak or a Hangover+
11-05-2002, 05:51 PM
Tell me your magic cure for either or both?
11-05-2002, 06:03 PM
11-05-2002, 06:06 PM
Hmmmmmmmm........When I have a heartbreak I inevitably get a hangover! But on the other hand, when I have a hangover I don't necessarily get a heartbreak unless my S/O can't stand my drunkenness and kicks me to the curb! LOL!
Hangover cure-all.......Anything ova! Eggs contain a chemical that is supposedly able to lessen, if not cure, a hangover.
Heartbreak cure-all.......Drink till you are sure you will have a hangover! Then go boink everything with a pulse! OMGGG! JK! Well........not the driking part! That's true!!!!!!!!!
11-05-2002, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by LixyChick
Heartbreak cure-all.......Drink till you are sure you will have a hangover! Then go boink everything with a pulse!
Hmmm sounds like my kind of medicine...:D:D:p
Ironwood~ you are correct as usual;)
11-05-2002, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
Tell me your magic cure for either or both?
1. I never had a broken heart. But I would say just keep active; hang out with your friends/concentrate on your hobbies.
2. If you don't drink American beer, you'll never have a hangover.
I don't know about hard liquor....:confused:
11-05-2002, 06:28 PM
For a hangover...more mudslides!!!!! ;) :D
For a heartbreak...move on to the next victim!! ;) :D
11-05-2002, 07:19 PM
I have no cure for a heartbreak.
For a hangover;I'm an expert!(Recovering Alcoholic;almost 10yrs,
5mo)Just stay;slightly HIGH;for 10/20yrs.In the event of; temporary soberness;start drinking(hair of the dog that bit you)
immediately!Whatever you do;DON"T drink water;the next day;
especially if you've been drinking wine! Irish
11-05-2002, 07:43 PM
LOL Lixy! Great answer!
Hangover - movies, hair of the dog and lots of couch surfing
Heartbreak - the opposite - get out there, get a new fun haircut, and mingle, mingle, mingle!
Coach Knight
11-05-2002, 08:21 PM
Hangover - 3 aspirin, plenty of water and good lies about what you think you did the night before.
Heatbreak - 4 aspirin, plenty of alcohol and good lies about what you think you did in the relationship.
11-05-2002, 08:29 PM
Hangover cure? - water-skiing hit that water, come up and no hangover honest!!
Heart break - get a hangover, go skiing, no probs!!
Nice Guy
11-05-2002, 09:24 PM
Never had a hangover. And I've not really had a heartbreak, but I always seem to be the guy the girls come running to when they have their hearts broken. Guess I just seem really caring and trustworthy, which I like to think of myself as.
11-05-2002, 09:38 PM
Aw I have to say a hangover really stinks but it passes. A heatbreak is probably one of the worse feelings in the world ( at least in my case it has been from time to time). I think putting the heartbreak into the proper prospective and trying to mentally work it out in your mind so you can understand why it is you have a heartbreak in the first place may be the best thing. You were vague in why you feel that way so I really don't know what kind of advice to give you. One thing that works for me is to try and keep busy because too much time on my hands to analize it to death makes it worse. Good luck to you and I really hope things work out in your favor.
11-06-2002, 03:10 AM
drink lots of water before going to bed.....but if you pass out beforehand.....then I guess you can't do much. For that I suggest a long bath and a bucket beside the bed. LOL
Heartbreak....I like lixy's idea
Uncle Silky
11-06-2002, 03:52 AM
the simple, beautiful answer to both questions: strawberry milk and Cadbury eggs. there ain't a problem in the world that can't be immediately solved by that heaven-sent combo.
11-06-2002, 05:43 AM
Hangover ~ A sloppy 'Cobbs' meatpie & Coke
Heartache ~ Ice cream eaten with ya best mate....and bitchen' about the lousy son-of-a-bitch *LOL*
11-06-2002, 09:39 AM
hangover ~ more beer but that dose start to becomne a never ending cycle
hartache find you self a new lover but that dose start to becomne a never ending cycle
11-06-2002, 10:27 AM
Hangover - never had one, although we adhere to the Commonwealth concept of beer making. You know, where we have to dilute it to ship to the US? Reminds me of the old Monty Python gag, 'Your American beer is liking making love in a canoe. It's fucking close to water!' :D
Seriously, I hear that a Blody Mary or screwdriver works great, plus you'll get vitamins and energy for the day! :p
Heartbreak - still trying to figure that one out! :(
11-06-2002, 10:27 AM
Booger---I used your cure of more beer;for years.If you have any sense;you realise;that all that you are doing;is getting your body;
saturated again;and starting the whole cycle;over again.I realise
that your awnser was probably written in jest but after years;you
really do get sick&tired of being sick&tired!It's not a good realization;that at 8:00AM;that's as good as you're going to feel
all day!Take it from one who has been there.Luckily(?)for me;I was a good enough mechanic&problem solver;that it was overlooked by my supervisors.My results;made them look good;
and that's all they cared about! Irish
P.S.I;personally;think that everyone should have their heart
broken;at least;once in life.It helps you to grow up!
11-06-2002, 11:00 AM
Irish I know been there done that myself not for 8 years but a week or 2
it was kind of in jest but thats why I added the never ending cycle part on it too I just shorten up it's a never ending cycle that will leave you at the bottem of a bottle
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