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View Full Version : Just a question or 2...

09-08-2001, 01:51 PM
hey right. just a few questions ere:
1) how do u change that bit that says 'junior member' when u post a message..2 summin a lil more...well...not dull!!
2) alpha, you've got an animated avatar...how in gods name did u manage to pull that 1 off?!

cheers anyway dears!!!

09-08-2001, 02:18 PM
To change your "Junior User" Text...go to edit profile and scroll down to "Custom User Text"....enter your Text and update info;)

Pussy Willow
09-08-2001, 02:42 PM
It depends on how many posts you have. I think you stay as a
"junior member until you reach 50 or so posts ( it might be more
I don't remember) When you reach 100 posts, you become a
senior member. Which I am now..............

The more you post, the faster it changes........

09-12-2001, 06:25 PM
how many posts? anyone know for sure?

09-13-2001, 12:55 PM
Thank you v v much. I have now changed it 2 summit shit....but geniouses need time!!! :D