View Full Version : I'm insulted!!!!
10-31-2002, 11:54 PM
I'm in the accounting profession, and I usually have no problems with accountant / auditor jokes. Really. I've heard everything from the auditor with the lemon in the bar, to the 'Judas Iscariot was the accountant in the group' story.
But I just saw the ads for the new Kia Sorento. A decent looking, loaded SUV. But the hook?
"How else could we make it better? Well, we hog-tied our accountant, tossed him in a closet, and priced it under $20,000!"
You ever feel that way about your job?
11-01-2002, 12:06 AM
You'll get over it. :)
11-01-2002, 03:14 AM
Gee, dannyk, just think of the jokes you'd have to endure if you were a lawyer!! :D:D
Uncle Silky
11-01-2002, 05:28 AM
shit, man, with as many insipid jokes and idiotic questions i get about piercing, count yerself lucky. i just saw a fuckin commercial for some insurance company where parents scolded their fucktard daughter for not shoppin around for the best price on a tongue piercing. fuck trends, man. they demean any and everything that means anything to anyone.
and if by some Buddha-blessed miracle the fuckwits don't ask me a question that makes my balls seize, they think i tattoo instead. muthafuckers... it's a completely different avenue, but people look at me like i'm a fuckin window-lickin helmet-wearer when they ask me if i "do tattoos" and i again hafta remind em that i pierce, and the two aren't linked in the slightest beyond virtue of the fact that they've both gained an astonishingly irritating tendency to become popular over the past few years. like a dog lookin in a mirror, man, i swear. gah... i'm through.
11-01-2002, 06:33 PM
Uncle????? Um........I guess it's outta the question if I asked you wouldn't try and er.........tatto a "pretend" piercing on my clit.....please!!!????? Just make a dot and a hoop that looks like it swung back cause I pulled my panties up too far!
I just couldn't sit with my thighs spread and have you yell at me, "I don't tatto clits damn it!"
But I had to ask!!!!!! So, whatta you say? *kisses*
Silky, I feel your pain... uh, sorta. I work for a wholesale distributor... i.e. warehouse. And even though I've worked here for YEARS, people will ask if I still work for that 'store.' Like any Joe Public can walk in and buy shit here. And when people first find out where I work, they want to know what kind of deal I can get them for the most popular brand of the type of product we sell. Oh yeah, sorry, we don't carry every freakin' brand made and why should I hook you up anyway, we just met... Of course, I never say it that way, But damn if that's not what I'm thinking.
Hey, I think we all get misunderstood and disrespected in our jobs.... very few careers are "safe" from such denigration these days. As a nurse, I get sexually harassed and verbally disrespected every day.
Sometimes I think no one really understands anyone else's lot in life.... I just learn to let it roll off and keep enjoying my life as is!
11-01-2002, 08:32 PM
Yes we all get it....
In my job i get to clean up after grotty ppl...from cleaning up spew to scrubbing toilets etc....i also collect their rubbish and dispose of it....
I get looked at like i'm something that should be scraped of the bottom of their boot....too low down the chain to bother with..
Well i say Fuck em!!...if it weren't for me and the others like me...they'd be sitting in a filthy disease ridden squalor...or cleaning up their own crap
Ok finished ranting now :D
11-01-2002, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Sharniqua
In my job i get to clean up after grotty ppl...from cleaning up spew to scrubbing toilets etc....i also collect their rubbish and dispose of it....
I get looked at like i'm something the should be scraped of the bottom of their low down the chain to bother with..
Well i say Fuck em!!...if it weren't for me and the others like me...they'd be sitting in a filth disease ridden squalor...or cleaning up their own crap :D
Well, well, so we're both
SANITARY ENGINEERS A most noble and underrated profession...and don't you just hate it when they call you a "janitor"....makes me want to spit....or run 'em over with the floor scrubber...
11-01-2002, 08:47 PM
makes me want to spit....or run 'em over with the floor scrubber...
LMAO...what a visual image that makes
But yes your right...
Uncle Silky
11-02-2002, 05:12 AM
*furrows brow, stares blankly* ...was that english, Lixy sticks? try it again, but this time, make it so i don't get a nosebleed when i read it.
11-02-2002, 11:45 AM
I can completely sympathize . . . I'm a reporter and in surveys, my job has been rated lower than lawyers.
11-03-2002, 06:06 PM
Hey I`m an Engineer, with the Council, so we do no work what so ever!!!!!!!! If thats the case who fixes their roads, salts them, ploughs the snow off them and empties their gullies??? Or so I keep getting told!! We know nothing and drink coffee all day!! U want to tell my kids why they hardly see me and when they do I am a grumpy tired git!!????
The rant has finished!
11-03-2002, 10:03 PM
Well we know that the school system is responsible for the moral decay of the US society...:o:o:o and I will be a teacher anyway.....fecking people would rather blame the schools than to look inside their families and lifestyles for the root of the problem....
oops did I say that?????????:o
11-04-2002, 12:09 AM
So... Big Jim has a running offer in his bar. Jim used to be a wrestler, by the way. He'll squeeze a lemon slice, then hand it to you. If you can get one drop of juice from it, he'll buy the whole bar a beer. If not, you buy the round.
Lots of guys tried. Truckers, sanitation engineers, pavers, construction.. but nobody could get a drop out. Then one day, a small, skinny, bespectacled guy says, in a small, squeaky voice, that he'd like to try. With much laughter all around, Jim squeezes a lemon slice dry, and passes it over.
The little guy holds the slice in one hand, closes it, and squeezes. One.. two.. three... four drops fall onto the counter top. The bar is stunned! Jim, being a good sport, starts to pour out pints, and rests the first one in front of the little guy.
"I'm impressed!", he says. "What do you do for a living?"
"I'm with the IRS."
11-04-2002, 03:49 AM
ROFLMAO, dannyk!!
IRS agents give the rest of the accounting profession a bad name. :D
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