View Full Version : Kinkiest Sex

09-07-2001, 03:25 AM
Girls and Guys,

What is the kinkiest sex you've ever had? Hope this thread gives me some ideas. Please don't leave out any details.:D

09-21-2001, 03:08 PM

my boyfriend came home from work and fucked me really hard straight off

next, he tied me to the bed and shaved my pussy clean and licked me out. my boyfriend loves toys and anal play so we used a double ended dildo, in his ass and my pussy.

then i tied him up and shaved his pubic patch, cock and balls clean. then we fucked for hours in different positions, my fav being the vib in my pussy and my boyfriends cock in my ass

it was some of the best sex i had ever, neither of us could walk for a day and we have done it many many times

have i answered your question????

09-21-2001, 06:12 PM
You have got my imagination going wild. Do you have any pics of you(naked)? You sound like a very sexual person that loves to have fun.

09-24-2001, 06:24 AM
Horny _Jo

Thanks for the reply! That sure does sound like fun. i can't wait to try it. Have any pics of your adventure?!:)

09-24-2001, 12:23 PM
My closest kinky encounter involved this man that I'd been talking to online for 6mths. He was into mild domination, and my interest was peaked. The first time we met was outside a coffee shop. He had me go to the nearby grocery store and get a cat collar. We played around in the parking lot a bit, and I gave him a blowjob in the front seat of my car. The next and last time we got together I met him nearer his house. We'd already agreed to some more serious play and I quickly followed him home. I still had my collar and he was quite happy for it. I dressed down to my bra and panties and gave him a massage, drank wine, sucked on his cock some more and somehow ended up tied to his coffee table with silk ties. He proceeded to spank and play with me. It ended there though. We said our goodbyes and haven't talked since.


09-25-2001, 06:42 AM
Haven't experienced anything kinky.. but am willing to try just abou anything... any ladies willing to teach??

OH.. does a vibrator in my ass while masterbating count as kinky??

09-25-2001, 06:21 PM
but an ex and I once made love in a car parked in a deserted alley. We were just "finishing up" when flashlights shoned through the windows. It was the Cops!! They were decent blokes tho, and let us off with a warning. (After they composed themselves from the hysterical laughter that consumed them for what seemed like hours.) Needless to say, that was the last time we pulled that stunt.

09-26-2001, 01:39 PM
no pics of the kinky sex but i do have some if anyone is interested.................

09-26-2001, 02:20 PM
I'm interested.. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

09-26-2001, 05:40 PM
Add me to the list also. Pretty please, with sugar on top.

09-26-2001, 07:10 PM
add me to that list too horny_jo :)

would love to seeeeeee

09-27-2001, 05:06 AM

I'm interested!! send pics please:D

09-27-2001, 04:10 PM
horny_jo I agree
would love to see some pics.

09-27-2001, 06:50 PM
You know i am!! bring them on.

09-27-2001, 07:11 PM
Hi horny-jo

the guys are clamouring for those pics you mentioned. Why don't you start your own thread and post them there?

Prophet Reality
09-27-2001, 09:23 PM
Yeah horny-jo. lets see some pics please. Have our curiousity going!

09-28-2001, 01:15 PM
ok then

since evryone seems soooooo keen, i'll post some pics in the amateur pics section

cum n see me


09-28-2001, 04:49 PM
You know I'm there!

Prophet Reality
09-28-2001, 05:17 PM
Look out, here I come too...

10-01-2001, 05:38 AM
Well not every guy here is racking up their response total for the stats. Wifey and I are into toys big time. Hmmmmm... This could be too much for some. Would love to see some pics of that double-ended being shared. I have some you'd probably would be interested in. Maybe share with your s/o so he doesn't feel alone or "wierd." Email is on the site here, hope to hear from you!

01-09-2002, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by bigbob40
Girls and Guys,

What is the kinkiest sex you've ever had? Hope this thread gives me some ideas. Please don't leave out any details.:D

The kinkiest sex I ever had was a LONG time ago...LOL...
But I would have to say it was when he tied me to the bed for a whole weekend (only untied me to let me go to bathroom and even then he stood there and watch everything I did)and used everything you can think of to satisfy me....from food, to handcuffs, to chains....and even a champagne bottle.....
I even had a few golden showers that weekend.....

(I would like to thank the person who invented plastic sheets!!! :D ;))

Damn..think I need another of those weekends....real soon..... ;)

01-14-2002, 04:14 PM
My kinkiest night involved my g/f soaking my cock with a golden shower, followed by eating her until she came, then tying her hands to the headboard while she's on her tummy, rimming her backdoor to get her ready for my cock, cumming in her ass, then rimming her ass as she had asked me to do until I was hard again, and finally slipping into her pussy where we both came a second time.

01-15-2002, 04:54 PM
My kinkiest sex was when I asked my friend to have it off with my b/f while I watched. They really got into it and did just about everything until I got too frustrated watching them and had to join in. I think we wore the poor guy out but it was great fun!!!!
I do think that I enjoy it more though when it's just one on one - I get more of a good seeing to that way!

01-16-2002, 08:18 PM
Kinkies I've ever got was group sex. Me and a buddy from work met up with 3 female coworkers at a kereoke bar one night and ended up back at my house all night. My friend stayed with the same girl most of the night, but I had plenty of fun with the other two. Nothing like getting a woman from behind and watching her go down on another girl.

02-23-2002, 01:44 AM
This is the best I can do: Two girls went to the bathroom with me at a little hotel party. They demanded that the hold my cock while I pee. They, more or less, stroked it while I was peeing. I couldn't help myself and started getting hard. Next thing I know I have a very hot brunet and an attractive asian on their knees taking turns sucking my cock. I only managed to convince them to take off their shirts before I released myself all over them.

Later, I had sex with the asian for a few months after that, but that is a whole other story...

02-23-2002, 11:24 AM
This happened to me in hawaii.. A lady friend and I went out one night to this bar and got a bit drunk. She was ready to go back to her apartment around 11pm, so we went for a walk on waikiki beach. She started getting frisky and wanted a quickie on the beach. so we went to an area where there are benches and she gave me a quick blowjob to get me hard. we went a little further down the beach , close to the zoo, and got up against one of the trees and I gave her a little tonguing to get her wet and turned her around and had our quickie right there...
we when to her place for some freshening up and got up the next morning before sunrise and went to the same area with a blanket and had some more quick sex before the joggers showed up.

03-06-2002, 06:49 PM
The kinkiest sex I ever had started in a Park in central London (after a very drunken date). We 69ed on a park bench while 3 peole watched (they came up to us and stood close).
Then we went back to her house for sex in every imaginable position and peed into eachother's mouths...

03-07-2002, 03:15 AM
i couldnt tell you what the most kinky sex is that ive had. all i can say is that ive tried most things...from being handcuffed to golden showers to sex outside in lots of places. one of the best was on a beach in north africa.....me and my lady were chased off the beach by the beach attendent. but not until we had finished....i think he was watchin us!! we did lots of positions that time and it was great......apart from the sand gettin everywhere!!!!:mad:

03-07-2002, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by bigbob40
What is the kinkiest sex you've ever had?

Oh man...! I don't even know where to ATTEMPT to begin!!!!! And, at any rate kinky is in the eye of the beholder.


Tango Seven
03-09-2002, 11:25 PM
An ex-girlfriend and I were making love in what we thought was in a secluded spot in the countryside . We were both naked and were getting quite carried away we failed to notice several hikers who happened to stumble across us. When we finished they gave us a cheer but not until they had passed did we notice that they had scattered our clothes as a lark. As a result we had to walk back to the car park completly naked passing several people along the way. Fortunately they had the good sense to leave the car keys but driving naked back to the city was rather interesting!

Ruff Eek
06-02-2002, 02:15 AM
My kinkiest time was with my wife. One day, when she was hroniest, I finally managed to convince her to allow our digital camera to join us in our session! We got some amazing pictures--everything from wide shots to close-ups of Peter in a close encounter with Jane! This was one of the RARE occasions where my wife actually orgasmed through intercourse alone.

What made it even better was that after Round 1 we were STILL turned on--I then hooked up the camera to the TV and we had GREAT fun watching our 120 pictures in a variety of positions while having sex again... and again... and then once more!!

Kinky? Hell yes and amazing too! Nothing like watching your OWN porno while having sex!!

Unfortunately for Pixie Readers, in the post-coital hours, my wife decided that she did not want the pics and simply insisted that I erase the camera's memory... :(

Oh well... I will soon try it again one of these days...

06-04-2002, 01:17 AM
I find that the kinkiest sex I have ever had was in public places. I got pregnant with my first soon inside a blockbuster. You know those big cut outs they have in them well they had one placed in a corner next to a big rack and it was late soo .....

06-04-2002, 10:28 AM
never had kinky sex unless u count some mild bondage
,at worksex,anal,fancying transexuals,public placesex
and mm wat else o yes gay sex
Main Entry: kinky
Pronunciation: 'ki[ng]-kE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): kink·i·er; -est
Date: 1844
1 : closely twisted or curled
2 : relating to, having, or appealing to unconventional tastes especially in sex; also : sexually deviant
- kink·i·ly /'ki[ng]-k&-lE/ adverb
- kink·i·ness /'ki[ng]-kE-n&s/ noun
ok i admit it iam curled (giggles)

06-05-2002, 05:30 AM
drove to a deserted car park and fucked my girl at the time over the bonnet of the car in the pouring rain
fuck turns me on still now..........

John Maidenform
09-03-2002, 11:44 AM
Probably being used by my mother-in-law (67 yrs old) & 3 of her friends. My wife had me go down on all of them & then perform a nice self-rub down in front of them, with me gobbling up my cream filled panties.

09-24-2004, 09:07 AM

I'm still working on my reply. ;)

09-24-2004, 10:35 AM
does sex (not a BJ, but real live get down on it sex!) in the truck on the freeway at 85 mph count? not kinky, but very exciting when the girl is in your lap thrashing around so much that you can't really see the road! i have another but not enough time to explain right now. maybe tonight!

09-24-2004, 02:13 PM
I think it counts. I'll have to get the judge's decision, but I think so. If not kinky per se, you certainly get points for difficulty and the high degree of danger. :p

Ok, here's mine...

Started with a shower that turned into a golden shower. That was followed by a long sex session in the bedroom. There we did oral, straight, anal...you name it. To top it all off, she did me with a strap on for the first time. And DAYUM what an orgasm!!!! Crimony!

09-24-2004, 05:14 PM
Oh Darlin........ We just got started. ;) :D

Sorry but I can't tell mine.

09-25-2004, 06:22 PM
It started out 3 guys and 2 girls playing strip Monopoly. :hug:--everyone got to take several walks on Boardwalk

10-01-2004, 09:25 AM
The threesome I was in a couple weeks ago, hard to say anything I've done before came close :3:

10-01-2004, 09:28 AM
Moonchild... still want to hear about that! :D

10-01-2004, 09:44 AM
I dont know what to consider kinky at our house..... but one night we got really into it in the living room. I stood on the couch my butt facing him as he sat there and i bent over, making him lick my pussy. After awhile, he bent me over the arm of the couch to eat some more and then slide his throbbing cock into me. Moved to another position. He sat on the chair, sliding into me as I was on all fours on the floor in front of him. Not very kinky, but oh gosh did it leave a lasting impression on me.

10-02-2004, 08:47 AM
I don't think y'all want to know.


10-30-2004, 06:09 PM
I've experience a few MMF with some ex-gfs and once a FFM with two girls that I met in a bar in Brasilia. But one of the best times was with this girl Renata. We went to a bar and when we left we started making out on the hood of her car. Mind you, this was a busy street, right in front of the bar with everyone leaving and looking for their own cars. We got into the back seat and started having sex (there is more room in the back of a Fiat Uno than you would think). The windows were tinted, but of course not the windshield. When we finished we had quite the crowd watching.

Wicked Wanda
12-05-2004, 10:23 AM
Goodness! I wonder how I missed this one when it was first posted?

Anyway, "kinky" is certainly a subjective thing, isn't it?
It's easier to list the negatives, the things I haven't done.
1. Never anything to do with animals! (ewwwwwww)
2. I have had one golden shower, and didn't really care for it.
I have never ever done any "copra" stuff (double ewwwwwww!!)
3. "Necro"-- sex with a DEAD person? (triple ewwwwwwwwwww!!!) -this includes sex with someone pretending to be dead-
4. Never, ever any underage stuff. Well, when I was a teen, but even then I prefered older partners. (I felt it was a learning experience!!) so there were only a few encounters with boys my own age.

There are other things, things that have to do with simple common sense and hygiene, that I avoid. For example, I don't have sex with a male partner after we have had anal sex until he is THOROUGHLY cleaned up. I have never had anything put around my neck during sex, including his or her hands, I am NOT interested in "hypoxia" enhanced orgasms, my orgasms are intense enough, thank you!

I have pretty much done about everyhing else!!!!!
(I am bi, enjoy public sex, and 3sums and moresums, I live with a couple as their "pet", and one day I may share with you all some of the "scenes" I have been in at BDSM parties. Not ready to do so yet, I still find myself shy about sharing somethings even now)

Anyway, let your imaginations run wild!!!

Most wickedly yours,


04-26-2006, 10:55 AM
Bump...c'mon give me your juice!

04-26-2006, 02:54 PM
i can't say i have done anything hugely kinky

full sex in broad daylight in a car park with people driving past... very nice
sex in a bathroom with people banging on the door wanting in at a party... also very exciting

thats about it!

04-26-2006, 06:23 PM
Would it be considerd kinky to permit a man to blindfold you and tie your hands to the headboard, while he and a woman licked, sucked, poked and probed you? Including putting thier body parts into your mouth and lips and "forcing" certain acts?

Ummm, if so... then I've done something kinky.

04-26-2006, 06:58 PM
How about in a sarcophagus in a pharaoh's tomb? Well we did. Actually, it was a bed made to look like a sarchophagus in a fantasy room at a hotel designed to look like a tomb inside a pyramid.


04-26-2006, 07:22 PM
How about in a sarcophagus in a pharaoh's tomb? Well we did. Actually, it was a bed made to look like a sarchophagus in a fantasy room at a hotel designed to look like a tomb inside a pyramid.


I love it!! now thats my idea of kinky...well one anyway :p

04-26-2006, 07:30 PM
Would it be considerd kinky to permit a man to blindfold you and tie your hands to the headboard, while he and a woman licked, sucked, poked and probed you? Including putting thier body parts into your mouth and lips and "forcing" certain acts?

Ummm, if so... then I've done something kinky.

I think you qualify....and I like it.

04-26-2006, 09:09 PM
Once I met a lover at a hotel. Before we met I was given specific instructions on what to wear, or what not to wear and how to be groomed. I was well trimmed and wearing a skirt, thigh highs with garter belt and high heel boots. As I pulled into the parking lot he called me and told me exactly where to park. Told me to slide my seat back and raise my skirt. I was to present myself as he watched me from a window above that I couldn't see. Needless to say that was a very hot appetiser to what was to come once I was invited up to the room.

Oh shoot, that wasn't exactly sex was it? But it was kind of kinky... maybe.

05-05-2006, 09:56 PM
Before I was married, a new girl was hired at work. We flirted relentlessly. We drove to lunch together one day. She drove us to a secluded park, reclined my seat, undid my pants, and started on the absolute best blow job of my life. Just when she was about to finish me off, she shoved a finger up my ass. It was even lubed. I have no idea how she did that. Best, but most confusing orgasm ever.

10-18-2010, 08:29 PM
I joined the Mile High Club in the upper deck of a Singapore Air 747 somewhere over the Indian Ocean.

10-19-2010, 07:01 AM
I remember a cartoon where the image is of two sets of feet poking out an light aircraft door on the ground.

"Cyril, overcome with excitement, joined the meter high club."