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View Full Version : German brothel ordered to keep on 77-year-old condom sorter

10-25-2002, 08:12 AM
A German brothel has been told to give a 77-year-old his job back by an industrial tribunal which ruled he had been unfairly dismissed.

The pensioner was told that his job, sorting industrial packs of condoms into smaller packets of ten for the prostitutes, was being axed.

The brothel, in Frankfurt, had decided there was not enough work to justify keeping the man on and that the girls could sort their own condoms out.

But an industrial tribunal ruled that was not a sufficient reason to dismiss the man under Germany's strict employment laws.

It ordered that the man be reinstated.

10-25-2002, 09:24 PM
Heinrich!! Aye asked for ten larch kondoms!

Not schmall, but larch.

You are as badd ass de odder Oldfart!

10-26-2002, 05:35 AM
Probably it wasn't so much about the job, just liked getting to take home the free samples to maintain his babit. :)