View Full Version : Who's Prime is it anyway?
10-23-2002, 09:41 PM
Okay... just to stimulate some conversation :)
It is said that men are in their sexual prime in their late teens thru twenties and then supposedly it goes down hill from there....
Those same philosophers claim that women don't hit their prime until they are somewhere in their 30's and it continues into the big M.
What is everyones take on the prime debate?
In my opinion, altho men supposedly hit their sexual prime early, it isn't much later (late 30's thru 40's) that the entire package comes together and finally reach their peak. This would explain why.. as a rule, I won't date anyone younger than myself.
10-23-2002, 09:53 PM
I agree Jennaflower..... young men have the benefit of being able to go at it over and over and over:p but men who have matured and had some experience under their belt (LOL) have the benefit of knowing how to please and the ability to control their own bodies. I wouldn't count either group out!;)
10-24-2002, 12:53 PM
:( first time i read this i thought about posting but then i would have to say that my stamina is not what it was 15 years ago. then i'd try to make myself feel better by saying that i'm more experienced and don't NEED as long to satisfy my partner and myself. hell it never was about need but a great way to spend time. so now what i have more time to try talking? yippie? although thanx for the kind words
10-24-2002, 12:58 PM
I just turned thirty and I must say that in the last few years my sex drive has never been higher. My stamina also seems to have increased. So maybe i just through the average off.
10-24-2002, 01:24 PM
Yes, things change. 20 years ago, when I developed my male abilities, I had been able to cum lots of more times. But today the quality is the interesting thing, not the quantity.
Vintage Vixen
10-24-2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by dzbuster
:( first time i read this i thought about posting but then i would have to say that my stamina is not what it was 15 years ago. then i'd try to make myself feel better by saying that i'm more experienced and don't NEED as long to satisfy my partner and myself. hell it never was about need but a great way to spend time. so now what i have more time to try talking? yippie? although thanx for the kind words
I don't have any complaints in that area...except i wish it was more often but because of the distance in living situations it makes it difficult lol.No don't be scared lol i'm not thinkin that.
I try and make do on my downtime with toys but it just dosen't cut it for me.My sex drive is much higher now at 42 than its ever been and i definately enjoy it more but thats also because i care about ummm well you know:)
10-24-2002, 05:51 PM
My drive has grown at 41 my quickies tend to be about an hour. And I am back up and ready imediately. Just me 2 cents.
10-24-2002, 07:31 PM
I know for me personally... I had absolutely no sexual awareness prior to the age of 27. Oh yeah, I had sex, but it certainly wasn't anything like what I am capable of having now. Back then, it wasn't about my needs or pleasure... it was all about "sex" and making sure he orgasmed. Needless to say, my views have changed.. and I don't think that was possible until I experienced a few things in life that lead me to the realization that my needs matter.
Yeah, sex when I was a teen was FUN.. the young guy I shared my first experiences with was up for anything... BUT.... looking back.. I see the things that were lacking... the things that men only gain with experience and self awareness. Back then.. the ultimate goal was orgasm... as we age.. I think the focus changes... the goal isn't orgasm anymore (tho that remains a wonderful reward)... more intimacy... more passion... kinda hard to put into words...
Now.. it isn't that I wouldn't become intimately involved with a younger man, I have met many young men who seem to have a stronger self awareness than many of their counterparts... but I tend to be more attracted to men who are a bit older than myself... (late 30's on) and aren't so eager to hit the orgasm as they are to enjoy all the aspects that lead up to it :)
10-25-2002, 08:19 AM
Hi Jenna - Great topic. For me at 40, it's more about the seduction and passion. The sensual moments are more important.
10-25-2002, 09:03 AM
Is it that the guy can hold out longer before climaxing, or that it just takes longer for him to get there.
A.K.'s Sex-Pot
10-25-2002, 03:08 PM
I'm usually attracted to men who are older than me, because they hold far more appeal for me mentally. I like cerebral relationships and this is a concept lost on an awful lot of men my age. Older men also have more of an idea about how not to piss a woman off, which has got to be good!
Personally I do believe that some men, even from a young age are capable of both quantity and quality in terms of their own performance, but doubtless sheer breadth of experience makes an older man more fun in bed. I think that they are also more likely to be accepting of you as you are, and not expect you to look or act in a certain way, whereas younger men sometimes have pre-conceived ideas about what women want and how they should be. These ideas only get broken down with time and experience.
To me, those things are far more important than how long or how often a guy can go before he's reaching for that post-coital cigarette.
10-26-2002, 03:35 AM
I could be in my prime now, but that really means nothing as the availability factor is zero at the moment..
10-26-2002, 04:56 AM
I think Jennaflower expressed my thoughts. It used to be that the goal was more orgasm-focused, but now, while that is still very nice, the moments of closeness and intimacy seem to be even more important. I really think that now my wife's pleasure has become much more the focus of my lovemaking.
10-26-2002, 05:20 PM
Well, heck, my next birthday is the big 5-0, and ya know what?
Things still function as they should and we both enjoy the heck out of it!
Maybe when I get to the big 6-0 I'll slow down??? But then again, I bet my bride doesn't let me!
10-26-2002, 06:24 PM
My drive has grown at 41 my quickies tend to be about an hour. And I am back up and ready imediately. Just a thought kleclere-:rolleyes: You really shouldn’t run your lap-top on the same battery you use to start that manure spreader. ;)
10-26-2002, 06:50 PM
I think that Dicksbro;expressed most closely;the way that I feel!
I appreciate; more now;a womans pride in herself and keeping
herself as physically attractive as possible!When;I was younger;I
cared more about a woman;having a sexy build.You are either born with a nice body or not.How it's taken care of after;is what
shows a persons pride.You can either sit around and say"I can't
do it."or you can work at it.My wife still uses a treadmill&goes to a
STEP class;so do both of my daughters.They all have full time jobs
but take pride in they're personal appearance.As far as Prime;I think that it depends on the person.As you get older;you look at
things differently. Irish
P.S.An orgasm a day;keeps old age away!
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