View Full Version : I need definition help!
10-12-2002, 11:10 PM
my b/f and i got into an argument earlier, and he told me im 'wishy washy' and i have no idea what he ment by that....anyone know or do i have to feel even more stupid and ask him?
:confused: looks like i need more than just professional help, i need a dictionary too!!
10-12-2002, 11:11 PM
Main Entry: wishy-washy
Pronunciation: 'wi-shE-"wo-shE, -"wä-
Function: adjective
Etymology: reduplication of washy
Date: circa 1693
1 : lacking in character or determination : INEFFECTUAL
2 : lacking in strength or flavor : WEAK
- wishy-wash·i·ness noun
10-12-2002, 11:23 PM
hhhmmm....well that wasn't very nice of him to say that, i don't care if we were arguing, name-calling just isn't nice......i especially hate being called names that i dont know what the meaning is :o)
thanks Ironwood for the definition!!
10-12-2002, 11:29 PM
My personal definition would be "indecisive", if that helps.
10-12-2002, 11:29 PM
ooooo im sorry i have to say somthing that kinda bothers me! before we even got together i told him that i have issues, emotional problems, self esteem and so we argue when i have a bad day at work and tell him that im not going to come over b/c i dont want to be in a bad mood while im with him, oooo i dont understand!!! i care so much i just want him to be happy! im sorry i have problems!!!!!!!! **Cries** alright now, i just needed to get that out of my head, thank you for not thinking im too crazy and if you do then maybe i can get a room right next to yours and we can be neighbors! Bouncy walls rule!!
10-12-2002, 11:30 PM
circa 1693 - lol (good one ironwood!!)
Wisper -- maybe a less technical definition .... just means you're not committing to one side or the other of a particular topic, thought, etc. ...... its like saying .... "I kind of like _____, but sometimes I don't like _______." both blanks being filled in with the same word ...... I think your b/f is just saying he wants to know your opinion and feels you may be spending too much energy trying to do what makes him happy. - though that would just be a guess on my part.
10-12-2002, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by jjjjbo
circa 1693 - lol (good one ironwood!!)
The credit goes to Merriam-Webster OnLine. I don't make these things up.
10-12-2002, 11:36 PM
thanx jj, i understand that more than the definition...sorry iron, you still rock though :)
10-12-2002, 11:39 PM
its a good guess, b/c i do that, i cant help myself, i just want him to be happy so thats what i want to do, but its kinda funny point here, as much as i want him to be happy, it fusterates him b/c im not loud during sex, im very quiet, i think its kute that it bothers him but o well, he's gonna have to deal b/c im just a quiet girl
10-12-2002, 11:45 PM
Can I offer a suggestion .... stay the way you've always been, just pick one thing every other time you're with him that you will say .... "I want _______." and then let him decide if he wants to do that as well ..... you might start easy by saying ..... I want Italian food tonight or something like that and move into more personal things once you've gotten comfortable. Sometimes it's just nice for the person you're with to not be the one responsible for all the decisions. best of luck!!!
10-12-2002, 11:49 PM
well we are both the kind of person that will do what the other wants b/c it would make them i wanna go to the zoo **no really i do** but say he doesnt, but he would b/c i would be happy going, we also but heads a bit b/c we are both very strong willed, its kinda funny, the two things i just said kind contradict each other
10-13-2002, 01:05 AM
Do I know the meaning of Ambivalent? ….. Well yes and no.
10-16-2002, 10:27 AM
Hey WHISPER, just caught your thread if you want some one to talk with feel free to pm or e-mail me alright.
10-16-2002, 08:00 PM
Give me ambiguity or give me...something else...
10-16-2002, 08:24 PM
equivocal, you feel the same way about both... IE I can usually see both sides of an argument
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