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View Full Version : Penis Puppeteers Told to Zip It

10-09-2002, 07:24 AM
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
By Adam Buckman

The penis puppeteers will keep it in their pants when they appear tomorrow night on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, a spokeswoman said yesterday.

NBC is barring the pair from performing a portion of their self-styled stage show, Puppetry of the Penis, in which they take to the stage wearing only capes and then -- facing the audience -- stretch, bend, twist, fold and tie their penises until they resemble real-life objects (or so they insist).

The booking of the penis-performing pair from Australia -- David Friend and Simon Morley -- reportedly raised eyebrows among nervous NBC brass, who have directed Tonight Show producers to be extra careful to avoid revealing mishaps.

In fact, some execs reportedly wanted the two performance "artists" to be cancelled altogether, but instead, they will appear fully clothed to be interviewed by Leno.

NBC, no doubt, would like to prevent a repeat of an incident that occurred last Friday on a local morning show in San Francisco, where a full-frontal nude shot of at least one of the performers was inadvertently broadcast on KRON-TV, according to an account in yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle.

Puppetry of the Penis -- subtitled "The Ancient Art of Genital Origami" -- has been performed in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and in cities throughout the United Kingdom and Australia.