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10-02-2002, 11:30 PM
Anyone here live in Missouri? Just curious.

10-03-2002, 07:04 AM
yep... there are many of us here from the Show Me state :)

10-03-2002, 04:02 PM
Not me!

10-05-2002, 09:19 AM
St. Louis

10-06-2002, 12:25 AM
Newly arrived in the Branson area......and so glad to be here!!

10-06-2002, 08:13 AM
hotrod---The question is:Does anyone live there or exist there!

10-06-2002, 11:12 PM

I can't speak for anyone else here... but I can assure you that I live very well here in Missouri. I grew up in Southern California and after living there and then Florida for a number of years.. this is a wonderful place to be.

Yes.. in many ways.. people here are far more conservative than what I am used to... but then.. that is why I love Pixies so...

10-07-2002, 03:38 AM
Be nice,Irish I too reside in the S.W. corner of Missouri.And after spending most of my life in Ca. I find a lot of folks here pretty tame and do tend to raise a few eyebrows occasionally.:p

10-07-2002, 07:36 AM
Why is everyone;so protective&touchy?I have been called(among
other things);a mick;a harp;etc.;but realise that it's all in jest&
besides-"Who cares?"You know the truth and thats what matters!
If "little"digs;bother you;you(obviously)didn't travel in the same
circles;that I did. Irish

10-07-2002, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by Irish
Why is everyone;so protective&touchy?I have been called(among
other things);a mick;a harp;etc.;but realise that it's all in jest Irish

Irish Dear,
Why is it that whenever you say something that offends someone and they let you know, you always fall back on your
"I was just kidding" or "You aren't familiar with my sense of humor" responses?
Like I suggested to you the last time this happened....if you'd include a "LOL" or a smiley after your "only in jest" remarks, people would know it's what you consider a joke and wouldn't take offense so easily.
I must admit, although I'm brand new to Missouri, I was a bit put out by your comments too. It's beautiful here, the people are extremely friendly and helpful, and it's not such a rat-race as it is in the "big city". I don't think anyone could ever pay me enough to go back. I love it here and don't plan to leave it anytime soon!!

10-07-2002, 11:41 AM
Sugarsprinkles---I have never known people;that knew me good
enough;that I had to tell them that I was just kidding.Obviously;
the people here are a different kind of people.If I have to explain
myself;to me;there's no sense;kidding around and I can't be myself.That means "No Posting.";because the people take things
too seriously! Irish
P.S.If I have to conform to a conformist society;it is not something;that I thought this was.I am not exactly a"new member"but if I have to"tread on glass"because of easily offended people and have to continually explain myself;then this
isn't the"family"atmosphere;that it professes to be! Irish

10-07-2002, 12:03 PM
This hilbilly definately lives (and exists) in the beautiful Ozarks, not far from Sugarsprinkles and Jennaflower, just across the holler, so to speak.

10-07-2002, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Irish
Sugarsprinkles---I have never known people;that knew me good
enough;that I had to tell them that I was just kidding.Obviously;
the people here are a different kind of people.If I have to explain
myself;to me;there's no sense;kidding around and I can't be myself.

but if I have to"tread on glass"because of easily offended people and have to continually explain myself;then this
isn't the"family"atmosphere;that it professes to be! Irish

No doubt if we were sitting across the table from each other, face to face, it would be obvious when you were or were not joking.
But here, it's mere words on a page...we can't see the expression on your face nor hear the inflection in your voice to know whether you're joking or not. That's where the "LOL" or "ROFL" and other internet abbreviations come from. So others can tell if something is said in jest.
It's not that anyone is easily offended...if we could see and hear you say it and we'd know it's a joke. But when it's not obvious then your intent can very easily be misinterpreted. No one expects you to "tread on glass" nor do we want you to stop posting, just help us to know when you're kidding....we can't tell by merely reading the words.

10-07-2002, 12:49 PM

Keep posting, just throw in the odd smiley or "just kidding."

You'd have to say a lot worse than you have to offend me,

but I'm as bad as you.

Smile as you throw the custard pie.

10-16-2002, 04:04 PM
I don't live there but plan on being there real soon for a trip with my SO.
-Summer :D

10-16-2002, 06:22 PM
Summer...what part of Missouri will you be visiting? Sure would be fun to get together if you're in the Branson area.....there are a few of us within just a few miles of each other.:D