View Full Version : MMF questions

Bangers & mash
09-19-2002, 10:04 AM
My first post here, so first of all, Hi to everyone.

it is my wife's fantasy for a MMF, maybe it'll come true maybe it'll stay a fantasy. But a couple of questions:

Guys: Would you be prepared to "participate" with the other male, even if like me you have no previous bi\gay exp?
I must admit having talked about it with the missus it does have it's excitement.

Ladies: Would you like your partner to participate with the other male or would this be a turn off?

09-19-2002, 10:31 AM
I know I'd love it but I also know its never going to happen. I would love to see my husband with another man....I don't know why....it is just a turn on for me.

But I also know my husband doesn't want to have any part of his naked body near a part of another mans naked body and that he doesn't want another part of another mans naked body anywhere near any part of my naked body.

So...DO IT! Do it for ME!

09-19-2002, 10:39 AM
Welcome to Pixies Bangers & mash, nice to have you aboard!

Now..to the question...I would love to have a MMF threesome! Or even a FFM..just to please my man...but he won't hear anything of the sorts! No matter how much we talk about it...he won't.He says I am his and his alone and he won't share me with anyone!
But ohhhh how I would love to see him in action with a male or another female!! Guess it will only be in my dreams....*sigh*

09-19-2002, 12:38 PM

Whatever the question is, if it involves me and 2 men the answer is.............................

YES! YES! OMG YES!!!!!!!! :D:D:p

09-19-2002, 12:43 PM
Threeways for us are really just fantasy things, albeit fun fantasies. And, that's both MMF and FFM fantasies. For the two of us I cannot imagine it ever being otherwise.

09-19-2002, 04:51 PM
i participated once in a mfm. maybe i'm prudish but seeing another man there was definately a turn-off. seeing him naked really made it difficult to keep it up for her. having only done this the one time not sure if this was normal but he seemed to keep buting his hands by where i was on her. everytime his fingers brushed me i moved away. after he left i was back to normal but for me i'll never try that again. still hopeful of two women though.

09-19-2002, 05:11 PM
I've only done the MMF thing once, while I was enjoying being single and unattached for a while, it was a lot of fun having two people go for you :-), but not something I would do with anyone I had feelings for - I'm too jealous for that!

I did get the feeling that one of the guys enjoyed it more than the other though, it's not something everyone is comfortable with, and when one of the party isn't, it kinda ruins the tone a bit.

Still, if everyone is comfortable with it (this thing wasn't planned, just 'happened' then I guess it could be a lotta fun.

09-19-2002, 05:18 PM
as was said by lilith omg yes please
mmf ffm just as long as all are bi

09-19-2002, 06:52 PM
Surprisingly it happened for us and my man would have never, ever dreamed of a MMF experience if it hadn't just dropped into our laps one night. He, like most of the men here, couldn't have imagined being naked and near another naked man let alone someone so close to me. But, through the course of events, and without any touching of their parts to one another, we made it through a very exciting time. Just a little note here: You don't have to "sword fight" to share a woman! LOL!

09-19-2002, 08:00 PM
Great fantasy, but I doubt it would happen.

09-19-2002, 08:55 PM
The closest I've been was walking in on a woman who had invited me over and finding her having sex with another man. He left the room, knowing that I was uncomfortable about joining in. He peeked back in after a while to see her going down on me. That didn't bother me as much as I would have expected, but I didn't invite him to join us, either. So to sum up, I just don't know.

09-19-2002, 09:44 PM
If it was with no one I knew, no strings attached, and in somewhere where it couldn't reach everyone I know id have to say yes id love to have a MMF. I guess im a lil bi but Its not my total thing, I could give or take it (That sounds funny in this context).

09-19-2002, 11:52 PM
I have once in the past and I must say it was not the experience that I had dreamed and desired it to be since the men were definitely uncomfortable with touching each other and then of course I was dating one (it was his idea to begin with) and he became very jealous if he felt taht I payed to much attention to the other male..... But if I were to have another oppurtunity where the jealousy was not present and the guys were not afraid to touch each other I would go for it in a heart beat... mmmm just the thoughts ... very very sexy

Vintage Vixen
09-20-2002, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by dzbuster
i participated once in a mfm. maybe i'm prudish but seeing another man there was definately a turn-off. seeing him naked really made it difficult to keep it up for her. having only done this the one time not sure if this was normal but he seemed to keep buting his hands by where i was on her. everytime his fingers brushed me i moved away. after he left i was back to normal but for me i'll never try that again. still hopeful of two women though.


09-20-2002, 07:03 PM
I have done the FFM combo on two separate occasions and the MMF once before. FFMs were very erotic...it was challenging trying to keep both women satisfied. MMF was interesting though we (me and the other M) didn't do anything together...we were too busy filling her up...

No way Mrs R and I would ever have an FFM or a MMF. She wouldn't go for it....


09-20-2002, 07:09 PM
rabbit~ do we have to invite her???:p;)

Wicked Wanda
09-21-2002, 02:14 PM
Having had some wonderful MFM encounters, I have noticed that most men are VERY paranoid about any kind of contact with the other male!
It seems like any touching between them is a sign of being "gay"!
During one encounter, that I told about in another thread, the two men I was with were so paranoid that it ruined the entire experience for me!
Women, in the FFM experiences I have had, even when the other woman was NOT bi, are much more at ease in touching each other while sharing a man... and that includes the women who knew I was bi.


09-21-2002, 07:52 PM
I have had the good fortune to have been part of a M-F-M experience with a good friend & her husband. As several people have commented, I did feel a bit dubious about even Seeing another guy nude, never mind maybe having to touch him; like Lixychick and her hubby though, it was a totally spontaneous thing, and as both of us (guys) were totally into my friends' pleasure, if we did touch each other we didn't give it a (negative) thought.
In fact, we all liked it SO much, we did it again a few weeks later, but planned this time - and it was even better 2nd time around! :)

09-21-2002, 08:18 PM
I have never found myself in a threesome.. MFM or FMF altho both are every active scenarios in my fantasies.. Altho I think I would like to experience one.. I am not sure I could actually follow thru if the opportunity revealed itself.

09-21-2002, 08:40 PM
A FMF threesome would be my ultimate fantasy. Unfortunately all the women I've ever been with have been resistant to the idea.

09-22-2002, 10:44 AM
It's funny this question was here, I'd thought of posting it myself. My gf and I were playing with pics and I thought one of this particular senario would be a turn on for her. Geeeez it went over like a boiled egg fart in a crowded sunday school class. I see 3somes as a couple extending an invitation to a third to extend their fantasies and either partner should consider the fantasies of their mate. Obviously NOT a common thought with everybody. I'll probably never get in the situation but I'm interested in pleasing my mate.... that's just old fashioned me I guess.

09-25-2002, 06:00 PM
This sounds good, I would like to do it and am not concerned about sex with another guy, as i have done it before. a GF of mine did it once with two guys mainly for them but it turned her on 100%

Can the ladies explain why MM is so horny for them?


09-25-2002, 06:16 PM
MrX and I have talked about this lots, he wants a ffm before he thinks about my mmf. MM is such a turn on (for me)as it is two guys wanting you...what fun,...if only I could clone MrX....

but then when I think about it ffmm would be good too, cause female bodies are very sensual and the thought of sharing 2 men between us would be so good...how on earth do you meet people with the same thoughts in your area?

Cindy Kim
09-26-2002, 10:20 AM
I have been in both situations (FFM and MMF) and there are a couple of important points to remember

1) Everyone should have clear understanding of what's expected. If a couple is bringing in a third, everyone needs to know if emotional committment is expected or to be avioded, etc. This can keep a committed relationship from getting into trouble, and can keep people from getting emotionally hurt

2) Everyone should be sure that they are staying within their comfort level. An ex-boyfriend of mine let me indulge in a threesome with him and a friend of mine, but he was never very comfortable with the idea, and it ended up being a breaker for our relationship.

So, to answer your questions, yes I would always be open to any suggestion of a threesome, but my personal preferences tend to go that way. Would I like to see two guys play around in the threesome? If they thought it was exciting, absolutely it would be a turn-on for me. If the guys were at all squeamish with the idea, then no, because it would ruin the experience for everyone.

09-26-2002, 05:32 PM
We have discussed it before and I couldn't see someone else fucking my girl. It is a great fantasy, but I couldn't handle that.

10-01-2002, 04:38 AM
We have done these things and found it much easier and erotic than we imagined.

10-03-2002, 11:41 AM
I would love to see my Lady with another man, and maybe even be part of the game. I love for her to tell me about partying with guys, and I know she has a fantasy about having sex with a man with a real large cock. I dont think she would ever let me watch or join. She has told me that it would be ok with ffm threesome, but how do we find the right girl?:redghost:

10-04-2002, 01:10 PM
I would like to see my wife in action with someone other than me - if I was able to be there and participate - I wouldn't be comfortable doing anything sexual with the other guy, just the two of us, but if I was inside her and he was going down on her - I could probably handle something like that... sounds very erotic -

Still, inviting another woman would be very hot, too!

It boils down to pleasing her and accepting the gift!

10-04-2002, 05:20 PM
I would love to try a double pen of a woman. I wonder what it feels like while both of us are moving around in her? I even think having the balls slap together would be a turn on.

A.K.'s Sex-Pot
10-06-2002, 03:05 AM
I've never done anything like this and it's a big fantasy of mine. Particularly mfm, but also ffm.

However, the reality may be entirely different as it is rare for me to meet even one person I'm attracted enough to to want to have sex with, let alone two at the same point in my life, let alone two who were both open to the idea!

If I did though, I'd be happy for them to touch if they wanted to or not, if they didn't. I would leave it up to them, but I wouldn't want any kind of tension between them. In any sexual situation, tension spells trouble!

Of course what would be perfect, is if I could somehow replicate one person into two for the evening! But somehow, I don't see that happening . . . lol

11-03-2002, 08:07 AM
We have quite a few MMF and MMFF in the last couple of years. I (male) am not the least bi, but it doesnt really bother me to see the other guy naked, especially since we both know we arent going to touch each other. For me, the excitement of seeing her with another guy outweighs the downside of being in the room with another naked guy. My advice for someone that wants to try it, but is scared to get undressed with another guy around is to find another couple and make it a 4some.

11-12-2002, 08:56 PM
Hi all,

I'm new here (first night in and my first post) and am glad I found you.

I've had both MMF and FFM and I have to say though I'm not bi or gay I enjoyed the MMF the most.

There is nothing like seeing my woman getting that turned on with two men to please her. Seeing her that turned on sends me up a wall.

Don't get me wrong I love FFM too but what turns me on the most is seeing my woman out of control.

There was not MM sex but we had no problem touching at all. My girl told me that she was disappointed that I didn't go down on the guy. Though I wasn't ready for that, I'd be open to do it next time for her, if it turned her on.

Tony ( I may soon post a couple of my stories here. )

11-12-2002, 09:19 PM
Welcome Tony.....I think you are gonna enjoy yourself here! Bookends.....yummy

11-12-2002, 09:41 PM
Maybe, but not likely. Kinda got burned once on a MFF, thought it would be cool, it was more like FF with a M (thats me) sitting there unfulfilled.