View Full Version : Govt!

09-11-2002, 12:28 PM
This is probably;a good day to bring this up!I love our country;but
am very dissapointed;in our govt.I watched a show;on Investigative Reports recently.It seems that Bill Clinton,F.B.I.,
C.I A.,etc.;all had warnings;of the impending attacks;long before
they happened!Bill Clinton;I can understand.As far as I'm concerned;all he was worried about;was satisfying his libido.Keeping Monica;a secret from Hillary;was his main concern!
(My opinion!)It bothers me;to know of all those;unneccessary
deaths;because the agencies;wouldn't share information and were too busy satisfying their own egos;over witch(sp)was best.
It's bad enough;the friends;that lost limbs or mentality over Viet-
Nam;because the govt.;lied to us gullable kids.They didn't get called a"Baby Killer"and get spit on because of doing what;they
were told!Pardon me;I have to vent now and then.Yes;I'm pissed
off!Opinions? Irish
P.S.It seems;that there is not much;difference;between Govt. and
businesses.Don't tell the people;they can't handle it!

09-11-2002, 01:18 PM

I am sure you are not alone in your opinion of our government. Yes, there are decisions made daily that the average individual not only has no idea about.. but honestly few would probably even understand. As with any government, there are going to be things done (or undone) that are going to negatively effect the citizens. But.. in the great skeem of things.. all things considered.. the government that is in place in our country it the BEST there is. We have liberities in our country that few others experience. That is not to say that the US is better than any other.. for I don't believe that.. but I do believe that our government does more to secure our liberities.

I am not in any way shape or form a Bill Clinton Supporter (hell I wouldn't have traded places with Monica on a bet). I am a strong republican.. and damn proud of it. I do support our current administration.. but I also realize that they are HUMAN.. and that no matter how hard us humans try.. things will go wrong.. decisions will be made that in hind sight should have been made differently. I believe that our government is releasing as much information to the public as they feel they should... and that they are not knowingly withholding information that could save lives or better protect us.

In Bill CLintons defense (and I HATE defending that man on anything).. Even IF he, and his cabinet were presented with intelligence information indicating that something "Big" was gonna happen.. and that it would involve airplanes on US soil.. Do you really REALLY think that information would have been enough to save those lives? I honestly don't believe that it would have. Do you think it would have been accepted by the people if Pres. Clinton had decided to close every airport in this country and not allow planes in or out? On the other side of the coin.. how could anyone have guessed that WTC would have been the targets? Look how many places in our country could have been targets.. Mt. Rushmore, Golden Gate Bridge, Sears Tower, Empire State Building, Las Vegas, Dallas, Colorado, the list is endless. Would it have been wise for the president to close all those places down? And if he did so... wouldn't that be holding US hostage?

Yeah.. I wish that things could be different.. that someone had sent the President a letter.. with exact details of what would befall our great country.. but that was not to be so.. and any thing else falls short.

09-11-2002, 01:33 PM
Uhm, Clinton could not have closed anything. Bush was President when this happened. Why all the talk of what Clinton did or did not do?

09-11-2002, 01:36 PM
OMG where did this thread come from, i thought i just took care of the other one and here we go again. LMAO

09-11-2002, 01:37 PM
Not trying to cause any big dilemma here but.............

Sex OR Icecream????????????? Pick one!!!!!!! :D:D:p

09-11-2002, 01:37 PM

Reports claim that in the last 9 months or so of his term.... Mr. Clinton was given information as to the plans that Osama Bin Laden had already put into place. Supposedly.. Laden had the exact date and location chosen for well over 2 years prior to the attack. Clinton was presented with information regarding this as well as information as to where Bin Laden was. There have been reports from white house insiders that some urged Clinton to take care of Bin Laden at that time... he chose not to do so.

Coach Knight
09-11-2002, 01:39 PM
MMMMm is this the right thread to ask for a threesome with two hot women???


09-11-2002, 01:41 PM
Why yes, yes it is!!!!!:D:D:p

Coach Knight
09-11-2002, 01:43 PM
Cool baby, what's your name, Lilith, so a/s/l? Wanna Cyber, baby?


09-11-2002, 01:51 PM
Does that usually work for you?????????? :D:D:p

09-11-2002, 02:02 PM
Aqua---When;you're a real Bill Clinton hater;the facts don't matter
Skipthisone---There is; no prerequisite;at pixies;that every member;has to be concerned;with every thread.Suggestion:If you
have no opinion on it;or are not bothered.Don't Be! Irish

09-11-2002, 02:22 PM
This is why we do not usually talk about politics here...you know with opinions being like assholes and all......:D:D:p

09-11-2002, 02:27 PM
Irish i have many (Some would say too many) political opinions but frankly i just love my pixie pals too much(including your grumpy ass irish ;) ) to get into it here, all they do is end up with hurt feelings and frankly there is no one here that i need to know who they hate or dont, but to each his own.

09-11-2002, 02:52 PM
Skipthisone---The way that you feel;reminds me;of what I do;
when I have an argument;with my wife.I walk out and don't;say
anything!I figure that nothing will be settled anyway;so why say
things;in anger;that you don't mean anyway.Good choice!Everyone;has different feelings;on a multitude of subjects;anyway
P.S.Now;my butt hurts;from getting reamed out by Lilith!

09-11-2002, 02:54 PM
Good!!!!!! You prolly look sexy with rosey cheeks too~~~~~~~~~~>crack!

09-11-2002, 02:56 PM
Lilith---I said that it hurt;not that it didn't hurt GOOD! Irish