View Full Version : Show Me The $$$$$
09-07-2002, 07:36 PM
Being totally so unlike me;)~
Have you ever paid $$$$ for sex????
Tell us about the experience and if you would do it again!!!
09-07-2002, 08:32 PM
In Hamburg I met a girl that offered her services. She was very sympathic and very pretty - I was thinking hard if I should stay a bit with her - I found out that I respected her as a person. And in this case I had doubts to "buy" her.
I thought, perhaps I should ask her for massaging my back or so, for mainly having a nice talk with her - but because I needed a shower (a question of respect also) I finally said no.
I prefer having a G/F with these qualities.
09-07-2002, 09:02 PM
No, but I"ve been paid when I was younger. This guy I use to fuck was a real asshole and when I finally moved out of my parents house he came by my house one day after we weren't friends anymore....he wanted a blow job. I wanted money. So he gave me 100 dollars and I gave him head....not one of my proudest moments but the easiest c-note I ever made!
Another time I got this friend of mine who was a photographer to take some pictures of me and since I couldn't afford them at monetary value I gave him the ride of his life that WAS hard work....
So there, now you know my dirty secrets. :P
09-07-2002, 09:13 PM
No, but I am so desperate right now I would probably pay for sex.
09-07-2002, 09:44 PM
No i never have, but all of my roomates in college did...had something to do with 4 girls living below us (all members of the softball team i will add) kind of ran a little service for such things...they just bout had a revolving door on that place. Oh yeah $50 bucks a pop ... amazing one of my roomates went without food for a week for that.
09-07-2002, 10:01 PM
Yeh, I've been paying for sex for nearly 30 years now...sometimes even pay for NOT getting sex...
little devil
09-07-2002, 11:49 PM
Amazing how they will get ya coming and going!
Indonesian Hooker.... Was walking down the street.... Got this line "You want Gir?l" "you wany girl?" Got on the motorbike and drove off The damn bitch got my watch! I didnt get..... Well....:rolleyes:
Originally posted by scotzoidman
Yeh, I've been paying for sex for nearly 30 years now...sometimes even pay for NOT getting sex...
LMAO!!!!...Good one Scotz!!!
As for me, no never paid for it, never would. All this coming from a guy who hasn't been laid in a year.
09-08-2002, 04:10 AM
Other than the costs associated with marriage? :)
09-08-2002, 08:49 AM
Well, geeez! Isn't it a tradition for an 18 year old in Amsterdam to go window shopping (literally) and make a "purchase"?
That was the one and only time, more than 30 years ago, and I was scared shitless! But, in retrospect, it is still fun to look back on it.
09-08-2002, 08:56 AM
what Dicksbro said
09-08-2002, 09:08 AM
Nope.....never have....but years ago...I got paid..LMFAO...I charged the EXhubby for every blow job he wanted......needed to save money to get my ass outta he paid me 75 bucks a pop..lmfao..had my money to leave his sorry ass in a couple months!!!! LMFAO
Now that is what you call being a "cruel evil bitch Lilith!!!" HAHAHAHA :p ;) :D :D
Wicked Wanda
09-08-2002, 10:30 AM
I have never paid, other than to be the one to pay fpr dinner and drinks....
but I have been paid... sort of..
I have had dinner, vacations, and clothes purchased for me, with an understanding that I was going to be having sex with this person later... but it wasn't a condition... I mean I would have slept with the person anyway... probably...
mmm this has grey areas that I never thought of before...
And I get free internet access through a friend who I sleep with whenever he visits New Orleans...
But I would sleep with him anyway....
09-08-2002, 10:55 AM
Exactly the point I was making, WW, it's all grey areas, & a fine line between what's for love & what's for $$$...
09-08-2002, 02:26 PM
funny i'm the only one? driving along running errends see some decent looking bit of flesh and i got a spare $20. haven't in a long time but wouldn't bet that i'll never again. let me ask the ladies...... if you could would you pay 20 for oral sex if it was as easy as pulling to the side of the road or walking down an alley and the guy was attractive?
A.K.'s Sex-Pot
09-08-2002, 03:13 PM
Never paid for it (tempting at the moment though!!!!) but have been offered payment.
Shortly after i split with an ex, we were still very good friends and were still very attracted to each other. We'd already had one indiscretion since splitting and he was keen to continue with the sex on a semi-regular basis. I said 'no' and he started to try to persuade me. We were both students at the time and he offered to pay. I thought long and hard about it because i would be getting money for having good sex with a guy i was attracted to, but in the end i felt that he might use it as some kind of 'moral weapon' against me. I was worried that if our relationship became less than friendly in the future (which it did!) it may be used against me.
Talk about grey areas! If someone had told me before that i'd even entertain the idea of sex for money one day, i'd have laughed them out of the place. Just shows that you never know what you'll do until you're in the situation. . . . and it is rather a compliment that a guy wants you so badly they'll pay!!!!!!!
09-08-2002, 04:01 PM
I've paid to watch people have sex at a swing club... plus I played a little too!
09-08-2002, 06:10 PM
In Indoensia in my mis-spent youth... Well, all these beautiful little brown girls who would pick you up - cost very few bucks for all night - same cost as just a massage - man would have to be made of wood not to. Never knew if I was paying a professional or giving presents to an amateur. I'll say one thing though, they all wanted to give value for money and really made me believe they were enjoying it as much as I was. I still have a sarong that one of them slipped into my bag when she was seeing me off to the airport. Must have been crazy to leave.....
Vintage Vixen
09-08-2002, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by dzbuster
funny i'm the only one? driving along running errends see some decent looking bit of flesh and i got a spare $20. haven't in a long time but wouldn't bet that i'll never again. let me ask the ladies...... if you could would you pay 20 for oral sex if it was as easy as pulling to the side of the road or walking down an alley and the guy was attractive?
How bout we make a deal....? Tomorrow i'll stand on the corner near the store wait for you to come by , i get in we take a ride down 495 you know like i like :) Then we come back here i make you some brownies,while they are cooking do me mmm maybe even break out the squeezable cool whip? How's that sound hmmmm?
09-08-2002, 08:37 PM
Prospective my friends!;) We’ve all paid and been paid, in one way or another.:confused: Please tell me that EVERY relationship you’ve EVER had has been either motivated by ONLY deep emotional melting of the souls or pure, hot monkey lust.:rolleyes:
Has anybody ever withheld their favors because they DIDN’T get something they wanted? The only logical extension of that is that you DID give them when you got something you wanted;) .
“sucky-fucky, 2 mill G.I.”:D
Even been inside the iron gates and down Cannel Street there mike10942.:yellghst:
I even count the cost of the time I went to the sex shop:o and told the guy I wanted something that ran on a Buick car battery, could suck the skin off my dick, could be washed and stored in a drawer and wouldn’t talk to me until next time I opened the drawer.
Just kidding ;) :)
Vintage Vixen
09-08-2002, 09:45 PM
There's always going to be someone selling,be it a street whore,an escort,it dosen't matter its all the same.It dosen't make it wrong.The only difference is one stands on the corner in the middle of winter because she's strung out and needs the money to get straight.The escort might go on an out call come back with more than 20$ and go buy jewelry the next day.Oh another difference is the wardrobe of course.Personally i think it should be legalized.
And if you pay for it or if you have ever paid for it doesn't make you a bad person.Just think you might have helped someone from being so sick that they don't think they can go on.Or you might have contributed to someones college fund.
Everyone's gotta do what they gotta do.Im totally serious and speaking from experience.
09-10-2002, 09:19 AM
Sweet thoughts BiSexyBabeDD!
I guess people are comparing marriage to prostitution?.........what a concept.
09-13-2002, 11:09 AM
B/F and I are talking about having a threesome. I don't want it to be anyone we know and suggested we hire an escort . . . so I would definitely pay for sex if the circumstances were right.
Vintage Vixen
09-14-2002, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Steph
B/F and I are talking about having a threesome. I don't want it to be anyone we know and suggested we hire an escort . . . so I would definitely pay for sex if the circumstances were right.
Now there's a good idea...since in my experience anyways
i think it would be better not knowing the 3rd party.No feelings involved but lust lol.
11-25-2002, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by DildoDiva
No, but I"ve been paid when I was younger.
Another time I got this friend of mine who was a photographer to take some pictures of me and since I couldn't afford them at monetary value I gave him the ride of his life that WAS hard work....
So there, now you know my dirty secrets. :P
Similar stuff like that has happened to me....I've gotten lots of free or low cost things that way.
11-25-2002, 12:29 PM
well knowing i can be totally honest here.......hehehe,,,, yes once i did, while i was in the military, it was an upscale place in mass. me and a buddy went which i also paid for him, but to make a long story short while i was there i was robbed soooooo, decided to just go back to looking in night clubs, although i was robbed she was one of the most gorgeous women i have ever met in my life.
11-25-2002, 01:28 PM
I've paid for sex four times with three different women. The first time was inspired when I was going home from a club in SoHo (London) and a girl approached me. I turned her down, but that got me looking at all the phonebooth ads differently and one night, horny and bored I called one up. I was at her place 20 minutes later. She was having a very busy night (at one point she had three guys waiting). It wasn't very good, just quick in and out. I was pretty dissatisfied. A couple months later I decided to try another girl on a weekday night. This was far more relaxed, but still not that great. When I got back from England I started looking up escorts in my area and found one everyone described as a GFE (Girlfriend experience), I thought that would be more what I'd be happy with so for a birthday present to myself one year I went to see her. It was better, but still not as good as in a real relationship. I went to her one more time about a year later and had a pretty bad time, which put me off the biz for good. I'm not opposed to the concept of paying for sex, lord knows without it I'd have gone a looong stretch of time without any sex, but in the end I decided it's not worth the money.
11-26-2002, 02:42 AM
Does buying my very first 2 toys count? :D
11-26-2002, 08:00 AM
Years ago I visited the Mustang Ranch outside of Reno. I was always very curious and just had to give it a go. Walking in and being presented with twenty different women to choose from was an experience in itself, many quite attractive. I ended up having a few drinks at the bar first to think about it and finally chose a really attractive blonde in her 30's. The whole experience was really quite pleasant, not rushed or anything. Just very sensual and sexual and safe.
Sled Head
11-26-2002, 11:11 AM
I'm with Scotz I've been paying for sex since I said " I Do". Not really, unless you count dinner and drinks.
69 HER
11-26-2002, 12:05 PM
I haven't but while in Vegas this spring I had planned to.But couldn't get rid of my co-worker untill late and had meetings in the early morning so I passed.
Wish I would have though, after reading these post maybe I would enjoy the wife more.
11-22-2004, 04:56 PM
I traveled heavily in my past job and have to admit that I did give into getting escorts. Some of the best sex I ever had, and the best part is, there are no strings attached.
It's like being a kid in the candy store!
11-22-2004, 08:42 PM
Can't say I have. I am sure it'd be fun tho.
11-23-2004, 09:53 AM
I went to a peep show in NYC around 15 years or so ago and pleasured myself to a stripping young lady on the other side of a piece of bulletproof glass. Other than that, nope.
11-23-2004, 11:21 AM
Marriage or LTRs as "paying for sex"? On some level I gues they coexist we count on one another. Either financially, emotionally, or physically. That's part of partnership.
Have I ever paid for sex, or been paid for sex, per se? No. And I am not sure that I ever would. 50% of the journey is attraction, as far as I am concerned....and honestly I don't find that many men attractive. Not all-around sexy...mind-n-body sexy. I'm sure I might find it in a jiggolo, but I bet it would take me a lot of searching.
Of course, 25% of the journey is the chase. You know, the seduction. ;) Getting him to want you, and maybe even making him work for it....just a little bit. :hot:
So.....75% of my fun with sex depends on factors a jiggolo wouldn't be able to pull I guess the answer is no. ;)
But I have no problems with those who do....
11-23-2004, 01:35 PM
I've never paid for it although I was propositioned once.
For those who are asserting that withholding sex in a relationship because of what your partner didn't do makes it prostitution: I've never told her no.
She's been propositioned a few times, she has always turned down the offers.
There was a prostitude friend... We were very close friends with her but she said she wouldn't fuck without money and I said I'd never fuck with money. So, this friendship went on and we never slept. People even thought about me as being her pimp LOL
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