View Full Version : How about clit piercing?

09-05-2002, 05:59 PM
Not having a clit to pierce, I am still interested in the idea. Tell us, ladies, what is it like? Does it hurt? Was it embarrassing? Side to side or up and down? Most importantly how does it feel now when you are making love?

09-05-2002, 06:49 PM
I just fainted...........sorry!!!!!!!!
OMG I have no idea.........

09-05-2002, 08:20 PM
I'm with you Nikki -- that just sounds TOOOOOO painful to me!!!

09-05-2002, 09:26 PM
yep.. count this one out too.. wouldn't even think of doing it..

09-05-2002, 10:23 PM

No way....no how...it just aint happening!!:eek:

09-05-2002, 10:43 PM
I'm a guy so I have no idea how it would feel but I know this girl that had it done and she said that when she got it pierced it was the most intense orgasm she has ever had. And that now all she has to do to cum is run up two flights of stairs.

09-05-2002, 10:53 PM
hmmm... damn.. 2 flights of stairs.. just think.. talking about some worthwhile exercise!!! ROFL.. and altho that does make it tempting.. it still ain't happening to this lady. ROFL.. shit.. my clit is so small.. damn.. it would probably become hard to walk. ROFL

Vintage Vixen
09-05-2002, 10:55 PM
The pleasure center of my being....I think not DAMN!! I had both nips pierced,got several tattoos,so its not a pain issue.I just wouldn't risk it .Took the nip rings out cuz my hunny almost choked on one .And thats my final answer lol :)

09-06-2002, 06:17 AM
Haven't done that and while I imagine it hurts like a bitch, my biggest worry would be what if something goes wrong and I LOSE sensation afterward.

LOL.... the hysterectomy was a big enough adjustment, I don't think I want to risk being "clit-less" to the list of change...

Got the tats and 9 regular piercings though...lol, so I don't think it's a pain thing that keeps me from it

09-06-2002, 02:06 PM
Sorry to frighten the ladies, but I think we're talking about piercing the clitoral hood rather than the blessed button itself. I like the running up two flights of stairs storiy. We'd certainly have a lot of very fit ladies if that was true for everyone.

09-06-2002, 03:27 PM
*Sssssssucking air!!!*

I think all of us ladies remember riding a bike and hitting ourselves in the crotch (read CLIT!) with the center pole on the bicycle.


That was a pain I would never give myself on PURPOSE!


Vintage Vixen
09-06-2002, 06:14 PM
Question for ericthered..........would you get your dick pierced?
I myself think if you feel you need to get a bodypart such as tounge ( because you think you'll give better head ,well then maybe its not that great to begin with,so piercing isn't going to help)
Clit piercing well ,so far no takers i see.
So that leaves the dick? What do ya say there eric?
Again the tounge thing is my opinion no offense to anyone that has one.

09-06-2002, 06:49 PM
Clit piercing? No. It is a pain thing (and an infection-thing, and possible-nerve-damage thing).
But then, I've never even allowed my ears to be pierced.
The orgasm-running up-the-stairs thing is intriguing.
Has anyone used a clip-on anything that had such an effect?
(If this isn't getting too far off the topic.)

09-06-2002, 10:27 PM
Well now, BiSexyBabeDD, I really don't know. I assume the equivalent of the clitoral hood is the foreskin (more or less).... I'd think about it.... wouldn't do it without Milady's encouragement and a five star recommendation from some others. Wouldn't have thought of pierced clits either except they are appearing with increasing regularity on the nasty porno websites that I never visit.

IndulgenceX2 - now that's a good alternative thought for us wimps. I see there are a lot on sale - some with very impressively sized tassels. They look as comfortable as a clothes peg but I guess there must be something to them.......

Vintage Vixen
09-06-2002, 10:43 PM
LOL@Nasty websites you never visit :)

09-06-2002, 11:29 PM
heh heh heh I've seen quite a few pics on those nasty sites that I never visit either.

I wonder if we avoid many of the same sites ericthered. :p ;)

09-07-2002, 12:56 AM
yeh RG, I hear only perverts go to those sites none of us ever visit ;)

09-07-2002, 07:43 AM
After extensive research during my humble 58 years, I have found just the perfect number of holes in the ladies. With all the wonderful things that I’ve found to do:p :p, I have never longed to drill more holes in ANY of them:confused:. Just a lot of reaming of the one that are there has been quite pleasing to all of us. I found just adding the holes of an additional lady:p :D :p much more appealing to me than adding holes TO the lady:eek:. Guess I’m just an old fashion guy.:o

09-07-2002, 09:37 AM
it is supposed to enhance the feeling, NOT to numb the clit. An the pain isn't that awfull [sais gf], but you should be horny :) (when fems get horny, their pain tolerance incrases to the roof )

09-07-2002, 09:20 PM
I personally don't think it is sexy when a girl has her clit pierced. But it is just one of those things on what you like.

I knew a girl from school who had her clit pierced, and sometimes she would have to stop walking down the hall because her zipper would hit it just right and she would almost have an orgasm right in the middle of the hall!

09-09-2002, 11:24 AM
I've got both nipples and my clit pierced, the nipples hurt a bit but weren't too bad, the clit, well a VERY intense OWWWWCH! for the second that it was being done, then nothing....

Give it a day or so to heal, then it's left me in a permanent state of hornyness :-) Feels great when touched by ANYTHING too :-)

Uncle Silky
09-10-2002, 01:45 AM
initially, you'll experience greatly increased sensitivity, but in the long run, you'll likely become less sensitive due to the constant stimulation. it's worth considering for anybody interested in gettin it done.

09-10-2002, 08:41 AM
I couldn't even;be circumcised;when younger;because of a clotting problem.I had it done;when in my 40s;at a Drs suggestion.Until;healed;I resisted any sexual practices;because of possible bleeding.That included masturbation.The largest;
percentage;of women;masturbate;by clitoral stimulation.To some;
women;this would not create a problem.This could create;a large
problem;to those women;who are used to; multiple;orgasms a day!Your body gets used to certain things.The; possible;side
effects;might not be worth it to some.I would think about the
end result.It might not be worth;the side denial.It's No fun;walking around horny all of the time and denial;only increases
desire.Example:It is almost impossible;to keep;your penis;from getting hard;when you are used to;at least;once daily;climaxes;
for many years. Irish