View Full Version : Nair

09-01-2002, 01:00 AM
Tonight I used Nair on a very sensitive area...now i have the worst burning sensation. Have any of y'all done that? If so what relieves the burning.

09-01-2002, 01:22 AM

If you want a medicine I've used Bactine with success.
A non medical way might be to try using ice on the tender skin.

Uncle Silky
09-01-2002, 02:06 AM
i once Naired my entire body from the neck down. suffice it to say i was feelin bored and experimental. worst... smell... ever. stunk like somebody took a skunk on a field trip to a pig farm/chicken rendering plant dual complex, stood exactly in the middle of the place, force-fed the skunk sulfur, killed it, burned it, brought in another skunk that had been eatin other skunks who were full on sulfur, set it on fire, then made it shit on the original dead, charred skunk. mm hmm, kinda stinky.

09-01-2002, 05:31 AM
I guess you should have read the packet...... You know, when all else fails, read the instructions. Doing a small trial patch and letting it rest for 24 hrs is the answer. If it is itchy, try another cream or less time.

For the moment I would suggest treating your problem with malt whisky. About half a bottle taken internally should do the trick.

09-01-2002, 08:09 AM
there are sprays that you can buy...aerosol....like bactine...or even solarcaine that are safe to use on that area CHECK THE LABEL!!!!! It should cool, help with stinging and pain.....some have antiseptic properties as well.

If it will eat the wax off your car it does not belong on your pussy!!!!!!!:D:D:p

09-01-2002, 01:59 PM
Well I had used it before without burning myself. I tested a bit on my skin before applying and nothing happened. A few seconds later it got hot so I rinsed it off. It wasnt til I dried off that I felt parts where I had applied the cream burning. Today I feel a little bit better but there is one patch where it still hurts.

The thing that sucks worse is that this is the nair for bikini waxes...

Harley Q
09-01-2002, 05:58 PM
Nair is the invention of the devil. I can't even use it on my legs. (Don't worry though, I still find a way to wear short shorts.) I remember putting a little noxema on the burning flesh to ease the pain. It works really well on sunburn, too.

09-05-2002, 01:12 PM
Hair be Natural ............Nair be toxic.