View Full Version : Shaven, not furred?

08-19-2002, 10:41 PM
HI ALL! I have a question! I've been looking through the site and have seen many different "Hairstyles" on all our Pixies. So I have a question for everyone out there that may have been asked before I began here, but I wanna know.

I want to know how you like your women/men to be groomed. Do you like wild, bushy manes that you can run your fingers through? Do you like a bald pussy/balls so that you don't have to worry about getting a hair in your throat? Do you like a well trimmed pussy/balls that look neat and cared for? Or something else altogether. I wanna know how and why.

I also want to know on the flip side how YOU like to be groomed. Do you just let it go? Do you shave it all off so you can feel the sensitivity of the textures against your skin? Do you keep things trimmed in a nice neat pattern that any porn star would be proud of? Or something altogether different?

08-19-2002, 10:49 PM
YES!...LMAO! I happen to love to see the different styles! I wouldn't balk at any! I happen to shave almost all but a slight landing strip atop my mound...but that's just me! I can't shave it all......panties (when I wear them) annoy me in that particular spot. I am gonna try and let her grow for a perty pattern I saw a few days ago. Here goes nuttin!

Great thread DD....TY!

08-20-2002, 06:20 AM
Well I'm shaved completely bare, from neck down - i hate body hair! I don't see how people can love that gorilla look on men! I think smooth cocks look better, and it feels better too.

I prefer bald pussies too, but hell I wouldn't knock any back right now! I'll take what I can get!
heH LixyChick - what's your pattern gonna be?

08-20-2002, 11:04 AM
This has been discussed before, but we’re always happy to get additional thoughts. Here was my “input” then and it hasn’t changed much since.

Pixies Place Forums > Sex Talk > General Sex Talk > Shaved or Unshaved?
11-23-2001 01:30 AM
11-23-2001 01:39 AM
11-23-2001 01:48 AM
Your choice… Pixies men do whatever it takes for the ladies. Feel free to CUM at me any way you’d like… >< just be as happy in what you do as you make me!!! Attachment: all pix ladies 2.jpg (new window)

08-20-2002, 11:52 AM
I like the semi shaved look.....and i am also semi shaved....i think my pics are still about somewhere!!

08-20-2002, 12:33 PM
I prefer my women to have some hair on the mound, but shaven or cut really short on the lips. I like this because the lip hair doesn't get in the way of a good eating and I like the feeling of the hair above on my nose as I suck/lick her clit.

As for me, I keep it trimmed short. I haven't shaved since I don't want to deal with the irritation. I don't expect my women to shave either.

Harley Q
08-20-2002, 12:42 PM
Throwing my two cents in, it's nice to see nice, clean, well-maintained hair of any quantity. People like myself don't aften have the time, patience or resources to completely shave the regions in question bare. You take what's around, where I come from. That magical land I speak of? College.

08-20-2002, 04:00 PM
no prefrance one way or the other
myself i trim my self with my beard trimmer
now that i wear no underwear stops any
pubic hair catching in the zipper

08-20-2002, 04:02 PM
tosses in his 2-bits, I enjoy a woman that has a landing strip also, and thats all. And from personel pleasure I enjoy it immensly when my wife tongues & sucks on my smooth sac or runs her tongue along a smooth strip just above my member.

08-20-2002, 09:43 PM
I just realized I didn't answer my own question...

By the way, thanks to all who answered even tho they've been here before.....

I like my men neatly trimmed, like a person above said, with a beard trimmer...I can't take more than 3/4 of an inch because I can't stand the hair tickling my nose and it also makes it easier to clean up after a particularly messy session. But shaved bald doesn't look natural to me and too much hair looks TOO natural.

As far as my women and myself, I like the lips shaved and a little puff or landing strip on the mound. For the reasons the above man said, it's just more handy when eating and it also keeps things from getting too messy...plush I love the feel of the short hair on a man scratching at my sensitive lips. ;)

And thats my 2 pennies

08-20-2002, 10:12 PM
I personally keep my pubic hair either trimmed very close or I use hair removal cream, which leave a small amount of hair, but without the itchyness and redness of shaving. Works well for me.
As for what I prefer on others, any amount of hair, with the exception of bushy, is fine for me, on both females and males

08-22-2002, 05:08 AM
There is NOTHING that feels quite as good as sliding the head of my cock up and down between her smooth lips, so that means no hair from the beginning of her furrow right round to the other side. She also likes putting me on my back and sliding up and down the lower side of my cock as it lies on my belly - she calls it riding her broomstick. I don't know about that but it certainly has magic results on her.
Sometimes (due to working nights etc) she doesn't get time to use the hair removing cream and the rough feeling of the hair, while still exciting, means I don't last anything like as long. So she doesn't let it grow often.
She sometimes feels embarrssed if she has a gyno appointment or has to share a shower, but so far she has only had admiring comments from nurses and other women. Espcially when she says her husband insists on it; I get the feeling that many of their husbands prefer football. Oh, Australia!

08-22-2002, 10:05 AM
I personally like it anyway it comes. Just glad someone wants to share ;) LMAO

As for myself I like it to have mine completely bald to completely not (and anywhere inbetween). Depends on how creative I feel.
-Summer :D

Coach Knight
08-22-2002, 10:09 AM
*gets his creative and other juices flowing

08-22-2002, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Coach Knight
*gets his creative and other juices flowing
hmmmm could be interesting :) :) :)
-Summer :D

Coach Knight
08-22-2002, 10:35 AM
*prepares for inspection of Summer

08-23-2002, 09:22 AM
I used to shave all the time.. however after letting it grow back once and seeing that not only did my natural color not come back now my pubes are straight ARGH!!!! lol :D So I stopped shaving eons ago but my hair is so sparse naturally that its very hard to see in pics and not too much in the way in person ;) I like my partners however they are comfy!

08-23-2002, 03:43 PM
:o Guess I tend to like shaved or well-trimmed, but it's not an absolute necessity by any means. Just think it looks and feels very nice and sexy. That's both for my wife (who really doesn't like to shave because it itches a lot whenit regrows); and, for myself who shaves and / or generally keeps it closely trimmed. :p

08-23-2002, 06:10 PM
Well now, I like my ladies either shaved, or long and silky. An old friend once told me she kept her beaver silky by shampooing and conditioning it the same as her head. I keep mine long (at both ends) and shampoo the same way as she told me long ago - never any complaints.

08-24-2002, 06:00 PM
I like it shaved............only if it stays that way...........stubbles kill my face. On the other side.................if it's bushy and Hairy................Hygiene is the WORD. I do Like um Hairy though. MMMMMMMMMMMM Love to Nuzzle in and Licliclic.

08-25-2002, 04:10 PM
I don't mind the hair left natural on a man , but if he shaves his balls it can make it so much easier to suck on them...lol

As for my own hairstyle... I like to keep the pussy lips cleanly shaven, but leave the mound natural. Thankfully I'm not overly hairy in that region...lol. I like the looks of a completely shaved pussy but unfortunately I have not been able to master the razor rash I get when I go anything above the slit.

08-27-2002, 01:15 PM
I suppose anything anywhere between totally shaved and very well trimmed /kept is fine by me. Personally though I guess my favorite style on my wife is shaved lips and a triangle on top. Though the triangle should be smaller than the area, by about the width of my trimmers :-)
As for myself, I think the less hair the better. I try and keep my shaft and balls shaved from about half an inch above all the way down to my bottom. I keep the top trimmed to half an inch with my trimmers and I like to shave the top in about one razors width. I'd shave it all off except my wife likes a little fur there. But there really is nothing like having both of you clean shaven.

08-27-2002, 03:31 PM
yo i got question 2 that i guess wasnt answered in above post. what about shaved male legs? do you like it or does it look kinda "gay"? well sorry gays no offence :), but many girls told me it looks "gay"..;)

08-28-2002, 06:31 AM
hi to all
this is my frank opinion:
i like my female to be clean shaved on her private parts. but while having sex i like her hair to be loose and spread over her head.
it makes me horny.

08-28-2002, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Sweet_Candy
but unfortunately I have not been able to master the razor rash I get when I go anything above the slit. Candy ..... my wife has that prob .... she doesn't mind shaving but, hell .... just no fun to get the rash.

Anyone any suggestions ........ like, how good/safe is depilatory cream ... I've wondered if that is OK to use on sensitive areas. Any safe brand?

Sorry if this been covered b4 ... sure it has, somewhere.

08-29-2002, 04:44 AM
Most creams are OK for most people. If in doubt, just dab a little spot on and clean it off at the right time. If the skin is still fine tomorrow, you can go ahead and use the cream.

DON'T LEAVE CREAM ON FOR MORE THAN THE RECOMMENDED TIME! (At least, not at first. Once you haave experience with a particular brand, you can push the limit a bit.)

08-29-2002, 06:06 AM
Thx Eric .........

anyone have a brand name they know is gentle and safe?

09-01-2002, 10:17 PM
For me, anything but a jungle down there is wonderful. A neat trim to shaved smooth, it doesn't really matter as long as I can slip my tongue in. I have a girl friend who uses a barber's hair trimmer to cut it down nice and short. It feels really nice. I have a female friend who shaves her's in the shape of a heart every valentines day. That's very cool. The landing strip is a great look to. What the heck, try them all - it grows back!!!

Harley Q
09-01-2002, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by hot9000
yo i got question 2 that i guess wasnt answered in above post. what about shaved male legs? do you like it or does it look kinda "gay"?

Had to answer this question, since I know a few competitive male swimmers both from high school and college. On most guys, it doesn't look any more or less normal. But there's always something humerous about that stubble stage on a guy. It doesn't look gay to me, perhaps because many of the gay guys I know are quite the opposite of shaved smooth.

09-03-2002, 07:11 PM
Shaved all over for 15 years (except my head) I wouldn't be any other way... got my hubby to shave his balls too... although I like his hair everywhere else.:cool:

09-05-2002, 01:16 PM
One Word Ladies.........................Electrolysis..............expensive but less hassles. The Dr. will see you now.

09-05-2002, 01:35 PM
I don't mind the shaving part... just have to go further up when shaving my legs....

09-05-2002, 01:35 PM
what about clit peircing? hmmmmmm

09-05-2002, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by juiceyjackie
what about clit peircing? hmmmmmm Whole 'nother subject really but ... hey, as a guy it would not do much for me! Just as soon have ''all natural'' clit .. without having to risk the feel of metal on my teeth!!:p

And .... on basis that clit is a vestigeal penis ... makes my eyes water to even think about it being done ...... tho I know some do.:rolleyes: :)