View Full Version : Real Cyber?

08-18-2002, 11:28 PM
Alright.. as a very sexual single woman.. I have participated in cyber many times. I am rather particular about those I do this with.. usually (with the exception of once with a fellow pixie) only after a long amount of time building a friendship.

Tonight... that changed.. let me share it with you...

I have known this wonderful online friend for well over a year now (I can't believe it has been that long). We meet while playing an online game and eventually I shared with him my stories, his first indication I am sure that I was a sexual being at all. Anyway, since getting my computer a few months back and finally having a cam, he and I finally started chatting with the ability to see one another. It took me awhile to turn on the cam, just strictly out of fear that he would find me unattractive in every way and disappear into the abiss.

Anyway.. we have chatted regularly via the cam.. and I finally got the nerve up to reveal a little of myself (actually alot).. my breasts. It spiced up the conversations a bit.. :) Slowly but surely, more clothing began to disappear over time.. until both of us sit completely in the buff...

I have masturbated infront of him prior to this evening.. but only allowing him to see my chest and above.. Tonight however.. that changed...

I moved my desk chair out of the way... and layed down on my bed.. took out a toy.. and allowed him to watch. It was the first time that I have ever done such a thing.. in fact.. truth be known.. that is the first time I have ever had someone watching me masturbate.

He is a great friend.. one that unfortunately lives farrrr away in Canada.. but one who is very dear to me none the less. I completely enjoyed this experience.. and was rewarded with one of the longest, most intense orgasm I have ever had.. for that.. I thank him.. and for much more.

Well.. thought I would share this with all of you... and get your opinion on cyber/cam sex. :)

08-19-2002, 12:15 AM
You GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!:p

Uncle Silky
08-19-2002, 01:32 AM
this chick i've known online for about 4 years now polished the jewel on her webcam the other day while i was watchin. i didn't ask her to and, quite frankly, wasn't all that amped up about it. i guess she just wanted an audience. *shrug* i didn't and don't feel any differently about her now than i did before, but then again, i'm not really into cyberin or any uh that other shit. i just don't find it the least bit erotic. i usta type to women while they did their thang when i first got online, though. just never stuck for me personally. different strokes, i guess.

08-19-2002, 06:10 AM
hmmmm.... perhaps im looking in the wrong places for my cyber experiences....

08-19-2002, 10:52 AM
WAY TO GO JENNAFLOWER!!!! sounds like you had a great time.

A.K.'s Sex-Pot
08-19-2002, 12:26 PM
I don't know what i'm more surprised at - the fact that you did that on camera (i'm really camera shy, so there's no way i'd do it!) or the fact that you haven't done it in the flesh before! Trust me, if you like doing it in front of someone on screen, you're gonna LOVE doing it in front of someone in person, when your guy can do it too and cover you with his . . lurve!

Glad someone had a more interesting evening than me!!!!

08-24-2002, 06:06 PM
Go Jenna.................forget the stuffed shirt comments. As long as you were satisfied....................so be it.

08-24-2002, 07:33 PM
Awesome! And brave!

08-25-2002, 09:37 AM
Welcome to my world, Jenna. Camsex is best when it's spontaneous like that.