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08-12-2002, 08:43 PM
and what were you doing on August 15, 1977 when it was announced that Elvis Aaron Presley died?

I was almost 7 and playing at my friend Tommy's house. His mom came running outside, crying and carrying on at the top of her lungs. We got worried because his Grandma had been very sick and we thought that she had died.

She told us Elvis died. We shrugged our shoulders and went back to playing GI Joe and Barbie's shoot up Ken the bad guy wedding LOL

I do love his music and have a calendar at work, but I am not that nuts about him.

Had to take my old wall calendar down at work once a month. We had a lady who was delusional and psychotic, thought she was married to Elvis and demanded to know why I had a picture of HER husband on my board. LOL

08-12-2002, 09:21 PM
I was 21 when the King died, he was in Nashville Making his first RCA album the month I was born (relevant as that may be)...since the parents wouldn't allow Beatle records in the house, I buried myself in being a total Elvis fan during the British invasion period...but by the time he toppled from his "throne" for the last time, he had become such a self-parody I found it hard to feel any real sense of loss...I've said for some time, it wasn't drugs or a heart attack, Elvis embarrassed himself to death...

08-12-2002, 09:30 PM
when I show up at the asylum where you work. (It may be sooner than I thought, but if you don’t tell our secret,:confused: I won’t. LOL):o
I must be getting PARTZheimers. I only forget part of it. The day Elvis Aaron Presley died is one of them!:rolleyes: LOL
Actually I’m looking forward to Alzheimer’s.;) I’ll get to meet new people ALL the time:D and each Spring I can hide my own Easter eggs:D.

08-12-2002, 10:25 PM
I was 9yrs old and at home....and when i heard i was devastated

He was (and still is) my hero....even in his last days.

That bastard PARKER is the one i blame for Elvis's decline...

But you all now right....ELVIS LIVES!!!!

08-12-2002, 10:32 PM
Takin a swim around my dad's sack, waiting to be released into the world

08-13-2002, 05:54 AM
We were still settling in after moving into our current home. We'd moved from another city as part of my job.

We'd always like Elvis' singing and it came as a real shock that he was gone. Still listen to his music.

08-13-2002, 10:41 AM
*LOL* I wasn't even being thought about yet.


08-13-2002, 11:42 AM
i was only two so i was probably crying my eyes out lol.

08-13-2002, 01:05 PM
I was 24, and more a Brit invasion fan.

Elvis had run off the rails and as we half-expected, crashed badly.

However, there is a ghost of Elvis (see other thread) that we

still "love tender".

08-13-2002, 03:21 PM
Shite! Thanks for the reminder. The 15th is my parent's anniversary! I was only three when he died. My parents were out to dinner that night when they heard and were quite upset. Some of my parents' musical choices have influenced me but Elvis certainly wasn't one of them!

08-13-2002, 03:25 PM
Hmm...where was I?? Probably watching Sesame Street or somethin..i was only 2!!..lol

08-13-2002, 03:38 PM
In 1977 you could sum up my existence in two words... STAR WARS. I was so unaware of Elvis at the time I think I was a teen before I realised that Elvis had died after I was born and not before.