View Full Version : Meeting fellow pixie addicts...

07-26-2002, 07:06 PM
Yep... you read that correctly... I was fortunate this evening to meet two fellow pixie addicts....




Bet lots of you are jealous... huh? :) You should be!!!

Both of them are wonderful souls... it was nice to sit there and talk with them and to realize that not only are they REAL but that their online personas match who they are. My only regret is that I couldn't stay longer... next time SS is in the area I will certainly be looking forward to getting the chance to see her again...

There are so many more here that I know I would love to meet.... who's next? LOL

07-26-2002, 07:17 PM
Good for you!!!! It is always nice to know that people have made friendships and connections.... I am glad you had fun!!!

07-26-2002, 08:21 PM
I am very jealous indeed. Actually I would expect just about all of the Pixie people that I have regular contact with would be true to type as they present themselves here in Pixies. I have spoken on line with SS and Murphy and am not at all surprised that you discovered then to be great people.

Iwish I could meet up with them all.

07-28-2002, 03:49 PM
jennaflower! It sounds like you had a nice time...and yes, I'm jealous LOL.
Glad you had fun though.

I've met a Pixies member too and what an interesting fellow he is!

Over the years I hope to meet up with many more as the opportunity arrises. :)

07-28-2002, 04:57 PM
I've known a fellow Pixie before I was on Pixies...does that count? And I've also met one person off of here...so I know that one counts. And soon, I will be meeting another one. *LOL* I've put in for a college transfer. Starting in January, but I'll be moving in December, I will be living in California.....I'm taking all of my stuff with me, including my roommate....hey, I've gotta have someone with me. I bet ya'll can't guess who one of my new best friends from Pixies is gonna be when I get there........ ;)

07-28-2002, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by jennaflower
I was fortunate this evening to meet two fellow pixie addicts....

Both of them are wonderful souls...
........ not only are they REAL but that their online personas match who they are. My only regret is that I couldn't stay longer... next time SS is in the area I will certainly be looking forward to getting the chance to see her again...

How sweet of you, Jenna!! And fellow Pixie-ites, Jenna is also just as wonderful as her on-screen persona.
We enjoyed meeting you too! And we wish you could have stayed longer too. Our time together passed much too quickly!
I'm hoping to be back in the area soon. My dh is firmly committed to re-locating to the area and I agree 1000%:D !! It's nice to know that when (not if) we move there I'll already have friends.
I consider myself a very lucky woman to have met you both.......
and thanks for taking the pic of Murphy and me together!!

Midnight Kiss
08-04-2002, 09:24 PM
Wow, so many of us pixies in the same area. Could make for some very wonderfully interesting times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have met people form the internet over the years and I know a few pixies from before they were pixies. But I have yet to meet anyone from here and am looking forward to making friends. The people here at pixies have been wonderful. I can't wait to become friendly enough to want to meet everyone, lol.

08-05-2002, 11:29 AM
I, too, am jealous! LOL

I've never met anyone from my online world in real time but I wouldn't rule it out, it's just I usually live in isolated places. I wish I lived next door to where the pixies party is happening!

08-05-2002, 04:49 PM
Great stuff Jenna

I would love to meet other pixies, but England is a long swim over the big pond.

But I'm glad to hear it was a good meeting.


08-05-2002, 08:47 PM
But Andrew, we have quite a few Pixie addicts from the UK. It would be great if a bunch of you could get together. Should even be easier for you all since the islands are so much smaller than the US. Not nearly as long a distance to travel as some of us in the USA would have.

08-06-2002, 07:07 AM
I live in the distan lands of Romania... bet you don't even know where that is :) ...

anyway, untill they invent teleportation, it would be very unlikely i will meet someone from Pixies... :_(

08-07-2002, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by thun
I live in the distan lands of Romania... bet you don't even know where that is :) ...


Sure we do, thun.....Eastern Europe, home of Nadia Comaneci, Bela Karolyi, and Vlad the Impaler......quite a variety..LOL

08-07-2002, 08:41 PM
Not to mention that Romania is Bulgaria's next door neighbor :)

08-07-2002, 08:47 PM
And Bela Lugosi too....

08-08-2002, 01:43 AM
thanx for your support. wish i was somewhere closer though...