View Full Version : Just curious- any porn fans here?
08-26-2001, 12:09 PM
I'm brand new to this board so please be kind!
Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has more than a passing interest in porn here, either politically (as a statement against sexual repression), occupatinally (i.e.- you're interested in porn as a career) or, uh, otherwise.
anyone have a favorite line of movies?
Favorite star? (male or female)
Thoughts on porn in general?
You show me yours and I'll show you mine! ;)
08-26-2001, 07:45 PM
I'm a fan of porn and download alot of vids from different sites and put them on cd's. One of my favorite females is Tera Patrick,Lovette,and Mariah. Like to collect different types 2! So what do you like? Are U going to show me your's now? I'll wait and see....
04-25-2002, 09:12 PM
I can look at that all day - what I would love to do with it
04-26-2002, 10:04 AM
My political statement on porn is that if somebody wants to fuck on camera and others want to buy it, then be my guest. The tapes I have all appear to star willing participants who earn their paychecks. .
I have several (20)VCR tapes, since my comp is a POS and is too slow to do any videos. Besides, I like the tapes better anyhow.
My favorite people are
Female: Devon, Chasey Lane, Tera, Amber Lynn & Tori Welles(oldschool), Szylvia, and a host of others that I only know by face and not name.
Male: Bobby Vitale, Billy Glide, Alex Sanders , Mark Davis
Hats off to the Adult Actors!! They do what we only dream of, and do it well.
04-26-2002, 10:44 AM
One more question. My personal favorite kind of adult movie is one in which all the stars are young(18-21) , both the male and females, clean-cut(not hairy, not tattooed and pierced 50 different ways), and are just sexy.
Does anyone know the names of any good movies or web sites that have these kinda people??
04-26-2002, 11:23 AM
while i don't get porn vids, i have come across this site a number of times
04-26-2002, 11:53 AM
I am a woman who enjoys porn. Like anything with a "vice" stigma, I believe that it is especially good in moderation. My girlfriend and I like to watch together and critique the cunnilingus (we find that most porn stars, m or f, have no idea what they are supposed to be licking). Some are erotic, some are disgusting, some are just plain any other genre of film/movie.
(we like plots...anything in which they "act". We find these particularly entertaining!)
Yes i have a good 15-20 porn tapes laying around.My favorites are Jeanna Jameson(sp?) and Amber Lynn
04-26-2002, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Ophelia
My girlfriend and I like to watch together and critique the cunnilingus (we find that most porn stars, m or f, have no idea what they are supposed to be licking).
Ophelia Have to agree, porn pussy-licking usually leaves a lot to be desired... I think they tend to worry about what looks good for the camera, rather than what's best for the feeling... then again, I always end up with my face buried anyway, can that be fun to watch?
04-26-2002, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by scotzoidman
Have to agree, porn pussy-licking usually leaves a lot to be desired... I think they tend to worry about what looks good for the camera, rather than what's best for the feeling... then again, I always end up with my face buried anyway, can that be fun to watch?
I don't know about good to watch but I'll bet that its wonderful to feel ;)
04-26-2002, 03:44 PM
yes but in the porn idustrey its how it lookes
on film to do a good oral you ned to get in close
witch messes up the shot when filming
other wise you would see back of one head
and thighs
04-26-2002, 05:09 PM
Another online site to rent or buy is
04-27-2002, 05:16 PM
I'm a newbie to the site and a newbie to purchasing porn. I've just moved to a shite town for work and love this site and have just ordered some vids online. I don't know what the fuss is about porn. Pixies stories are wonderful, too!
05-10-2002, 07:43 AM
porn can be stimulating, if both parties agree, my personal opinion is if consenting adults like something do it! sex happens all the time either for conception, or pleasure, i think sex should be about freedom to do as you like as long as both partners agree, stagnation has led to many a ruin.
Capn Cocksuck
05-12-2002, 07:11 PM
Hi Lemon Pie, I'm new to the board too!
I have to say that the people who piss me off the most are those who say "you shouldn't watch that because its disgusting/offensive/degrading/other". Those who don't want to see it, fine, don't look, but don't spoil it for the rest of us:)
I'm not ashamed to say I watch quite a bit, and the partners I've had have always been keen on viewing my collection.
Fave performers would be
(female) Jessie James, Sylvia Saint, Nikki Sinn
(male) Kris Lord, TT Boy, Zak Spears
05-13-2002, 09:51 AM
I like certain porn videos.I think that;it depends;on your particular
fantasy.Some are good;others are unappealing!
My favorite line from a movie(not porn)is from"Harley Davidson&
the Marlboro Man."It is-"Better to be dead and cool;then alive and
uncool."My wife hates it.If you have lived in the OLD motorcycle lifestyle;it makes all the sense in the world;to me.I'd hate to think
that;I spent;all of those years prooving nothing! Irish
P.S.Everyone had an earned reputation.It was respected then;because everyone knew that you had earned it!
11-03-2002, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by 2handed
[COLOR=blue]One of my favorite females is Tera Patrick,Lovette,and Mariah.
I really liked Tera Patrick until she said on Night Calls 411, (on the Playboy Channel), that she once walked out of a guy's apartment and took a cab home very disappointed because the guy's cock was too small for her; she only likes big cocks. If she only likes large cocks, fine, but unless the guy had lied about his size (Tera didn't say he lied), I thought it was very tacky and rude of her to rush out. :mad:
Tera also said big cocks are just as important as large breasts to guys. What an airhead! :rolleyes:
11-03-2002, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by LemonPie
I'm brand new to this board so please be kind!
Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has more than a passing interest in porn here, either politically (as a statement against sexual repression), occupatinally (i.e.- you're interested in porn as a career) or, uh, otherwise.
anyone have a favorite line of movies?
Favorite star? (male or female)
Thoughts on porn in general?
You show me yours and I'll show you mine! ;)
I'm political about it. Yes, I believe adult film is a VERY important statement against sexual repression. The Playboy Channel has done a helluva lot to change this and educate people. :D
I like pictures made by Wicked. Any hardcore films.
Favorite adult stars:
Sydnee Steele-- She really knows how to arch her body and move when getting fucked. Sticking her tits way up in the air! She really turns me on! Her nipples are long too! :D I don't like fake tits, but she's an exception!
Chasey Lain--She has, BY FAR, the most gorgeous, pretty, sexy face in the adult industry. Her face is truly unique for the business, as Ralph Parfait (well known photgrapher/camera guy for adult films) said.
Chloe--She's the only one, IMO, who makes the most realistic sex sounds and expressions while having sex/an orgasm. Chloe's pretty damn close to the way I respond when having sex! :D
Would LOVE to see Playboy TV show cum shots, and internal shots. They HAVE cum a long way on cable though. Just a couple of years ago, they didn't show Director's Cut Films.
11-03-2002, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by foosballfan
My favorite people are....
Male: Bobby Vitale, Billy Glide, Alex Sanders , Mark Davis
Hats off to the Adult Actors!! They do what we only dream of, and do it well.
Yeah!!! :D
I forgot to mention my favorite adult actors:
Peter North, Randy Spears, Alex Sanders, Steven St. Croix, Dale DaBone, Vincent Voyeur, and I do like Ron Jeremy!
11-03-2002, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by axe31
yes but in the porn idustrey its how it lookes
on film to do a good oral you ned to get in close
witch messes up the shot when filming
other wise you would see back of one head
and thighs
Sometimes the camera angles are horrible! Just check out films directed by Paul Thomas. He's supposed to be this great hotshot director, who does films for Vivid!, but he seems like an amateur. Also, he definitely needs to show a lot more close-up shots of the fucking.
11-03-2002, 04:23 PM
Wait a sec, you mean they make other types of movies then porn, I guess I need to get out more.
11-04-2002, 04:46 AM
I love to watch porn and read porn.......I love it.....
11-04-2002, 12:27 PM
I also enjoy porn very much.
As long as it isn't kiddy stuff and or violent.
I like it when you can see they are having fun.
I still remember stuff like "Behind the Green Door" and "Deep Throat" but of course I also have newer things.
11-04-2002, 12:31 PM
Oh by the way you can use Xolox to download all sorts of free video and image goodies. Just do a search for anything you like and you will be surprised what you will find.
There are lots of "bang bus and MILF and other neat things.
Have fun!!!
11-04-2002, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by jonjon
I also enjoy porn very much.
I like it when you can see they are having fun.
Yep, and that was the reason why I started having so much sex, and with different people. Watching the porn, and seeing what you said. :D
11-04-2002, 01:31 PM
This is for anyone who has been watching Playboy TV's Night Calls & Night Calls 411 (but anyone may have seen these women elsewhere):
I think the best women on those two shows were Flower and Doria.
Flower REALLY LOVES SEX! :D When callers would ask her does she do certain sex acts, she'd say, 'Of course!' I don't think she ever said she did this, but she was pleasantly amused when callers would say they "licked dirty ass". I loved her style!! I don't know if they always tell the truth on Night Calls--maybe some of what they say is for "entertainment purposes", but she always seemed sincere when answering questions/making statements. She left the show last year....I miss her terribly.
Doria was so funny and witty! She always made me laugh. She may not have been the most gorgeous woman around, but her wit made her very sexy! She left, I think two years ago....I miss her on the show too! :(
I don't think either one were X-rated film stars. They have done--and Flower still does I believe (I don't know about Doria)--softcore films of the simulated kind.
They both have websites.
11-04-2002, 03:54 PM
Is this site porn? Is it adult writings, Erotica or wank material?
I'm not sure and think it is up to us,,porn with capital P Porn, ok but I'm always kinda worried about disposable lifestyles, disposable people and I'm concerned that how much is freewill, how many women and moen work in porn through choice? I mean choice in the widest sense of the word - sorry idealistic me. I once read a letter to a British National paper from a prostitute in response to a letter complaining about prostitues, the last line was very sobering - "Deep down nobody wants to be a prostitute." that made me mentally sit-up.
I have seen a variety of porn films, but the mosr erotic moment in any film? Madeline Carrol in Hitchcocks the 39 Steps - removing her stockings whilst handcuffed to Robert Donat - sheer spine-tingling erotica.
The only Porn I found really scarey was the "rape" films - only saw a clip but found it disturbing, I say only I have never seen anything with Animals, Scatological, pissing or Kids and would not want to, basically I find it totally repellent.
the Wildeye
11-04-2002, 04:27 PM
I have seen;very few;Porn videos but alot of porn photographs;in
which you can see by the look in their eyes that they are either
under the influence or in need of a fix.To me;those are not a turn-
on.They are sad.I have known a few people who were once;very
proud people;that would do almost anything for a fix.It's disgusting; but almost understandable;if you have seen them both ways! Irish
11-04-2002, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Wildeye
The only Porn I found really scarey was the "rape" films - only saw a clip but found it disturbing, I say only I have never seen anything with Animals, Scatological, pissing or Kids and would not want to, basically I find it totally repellent.
the Wildeye
I'd like to see the pissing porn. :D
11-04-2002, 06:13 PM
My favorite porn/comedy is a musical Alice in Wonderland from the '70s - it's hillarious!
11-04-2002, 07:29 PM
I like it almot. My fav. stars are huston, sernity and janna. But usally when surfing the net for porn for some reasion I tend to stray away from those type of girls and find myself searching for more odd stuff such as BBW, or mature ladies.
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