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07-17-2002, 09:24 PM
What do You Drink???

The way I see it there are usually two reasons to drink when you go out....Social and Obliverate....so heres my question...

I would like everyone (who drinks) to tell me there drink of choice when the go out for these two reasons....

07-17-2002, 09:25 PM
Oh and mine..

Social...Beer usually Amstel Light or Fosters

Obliverate...TEQUILA either Quervo or Petron (No cheap shit)

07-17-2002, 09:27 PM
does the blood of mentally-deficient virgin sheep count? if so, that.

07-17-2002, 09:27 PM
social: margaritas or tequila and coke

obliverate: straight tequila

pass the cuervo please <and the feather boa>

07-17-2002, 09:28 PM
to socialize.... amaretto sours

the other... tequila.. only Quervo... and lots of it... I only do that once a year or so... last time... 14 shots... LOL... plus 4 amaretto sours... but that was an extreme... was drinking away a broken heart.... and as a reward I didn't even wake up with a hangover. :)

07-17-2002, 09:28 PM
Social ~ Mudslides

Shitfaced ~ Mudslides


07-17-2002, 09:30 PM
what about socially shitfaced?

07-17-2002, 09:30 PM
jennaflower...14 shots of quervo and not hangin...

I stand up and applaud

07-17-2002, 09:32 PM
can i change my answer? cuz i sometimes get drunk on panda mystery and my moderate amount of power.

07-17-2002, 09:33 PM
ROFL... I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't lived it..... my best friend still talks about it... you should have seen her face when she walked out of her room at 7 am to see me sober sitting on her couch... LOL. I won't ever do that again tho... was afraid I was gonna die in my sleep...

07-17-2002, 09:37 PM
social - pina colada

zonked - rum & coke

07-17-2002, 09:41 PM

14 shots???? OMG, you are lucky you did not get alcohol poisoning! I had 2 rum and coke up in Niagara Falls Canada once and picked up a guy in a bar LOL

<grabbing halo before it hits the floor>

07-17-2002, 09:46 PM
oh way lucky I was... I was very scared of alcohol poisening.. I wanted to get sick.. but couldn't... I remember just before passing out thinking that I was a very stupid woman for drinking away a heart ache.... lucky for me I did wake up the next morning and I swore I wouldn't ever do it again... now I stop lots sooner... LOL

07-17-2002, 10:29 PM
Social ~~Stoli Vanilla Vodka and coke

Shitfaced ~~ whatever horrid concoction the bartender makes up
or Jack and Coke

Nice Guy
07-17-2002, 10:29 PM
Lets see socially it is Whiskey Sours/Whiskey&Coke but I generally get stuck drinking beer cause I don't have the type of money to throw around on mixed drinks at the bar.

Messed up: Any Hard alcohol

07-17-2002, 10:40 PM
Social ~ beer (any kind but usually Killian's) and margaritas

Obliterated ~ any and everything that my man gives/makes me (he is usually the bartender at our house) ~ ((last time this happened was my daughters b-day I did a whole bottle of vodka in lemon drop shots followed by beer, margaritas, and mudslides - and i don't remember half of the night even though some do ;) ))

07-18-2002, 06:09 AM

Obliterated.......martini's (wet) lots of olives. I hate dry martini's and hubby hates when I drink um.

Mrs. Lix

07-18-2002, 06:45 AM
Social: Wine, beer or Ceaser

Oblitered: Wine

Make our own wine and I must say it is excellent.

07-18-2002, 06:51 AM
To answer silky's question:

Socially Shitfaced would be when you Go out for "1 or 2" but it turns into an all nighter that ends up being 1 or 2 and hour.

Coach Knight
07-18-2002, 08:41 AM
Let's see I have several categories of each:

Online: A body shot off of a particular Pixie lady ;) or two.

1) Out with the guys - Pitchers of Beer
2) Hanging out - Samuel Adams or Leinenkugal or Fosters
3) Wedding or gambling - Absolut and tonic
4) Formal party - Stoli martini
5) Beach or outdoor activity - Strawberry daquiri

Fucked up:
1) Shots - Goldshlager
2) Shitty, classless party - Keg Stand of cheap beer
3) Formal party - Lots of martinis
4) Sporting event - cheap beer and lots of it
5) Beach or outdoor activity - Daquiri with a floater on top (That's a daquiri with a shot of something, usually rum, on top of it)

Do I have a problem?


07-18-2002, 08:52 AM
OMG Coach Knight i LOVE Goldshlager...LOL
And through my beer goggles i see no problems......LOL

*kisses* Mrs.Evil

07-18-2002, 09:36 AM
Oh, my........I'm underaged *lol*, but I still like to drink :)

Socially at parties and such, I like to drinka a Skyy.

To get shit-faced, I will drink lemon-drops, one after another ;)

07-18-2002, 01:14 PM
socially:- fosters or carling

obliterated:- vodka and lots of it

07-18-2002, 03:52 PM
i drink bitter and real ales
and white port cant drink spirits since me and
a mate drank a bottle and 1/2 of cheap scotch
as well as beer ever since all spirits tased like
that cheap scotch to me
gave my mate i was staying with a fright he
says i stoped breathig at one point in my sleep
was going to phone 999 till i started again
never do that again
p.s. i dont get hangovers

07-18-2002, 03:59 PM
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........just thought of a really good drink....................a blue-motherfucker :) Yummy :D

07-18-2002, 06:30 PM
social: good (darker) beers or Scotch

shitfaced: usually involves a couple (or more) good Martinis (Bombay Sapahire no vermouth) and then usually "gins and tonics" after that ;)

07-18-2002, 07:06 PM
When I drank (had to give it up because of Diabeties)
Social;Screwdrivers or Alabama Slammers with a shot of Gold Shalager

Oblitered ; Screwdrivers , Alabama Slammers ,Long Island IcedTea & Gold shalger

07-18-2002, 10:10 PM
Social~ Bud Light or Long Islands...normally Bud Light

Fucked Up~ Tequila shots and more Bud Light

07-18-2002, 10:28 PM
Social- Malt liquors (smirnoff ice, bacardi cooler thingies, skyy blue...)

Obliterated-anything (and lots of it)...but no gold schlager(makes me feel icky)

07-18-2002, 11:17 PM
social - Mikes Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff

obliterated - Absolut ( Stoli if Absolut is not available) and anything (coke, vanilla coke, mt dew, OJ, pepsi, orange pop, sunny d , sprite, and on and on lmao) and it takes over a liter :)

07-19-2002, 12:12 AM
Social-Coca Cola

Obliterated-Red Bull

Damn being under 21 sucks

07-19-2002, 11:21 AM
bourban and coke in both cases, usually Jim Beam. i start drinking it straight when i get shitfaced.

07-21-2002, 09:19 PM
Social-Frozen raspberry margaritas or Skyy Blue

Shitfaced-shots..shots and more shots, Blow Job Shots, Oatmeal Cookie shots, Lemon Drop shots......anything but flaming jelly bean shots(ICK)

07-22-2002, 09:18 PM
let's see .... I've never been an alcohol drinker so .....

socially ... 7-up or sprite

obliverated .... definately hot chocolate! :)

07-22-2002, 11:52 PM
Drink? What's a drink? I seem to remember alcohol years and years ago...haven't been out drinking in a looonnngggg time. but way back when....

Social, Gin Gimlett...Rose's lime Juice and Tanquerey

Obliterated....depends on who was buying...Mass quantities of whatever was available...

Obliverated ... Sass-Monkey Blood :)

Reverend Silky
07-23-2002, 12:09 AM
well, goddamn... somebody made an obscure Reverend reference. nicely done.

07-23-2002, 12:25 AM
being a diabetic I dont drink much and dont get pissed out of my brain (Thats aussie for exceptionally drunk)

I like a light beer, boags or cascade, or a bunderberg rum(dark) and diet coke. 4 is my limit.

07-23-2002, 07:20 AM
Well........a Vodka and orange without the orange..........

well maybe

more like

Brown Brothers Crouchen & Riesling

07-24-2002, 02:42 PM
Let's see, if I'm drinking socially it could be a Pink Squirrel or a Fuzzy Navel, or maybe even a flavored Pina Colada or Margarita.

If it's to get "shit-faced", it would have to be Southern Comfort and Coke or even Southern Comfort straight.
I haven't been "shit-faced" in many, many years......but one of the last times was on Harvey Walbangers. Went out with the gang from work. When it was time to leave I still had 5 drinks in front of me. I never believed in wasting good booze, so I downed them all and left. I remember getting in my car and getting out of it, but not driving home.:eek:
The very worst was on Southern Comfort and Coke. Bowling.....someone else was buying. For every strike I got a double.:D For every spare, just a single. That night I bowled my best game ever to that point..a 192!!! It was years before I could even stand the smell of Southern Comfort again.:( ;) :D

07-24-2002, 02:51 PM
What's a Southern Comfort........besides a company *LOL*? What kinda alcohol is it?


07-24-2002, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Clintx3x3
What's a Southern Comfort........besides a company *LOL*? What kinda alcohol is it?


try www.southerncomfort.com

....soft,smooth, warm, sweet with that warm feeling in the back of your throat when you drink it straight.

Social Gin and Tonic

Obliterated or "gished" anything with a % count drank in volume...I ain't fussy when it's been one of those weeks - sorry