View Full Version : Too Damn Good

07-13-2002, 12:27 PM
I have been too damn good for too damn long:D:D:p

OK I am needing a plan...a goal....help me make a Naughty List

Things I should do that will help me to become fully and totally
corrupted !!!

I am starting the list with these 3 which I plan to do tonight!!!!

1. Smoke dope...which I have not done in 17 years LOL.

2. Go out with no panties on....making sure he knows ;)

3. Have sexxx at a party....he does not know this part yet:p

OK add to the list....help me....I really want to be bad;)

07-13-2002, 12:35 PM
4. You must kiss another woman full on the mouth in full view of him. (It has too be a good long lasting one too)

5. If you catch someone checking you out and you are sitting down you must give them the beaver shot.

07-13-2002, 12:50 PM
6. Demonstrating your talents with the popsicles is a must-have
if you truly want to be naughty.

7. While having sex at this party, be sure and make LOTS of
noise so that the other guests will know just what is going on.


07-13-2002, 12:56 PM
I have been too damn good for too damn long:rolleyes: ha ………:) ……….. ha ha ………:D……………ha ha ha ………:D…………HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA…:D:D………………….

Now I can cancel the news paper………. I don’t need to read the comics to laugh any more.

Mr. 3G
07-13-2002, 01:15 PM
#8 . Run for the SENATE

#9 . Join the priesthood (ooops)

IN(hahahaha)HOUSE training for both. Free samples. Accelerated corruption programs in effect at all campuses.

All ya need.

I do like the no panties in pubic one tho. Make sure HE knows and make a few others are made aware. Watch where you sit and be careful how "excited" you get. I believe it is RUDE in nice restaurants to leave FOAM on the chair when you leave.

scchnoort !:D

Reverend Silky
07-13-2002, 01:47 PM
don't recycle, then chew with yer mouth open. but if yer feelin really, really naughty... *whispers* walk on their carpet in yer shoes. *shudders* wow, that's naughty. i feel nasty just for sayin it. i'm gonna shower-up now.

07-13-2002, 03:33 PM
Take him for a walk in a park one night a few days after the party when he thinks you've got all the badness out of your system...then raunch him senseless against a tree

Or let him find out about the no panties thing when he is driving...and can't do anything about it :p

07-13-2002, 04:19 PM
About that party.... go dressed in a loonng coat....and nothing else!

07-13-2002, 05:31 PM
go with panties on then at some point take them off
and give them to him it will blow his mind

little devil
07-13-2002, 07:20 PM
Photos Lil!!! Photos!! ;-(

07-13-2002, 10:21 PM
WE can scratch off #s 1-2-3 & 7!!!!!!

Woooooooo Hooooooooooo!!!!!! I am #1 now!!!! LOL

07-14-2002, 01:07 AM
Try a harder drug

07-14-2002, 05:03 AM
Place him in a position where there are two or three accomplices

(ladies who you know'll appeal to him and willing to tease him to

the point of sex) while you are "away", then just before anything

happens, arrive back.

It's then up to you what happens.

Sometimes I frighten myself, Lil.

07-14-2002, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by Lilith
WE can scratch off #s 1-2-3 & 7!!!!!!
Woooooooo Hooooooooooo!!!!!! I am #1 now!!!! LOL I noticed you left out some of the points on your REQUESTED list?:rolleyes:

I think you’d be a good senator!;)

07-14-2002, 09:44 AM
Oldfart~ I did let the beautiful ladies at the party tease and taunt him into going on a huge blow up water slide with them all dressed in their wet swimsuits or tshirts . When he protested that it would be cold, one showed him the proof it was not!!!!;) I think it led to him being extremely .....ahem.....ready....for #3!!!!:D:D:p

btw he did give in ;)

07-14-2002, 10:11 AM
Aha, you mean that the part of the first party did the part

of the second party at the party.

Evil wins again!!

07-14-2002, 10:19 AM
Oh damn it.........am I too late to add my 2 cents?

Wear a (almost but not quite) see through blouse. Ya know the one.........when they look at you they do a double take to make sure they aren't seeing what they think they are seeing.

While eating.......lick all your food first. Slowly sucking on that piece of watermelon. Licking it all over and then biting it. Taking that lobster into your mouth and pulling it out while sucking the butter off it as it drips down your hand. All the while making sure he is watching and you are staring deeply into his eyes! Use your hands to eat....no utensils! *NOTE* This won't work with mashed potatoes and the like, but you get the idea*

Whisper to him every now and then that your pussy is throbbing each time you look at him. Tell him how wet he is making you.

Throughout the evening.......as you pass by him........lightly, but assuredly, let your hand glance over his crotch and moan so only you and he can hear it.

Play volleyball.........with that skirt with no panties and that blouse and no bra.........they will pass the ball to you all the time!

And I am told trampolines are a great party icebreaker.....LOL! Men seem to love woman jumping on them according to "The Man Show".

Maybe you could use these suggestions for the next soiree.......I think I am a day late...........as usual!

Mrs. Lix

07-14-2002, 10:26 AM
So far great suggestions....This needs to be an ongoing list, like a reference manual......

It will take more than one night but I have plenty of time to evolve;)

Plus you never know their may be some other sweet innocent girls, like myself :D:D:p, who need suggestions....

07-14-2002, 09:11 PM
Ok Lil I found it ..............

#? Get freaky on the slide!

07-14-2002, 09:17 PM
meet your man at a bar. gaze at him from across the room, send him over a drink. he comes over to sit next to you. start stroking his cock and kissing him.

it is fun

I used to be snow white, but i drifted~mae west

07-14-2002, 09:49 PM
Wear a radio controlled vibrator, and slip the remote into his hand.

01-24-2003, 01:08 PM

I once again find myself in an extremely adventurous mood...........I am trying to decide what tasks to work on first on this list, last time I had a go at it, it turned out really really great........or if ya got any new improved ideas please inspire me to do my evil best;)

01-24-2003, 01:43 PM
I have been too damn good for too damn long ROTFFL!

lol I'm sorry..... what were you saying?...:rolleyes:

01-24-2003, 02:33 PM
ok Smart Arse...........that was old.........I been working on this list so I am well on my way to naughtydom by now:p:p

01-24-2003, 02:35 PM
Don't forget to add "Visit Seattle and corrupt Aqua" to your list... ;)

01-24-2003, 02:42 PM
becareful what you wish for ;)

01-24-2003, 02:43 PM
After you've corrupted Aqua you could head here and take T-S to the dark side ;)