View Full Version : Meeting
06-25-2002, 04:05 PM
I know a lot of us on here fantisize about the others we "meet" at this fine place. But, my question for all of you out there is how many of you are willing to go the extra step and do the one on one meet.
I've been thinking about meeting someone I met months ago in a chat room and want to know others opinions and suggestions from some of you people whom have met someone.
06-25-2002, 04:18 PM
I've met a few people from online interactions and have had a great time with most of them. I even met a fellow pixie member!
I would suggest you meeting, keep things safe if you feel the need to, I've usually insisted on talking on the phone first, to get a better feel for the person.
Good luck :)
06-25-2002, 04:21 PM
i met my first girl online, it was fun, but distance kills....i hope you have a good time non the less.
06-26-2002, 03:21 PM
thanks for the advice
Prophet Reality
06-26-2002, 05:00 PM
I have meet a couple of people from online. Even a Pixies member. I agree with Tayntdluv, talk on the phone first though. Then if you feel it is good, go for it. I know I had with my meetings.
06-27-2002, 12:12 PM
Nothing worse then dying wondering, I always say.
07-19-2002, 10:03 PM
Actually... I have met a few guys from online... two of them have effected me greatly...
The first... a wonderful guy in Tulsa OK... he contacted me after reading one of my stories online... we e-mailed for several months and finally met in person. We decided to meet in the wonderful tourist town in Arkansas named Eureka Springs. It was by far the most wonderful weekend of my life thus far. We spent the weekend together... in a bed and breakfast... had the most incredible sex of my life... it was a wonderful experience for me. It was the first time in my life (since highschool) that I felt sexually desired... he was a wonderful man who opened me up to my sexual possibilities. He and I are still friends.. we have seen eachother once since then... but our lives are very different. He will always be a dear friend.... and I have no regrets meeting him in person... and having sex with him that first unforgettable night.
The second... he lived on the east coast... and altho we traveled 3 times to see one another... endless e-mails and phonecalls... meeting eachothers families... and spending 9 months in love with him... making plans to get married... moving me to the east coast... etc etc.. the relationship ended unexpectedly and without any explaination from him. Needless to say.... not sure if I will ever go down a similar road again...
07-19-2002, 10:15 PM
Actually, one of my best friends is a very well established member here at Pixies :) I knew her before we found Pixies though :D
07-24-2002, 12:02 PM
Curious....(I know, curiosity killed the cat) did you end up meeting?
09-03-2002, 03:54 PM
I've met more women from online than you might want to know (although I've been online more years than you might imagine). Sometimes it goes well, sometimes not. No matter how well you think you've gotten to know them beforehand, you can never be sure how you'll get along in person until you try it. The only sure way to prevent disappointment, in my opinion, is to resist preconceptions and expectations. Try to keep a Zen attitude.
Vintage Vixen
09-05-2002, 11:22 PM
About 15 months ago i met my bf threw a yahoo personal ad,we liked the way each other looked :) Expecting a one night stand pretty much ( we both were) lol....and now 15 months later
we're still together. I knew i was going to fall for him after a short period of time.I can't imagine not having met him.
09-06-2002, 06:04 AM
I did that one time, and like most of life it was filled with a menagerie of expressions.
There was some disappointment, but in general it was a very good and growing experience.... I think I learned a lot about myself along the way.
While I advocate the whole never say never thing, I don't know that I would do it Well ok, maybe if I didn't have to spend 13 hours shuffling in and out of airplanes etc I would re-consider another visit........LMAO !!
Whatever you choose just make sure you always leave yourself an out, a sort of safety net to escape if things are too much to deal with !!!!!!!!!! Be safe !!!!!
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