View Full Version : Keep guy from cumming...
06-18-2002, 08:27 PM
I posted this question in the Advice section but I got 0 responses. I'm sure that someone here at Pixies can at least offer some suggestions so I decided to post my question here too.
My girlfriend wants to be able to prevent me from cumming while she messes with my cock. However, she wants me to have that "I'm almost there" type of feeling. Is there any technique that she can use to tie up/hold my cock so that I will have the feeling of being close but can not actually cum?
any / all suggestions would be welcome...
06-18-2002, 09:41 PM
Let me know if you find out as a women only has to look at mine and" thar she blows" well not quite but nearly
06-19-2002, 12:06 AM
Try a cock ring start with an elastic one the get one that fits you and try it. You wont come until you take it off. Let me know if it works.
06-19-2002, 06:35 AM
There is a technique that says squeeze the penis right below the tip on back and front with two fingers very strong during several seconds until the erection becomes less.
I have tried it, and say it is uncomfortable and you canīt rely on it.
Another way is cooling down the cock in ice water.
Dunno if these ways are acceptable for you.
06-19-2002, 10:06 AM
Keep guy from cumming...
Don't give him a blow job!! ;) :D :p
I find that when I squeeze it really hard just before he is about to gives him a little pain and that URGE goes away for awhile..!!! ;) :D
Or you could think of "Phyllis Diller" while she messes with ya!!! :D :D
06-19-2002, 01:47 PM
Look up tantric sex, too. Delaying orgasm is one of the main parts of its philosophy.
Also, you can always cum once and hope the second time lasts longer. Masturbate before she comes over, for example.
1] cock rings are a little _too_ dangerous if not correctly used. If you place them before u get errect, then get hard, it means you pump alot of blood in your cock, that cannot go away. Also it will become very difficult to remove the cock-ring. The happiest-end , you get a blueish sore cock, and you do NOT want to know the worst end.
PS: all this assumed you were a beginner, with a mis-sized ring
2] the 'pain' part isn't always good, for some it can make them cum right away (painlovers), while others (like me) with ZERO pain tollerance, will stay away from you for as long as they live.
If you do not like pain it is really HORRIBLE to feel something like that when you're most vulnerable. [and yes, this is a man's point of view]
3] a nice way would be to take a break, and the guy does some oral to the girl for a change. (NOT a 69).
and also... if you don't have that really bad DOWN MOOD after cumming, you could just cum !
06-20-2002, 09:52 PM
Thanks to everybody for the suggestions. Will have to try some of the techniques some time.
06-21-2002, 11:24 PM
actually my wife does his to me all the time if she isn't in a hurry to get up. She is just very conscious of when i'm about to come. She then stops/slows down/lightens her grip/goes in to a teasing mode, depending on how close I am. If i'm lucky, and she's into it, she will keep me really close for 10 minutes or so (seems like hours). By then I'm begging for relief. Take practice, and feedback. Let her know when your getting close, and she'll get the hang of it.
06-22-2002, 11:15 AM
tight cock rings work real well
06-22-2002, 12:28 PM
Down a beer or two before you have sex and you will get that almost there feeling that will last for always works for me at least :)
yeah, but bear (and fluids) have their share of disadvantage... imagine her nearing the orgasm and you tell her
'xcuse me 2 minutes, honey, gota go pee' :lol: :D
quite a romanitic efect ...
+ it gets really messy when you cum. More liquid = more seminal fluid = 'cum shower' (which might or might NOT be a bad thing)
My recomandation is that you just .. cum. and u look at her naked,playing with your cum, you'll be ready in no time. Got me 7 cums one night this way (my personal all-time record), but the next day... i never would have suspected the cock muscle can get muscle fever :(
06-26-2002, 10:29 PM
yea..i my g/f made me cum like 6 times in one day and man was my cock sore the next day, lol.
06-27-2002, 08:35 AM
I read somewhere once that when he is about to come you play with his balls slowly gently working them away from the scrotum that it will prolong. I think it said that the balls tighten close up to the scrotum before a guy cums so if you move them back down they have to tighten up again....dunno, I have done it...but not sure if it works...
If ya test it let me know!!!!
Svlad Cjelli
06-29-2002, 10:15 AM
How about keeping a GIRL from cumming, but right on the edge?
Turnabout is fair play!!!
it's NOT a good idea.. Usually girlz have no down-time after cumming, and if you keep them from it they might kick!
it's good to tease but up to a certain point, if you want her again
to lilith:
if i'm close to cumming and girl-f touches my balls, let alone play with them, i become a fire-extinguisher...
Svlad Cjelli
06-29-2002, 11:17 AM
Au contraire, thun...
I love keping a girl right on the edge for long periods of time. I never hear any complaints afterwards! =)
07-02-2002, 08:50 AM
Try tightening your penis as if you were trying to stop the flow of urine.
Practice this and you will also be able to stop from cumming to soon.
07-06-2002, 03:37 AM
I would have to come from the opposite of biker. Try totally relaxing that muscle with absolutely no contractions at all. It takes some practice but coming does take longer because you aren't pushing the semen along with the contractions. (Also the orgasm can last longer)
07-06-2002, 07:59 AM
YES! This is possible....
First of all, I would like to express *some* common sense in saying that she should know when you are going to explode. Maybe come up with a keyword something... I'm sure you will work that out..
I also could NOT agree more with the post above..
Flexing your cock regularly will allow you to essentially
"pinch off the climax".. good advice there...
But for the physical side...
Right under your scrotum, and before your ass...
Right between your cock and ass... there's a valve =p
Push there firmly and hold it. It's like the "E-Brake"..
and works like a charm. =p
I am thinking that cock control takes years and years of muscular
Practice.. tho I am not sure, as I have been doing that since I was
a small boy. Nothing like stealing your mother's "Joy of Sex" book
and spankin it under the bed by flashlight LOL!!!
But yeah.. that should work. =p Take it easy, and Good Luck!
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