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View Full Version : Question for the women..re: masturbation

Svlad Cjelli
05-28-2002, 05:27 PM
When you are in the mood for some self-love, do you usually..

A) Go for it, as quick as possible!

B) Draw things out, tease yourself, bring yourself to the edge repeatedly!

C) Something in between?

C'mon girls, I'm trying to pry some secrets out here!! :cool:

05-28-2002, 06:55 PM
OK Svlad.........Im game!

When I get "the feeling"(and mind you, I never know when it will strike) I look around wherever I am and I find a place to touch myself. I have been driving down the road, I have been at work, I have been on a hike, I have been at home.......but I always go for it as quickly as possible! And if I have enough "alone time" I draw it out. I put in a movie and I take it all the way to the end. Or I pull off the road and watch as cars go by and think "if they only knew"!.....It depends on when the feeling hits.....but when it does...I get the job done!

Mrs. Lix

05-28-2002, 08:07 PM
Depends where i am when the need hits...

if i am anywhere where there's a threat of getting caught...then as quick as possible

if i have quite a bit of time...then i like to draw it out...getting myself to the edge many times before finally cumming

if i am extrememly horny..I masterbate quickly to orgasm to take the edge off....then drawing out the next one or two...

Harley Q
05-29-2002, 02:21 PM
I have found that no matter how terribly the desire hits me, I always take my time. Nice and slow to start, then it's right up to the edge and back as many times I can stand. It's a thousand times better that way. When I try to make it last, it's never as satisfying.

05-29-2002, 05:30 PM
I agree with Sharni -- it depends on the situation...

sometimes I just need to have an explosive orgasm, y'know, so I skip all the in-between and go right for the kill...

but sometimes it's just more fun to have "foreplay" with your self, involving thighs, breasts....whatever you please, and the longer the better

and sometimes it's just fun to see how many times you can do it before falling asleep!! LOL

06-22-2002, 03:35 PM
and sometimes it's just fun to see how many times you can do it before falling asleep!! LOL [/B]

Have to admit this is my favourite way ;)

07-20-2002, 10:09 PM
when i masturbate i like to slowly pump my vibrator in and out of my pussy while rubbing my clit until I'm about to cum and then I stop relax for a minuteand continue to do this about the three more times the orgasm after is amazing the only problem is the mess I leave because I'm one of the women who can squirt their cum

Bear Bear
07-20-2002, 10:16 PM
Lioness if only we could find some tigers

Lions and tigers and bears oh my

You don't know how much your reply turned me on and made me growel.

hope to see you on again ;)

07-21-2002, 06:59 AM
Definately.......long and slow and teasing myself is the best. I love to bring myself to the edge......then stop.......and start again. The right atmosphere.......candles, music and having someone watch......makes it more erotic and enjoyable for me. I love to watch someone touching their own body and then having someone watch me.....

Prophet Reality
07-21-2002, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by lioness
when i masturbate i like to slowly pump my vibrator in and out of my pussy while rubbing my clit until I'm about to cum and then I stop relax for a minuteand continue to do this about the three more times the orgasm after is amazing the only problem is the mess I leave because I'm one of the women who can squirt their cum

I don't see any problem with the mess. You just ask your closest voyeur to clean you up is all. And I would love to volunteer for that job and position.

07-21-2002, 03:27 PM
Well, this is an interesting thread :D. Thanks for starting it Svlad. I like to hear about masturbation from a womans point of view. Male masturbation is such an open topic, but for some reason, female masturbation is labled as more of a risque topic of conversation.........I dunno why, but it is :(
