View Full Version : Does your partner know about Pixies?
Diver Down
08-17-2001, 05:15 PM
Just curious how many people share Pixies with thier significant other (SO). Mrs D. and I use it almost like mental foreplay, it's a great way to get turned on.
If you don't share with your SO is it because they wouldn't approve , you just can't bring yourself to bring up the issue, or some other reason?
08-17-2001, 08:14 PM
It's great to share Pixies with your partner...we both use it...we love the way everyone has the freedom and chance to comment or show themselves off :D
08-19-2001, 05:37 AM
Not her thing.
08-19-2001, 05:58 AM
Mrs R knows about it, approves and sometimes sits with me as we browse and respond (kinda like Diver and Mrs. D). She is the benefactor in the end!
08-20-2001, 02:47 AM
My wife doesn't know about Pixies, and it's probably better.
A- She doesn't spend alot of time on the computer
B- She's rather "old fashoned" regarding sex
C-The most she does as far as getting turned on is watching a movie with me sometimes.
D-She wants no part of taking photo's, or movies and the like, and doesn't get turned on by stories etc.
08-20-2001, 10:03 AM
hubby knows that I read Pix but doesn't know that I can actually sign in and add my two cents. he frowns on things like this...
No not at this time she has no clue.
She is not much into the PC or being on line, and to talk on a fourm or chat, don't think so!!!
She likes to read a good dirty story, but that has been awhile.
We have looked at together and other sites, liked the 156 site as it is all just folks posting, some of it she liked, porno movies a lot time ago,, we have a whole lot of shots we have taken of ourselves having sex cause I like looking at them and she allows me to take them, can't post them though, would get it cut off. Got some deep throat shot like you ain't seen before, If I crop them good may-be she will allow me to post them, I did show her some the other day and she made a comment that I could post that one but she was thinking Bedroom156, so may be some day we will post a set of a doz or so on 156, sex on the kitchen table. WOW!!
08-20-2001, 06:06 PM
what partner?
08-20-2001, 06:23 PM
OMG no he dosen't!! If he knew I was at places like this, he would be very angry..He HATES the computer and what it does to peoples lives..(it's a lonnnnggg story) but It has enhanced my life tremdously!!;)..Especially here at Pixie's !!!;) :D
But I don't dare tell him...otherwise he might cut my cable wire!!
So I keep this MY little :D ;)
Pussy Willow
09-02-2001, 01:55 PM
I haven't told him, not out of embarrassment, though. We're
pretty open about stuff like that. I guess it's the kid in me coming out.
" It's mine, I found it first !!!"
I don't think he'd be angry. But I don't know if he'd want me
sending in naked pictures. (Well, it could happen, eventuallyl)
I don't think it hurts to have a few secrets. Keeps them guessing.
I LOVE this place.
Everyone is so supportive, I feel free to express my sexual and
sensual side here, and I get a few ideas to spring on hubby.
If he knew about it would spoil the surprise!!!!!
09-02-2001, 03:12 PM
Mercury_Maniac what partner?
hmmmmmm same here:( :( :( :(
Prophet Reality
09-02-2001, 05:41 PM
Ditto.... What Partner?
03-16-2002, 09:54 PM
Diggng through old threads~~~~
I am very curious about this.......... If you already answered here has your answer changed since? If you are newer here does your S/O know you are a Pixaholic? I spoke about this with someone once and they felt women told their S/O but that men tend to keep it quiet.......What's the verdict? Do you Pix and tell?
03-16-2002, 09:59 PM
My S/O and I are definite Pixaholics. I pix'd and told. It's a great place to be. Everyone should pix and tell you'll learn alot about your S/O sometimes by their answers to some threads.
Tango Seven
03-16-2002, 10:47 PM
Yes, we both enjoy it and enjoy sharing our experiences.
03-16-2002, 11:04 PM
People who have seen our posts know that me and my hubby share this site, although im the one who is on here all the time lol and he is the one who takes the pics for you !!! hehe :)
~oOo~ Sarriah ~oOo~
03-17-2002, 04:10 AM
Same as Sarriah :) my bloke and I share, we accidentally stumbled upon the site together and both love it.
03-17-2002, 10:47 AM
I am afraid Mrs. Luv2 is not quite as sexually oriented as I am and not very open about it either. We both enjoy sex but view it very differently. She is very private and serious about it and I look at it as part of our "recreational" activities. So... she dosen't know and would not understand this type of sharing sexual matters.
03-18-2002, 02:05 AM
Just been set adrift after 15 years.
She hated the internet and didnt care much for sex either. I wonder if I can remember how to do it? Mrs plamer and her 5 daughters might get a rest now LOL
Well thats the plan anyways
03-18-2002, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by luv2please
I am afraid Mrs. Luv2 is not quite as sexually oriented as I am and not very open about it either. We both enjoy sex but view it very differently. She is very private and serious about it and I look at it as part of our "recreational" activities. So... she dosen't know and would not understand this type of sharing sexual matters.
Hmmm...maybe I should introduce your wife to my boyfriend Luv2please! They would get along soooooo good!!!!!! :D ;)
03-18-2002, 12:08 PM
He knows I spend time at some message board, but he has no clue as to what kind of message board let alone that I've been posting pics.
Hopefully he'd be cool about it but I have my doubts, so I'm gonna keep it my little secret for now.
03-18-2002, 01:04 PM
Better yet Diva, maybe we should introduce ourselves to each other!!:D
03-18-2002, 06:47 PM
Mrs. Nubian knows of my fascination with Pixies and is O.K. with me posting and getting involved in the forums. She's not really into it though, although she does love some of the poems and jokes that I've shared with her on occasion.
03-18-2002, 09:48 PM
Well of course we all know Souls and I share one another iwth the board I went to the main page looking for stories and he decided to be a little more through and told me I had to check out the forums.... I'm so glad he told me about it!
My girlfriend on the other hand prefers to lurk about behind me while I'm online.
03-19-2002, 08:46 AM
My wife knows about Pixies but the nudity is never mentioned.She
is a very private and jealous person.The first thing that she asked
me when I first told her that I belonged to Pixies was:"You don't
tell any women anything;Do You?"She keeps the possesivness
well hidden.I remember;years ago;when I was in the service;we wern't married yet.(engaged)We were sitting;in a booth;at a lunch counter.A girl that I had a previous sexual interlude with;
nothing serious;(mutual masturbation on a date)sat down with a girlfriend of hers a few booths from us.The girl and I were passing
glances;back&forth;apparently unknown to others.All of a sudden
I heard"What are you looking at Bitch?"It was my;then girlfriend(now wife)I was really suprised because usually she doesn't say
"Boo"to anyone. Irish
P.S.Still waters;run deep!
03-19-2002, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by luv2please
Better yet Diva, maybe we should introduce ourselves to each other!!:D
Hello Luv2please, pleased to meet ya.......I am Diva and I love sex!!!! :D :)
03-20-2002, 08:33 AM
Definitely not. It would have the same affect on her as if I said I was a mass murderer.
03-20-2002, 01:14 PM
And hello to you, Diva. I am luv2please and the name says it all!!! So, now that the formalities are out of the way...;)
05-25-2004, 06:58 PM
Yes and No.
Yes he knows I come here to read threads etc.
No he has no clue I have posted pics.
05-25-2004, 08:10 PM
There isn't an "Other" option.
Hubby knows I'm here, and doesn't mind at all, but he doesn't post here. He's part of the "Dark Side" on another site (an evil one, if you ask me), where he's a moderator.
05-26-2004, 06:33 AM
add me to the "he doesn't know and I don't know what he'd think" crowd. He knows about "pixies-place" so far as my reading the stories, but as far as I know doesn't know the forums exist.
Most times I think he'd be upset at me for keeping it from him...then other times I think he'd be perfectly ok....then I get to thinking that he'd think it was cool until he realized how long I've been here without telling him LOL
So, for now it's my escape :) Who knows what'll happen, though? This place has certainly brought out parts of my sexuality I never knew existed...and hubby's reaping all the benefits. He's commented on how he loves how sex-crazy I've been...has no idea it's due in large part to pixies ;)
05-26-2004, 06:39 AM
My other half is a bit of a prude and would go balistic if she knew about me posting on here. She probaby isn't happy that I read the stories either, she hasn't said anything about it though
05-26-2004, 07:01 AM
Yes indeed, with her own nic. She no longer seems active.
05-26-2004, 07:25 AM
just amending my previous post of a couple of years ago
YES!!!! she met me through here
Seen so old but not forgotten nics here in this thread too
05-26-2004, 12:27 PM
No, my partner of 24 years does not know about Pixies Place, and she would freak if she found out, but I would still be alive. Now if I had a special internet relationship with one or more people at Pixies Place, I would cease to live, having been stabbed, then shot, then hung, then blown up, then...:(
Having had no sex for the past two or three years--I forget exactly how long--she just stopped all interest in it--(The only sex I have with my wife is I love her boobs and much her muff while I wack off. That's it. Without porn, I'd explode.)--I started moving toward finding connections with people, women on the internet, that I could at least talk about sex with and share sexuality.
Anyway, I am so turned on by the thought of internet flirting and cyber sex, although I don't have a digital camera or a cam. I may someday, hopefully, if I keep moving in this direction.
Ramble, ramble. I'm new here, but can't wait to slip in deeper, O yes, and faster, harder, deeper...AWWWWWW, yes! yes! O God. O baby. O baby God. Here I cum...sweet.
05-26-2004, 12:44 PM
Larry, you are too funny.
My husband knows that I cum to Pixies. He knows I have made friends too...he knows I have written some smut stories but won't read them. Said he doesn't wanna know what I am telling others. I am always honest with him - you can see guilt on my face from a mile away. He is not interested in coming here to pixies but I have shown him some pics on here to try to get him interested....but that would take away my time on here. I have asked him about taking nude pics and he said no way cuz he knew I'd run right in here and post them. I have a relationship with someone on the net and wouldn't want it to change one bit. I feel it's safe for me to flirt and tease on here instead of wanting the attention from someone i can touch. Anyway, that's my deal
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