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Prophet Reality
05-22-2002, 09:26 AM
Well a few people have mentioned that they want to make comments in regards to the story that myself, vamp_eyes, and ASH are working on. So I thought I would start this up and also include the link for those of you that have not stopped by yet. And in case you are wondering when it is going to get to the sex. Well, start reading it soon, because it is about to get fun.


05-27-2002, 06:02 AM
Originally posted by Prophet Reality
Well a few people have mentioned that they want to make comments in regards to the story that myself, vamp_eyes, and ASH are working on. .

I must be one of the "few people" you're referring to, Prophet.:)
And yes, I'm enjoying the hell out of the story! I particularly like the way each of you is writing from one character's point of view. It makes reading it that much more interesting, at least to me.
Now, please, when is it going to "get good"????:D :D

Prophet Reality
05-28-2002, 05:14 PM
And yes you were one of them.

Worry not fair Sugarsprinkle, it is getting good now. With three people writing their own characters, it tends to go a bit slow. But ASH and myself have things well in hand and within the next couple of days, you should be seeing it get good.

07-05-2002, 08:20 PM
All of you guys are very talented writers and I wish you all the best of luck in keeping the story going. Have fun :)

07-10-2002, 01:40 PM
DAMN! Prophet!!
WHEWWW!!! I need a fan after reading those last few entries!!! WOWWW!!
You guys have really cranked it up more than a few notches!!
Absolutely FANTASTIC story!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!:D :D

Prophet Reality
07-10-2002, 02:21 PM
I owuld just like to say thank you to everyone that is reading our story. I hope that Sugarsprinkles is not the only one effected with the way it is going. And I hope to continue making it as exciting as I possibly can.