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Mr. 3G
05-20-2002, 12:39 PM
OK, nothing PERSONAL but I believe the human race is the most destructive INFESTATION to ever curse the surface of this planet and as such we are doomed to self destruct through our own greed or stupidity.

I read three newspapers ( news hardly ever the sports ) a day - have since I was 9 or 10 - and feel some of the dumbest things I've ever read seem to be happening at an increasingly alarming rate. Nothing to specific and I grant you a LOT of it is crap from lawers but still I feel it's indicative of the world in general So...I invite all of you to post stories from your papers, TV or other news. Stories that PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that our race is really too stupid to exist much longer.

I'll start.

Two stories I read yesterday.

1 - The famous beaches of Australia are threatening to shut down. The reason? Some goof showed up at BONDI BEACH last year and seeing the life guards had put up the "SAFE" flags (no sharks, no rip tides etc.) He started to body surf. He dove into a wave, hit a fucking sandbar, sued and WON three and a half MILLION DOLLARS from the town that administers BONDI.

HE dove into a wave and hit a sand bar !! The town's FAULT. $3.5 MILLION.


2- An ART thief working in Europe had collected an estimated TWO BILLION DOLLARS worth of art over the last 8 years. His style was idiotically simple. He's wait for the guards to leave a room where a painting he want was hanging...and then he'd grab it, put it under his coat (small paintings by the sound of it) and walk out. Anyway, he can't sell any of this stuff cause it's so well known so he stores it at his mothers house. About 3 weeks ago he's arrested and his mother finds out about his arrest so fearing she'll be implicated in no small way she proceeds to CUT UP ALL THE PAINTINGS WITH SCISSORS AND FEED THE STRIPS INTO HER SINK'S GARBAGE DISPOSAL!!!
The rest of the stuff she threw into a very badly polluted canal and most of what was left was ruined by the acidic scum at the bottom of canal. They estimate she destroyed TWO BILLION DOLLARS worth of this art just so she wouldn't get charged as an accomplice.


05-20-2002, 12:50 PM
Some of these stories are dumb. It's been a while back, but I recall the story of a guy who was in a phone booth that was hit by a car. He sued the phone company and won ... after all, they put the booth there.

Double dah!


I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Noel Adams

05-20-2002, 12:59 PM
Foolish Courage
2002 Darwin Award Nominee
Unconfirmed by Darwin
(1 January 2002, Brazil) Russian Roulette has always been a breeding ground for natural selection, but the men involved in this story deserve extra consideration for their unique approach to this self-destructive game.
On New Year’s Eve, Antonio and his friend were befogged by a traditional Brazilian liquor called pinga, when they began playing Russian roulette with holiday fireworks. Their version of the game consisted of lighting fireworks, and holding them in their mouths to see who could delay longest. The man who discarded the explosive closest to the point of detonation was the victor in this battle of wills.

Their blatant disregard for personal safety was matched only by their foolish bravery. Antonio was the winner, holding one of the fireworks in his mouth a bit too long, and thereby earning praise for his "courage" at his funeral.

this is from the darwin awards site (for them who have
improved the gene pool by removein them self from it)


05-20-2002, 01:00 PM
There was this guy who broke into a house nearby with the owners sound asleep a few years ago. The man awoke to find him standing in the bedroom and immediately attacked the man. The robber had a knife and somehow in the scuffle the robber got stabbed....the home owner had to serve, 2 years less a day for inflicting the wound......pretty bad when you can't protect your family and possessions! Some Justice system we have!!

Reverend Silky
05-20-2002, 01:16 PM
the sandbar guy sounds pretty smart to me. after all, he walked away with a nice chunk o' bank.

Mr. 3G
05-20-2002, 01:36 PM
Yo, Rev. If they close the beach there'll be a FIVE MILLION dollar price on the pricks head. Every surfer in the world would contribute to that fund.

Him and his shiester lawyer....and the dolt judge.

We had a case here a few years ago. A kid was showing off for his g/f. He climbed over a fence, disregarded numerous HIGH VOLTAGE signs, climbed a 160kV power line and grabbed one of the lines.

He lost the side of his head, both arms and one leg. The lawyers sued everybody in sight and ened up winning 5 mill for the jerk.

How the hell do we teach personal responsibility to our kids when we hear in the news all the time these stories of imbeciles at large. It doesn't matter WHAT a fool does. It is somebody else's fault if they get injured or dead.

05-20-2002, 03:04 PM
There was a guy somewhere near Philadelphia (oriental extraction, I can't remember exactly what nationality) who climbed over a couple of railings and a barb-wire topped chain link fence onto a train line. He was electrocuted when he pissed on the "third rail." His family sued and won, because the transit company hadn't posted warning signs in whatever language was native to the guy who fried.

Reverend Silky
05-20-2002, 03:15 PM
well, i haven't used the term 'shoot the curl' since i was huntin' Superman's coif with a scattergun, so it's really not my concern. besides, if they get ahold of 'im, great. stupid people should be killed, not hated for their nature or bitched about by holier-than-thous because of their actions. it's a waste of energies all-around.

05-21-2002, 08:29 AM
The Bondi victim is in a wheelchair, a severe paraplegic and will be for life. The money is for future medical.

A poor decision, ignoring this man's idiocy ( what my brother calls

fuck-wittery), but definitely not a 'fortune for a cracked fingernail"


Wicked Wanda
05-21-2002, 09:39 AM
Somehow I was releived to see that that happened in Australia and not the USA.
It is usually in the USA that such awards are handed out, and I was thinking that we Amercans were sadly unique.
I have a belief as to why these awards happen. I think it is sympathy for the injured person, a desire to see he is taken care of, or sympathy for the family of the person who dies, for their pain, NOT really a judgement that someone was at fault.
I can see myself sitting on a jury and feeling sorry for the stupidest person, to feel desire to make sure he is taken care of.
I hope I would be able to overcome my maternal instincts and use logic, but I know that in my past I have reacted passionately and emotionally.

(or lustfully)


05-22-2002, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Reverend Silky
well, i haven't used the term 'shoot the curl' since i was huntin' Superman's coif with a scattergun, so it's really not my concern. besides, if they get ahold of 'im, great. stupid people should be killed, not hated for their nature or bitched about by holier-than-thous because of their actions.

You don't think wishing people would die because of something that doesn't concern you is a little ignorant? I dislike people who do stupid things as well. However someone's intelligence is predetermined, how they use it is their choice and they will face the consequences one way or another. I think there's much worse people out there I'd wish would go away for good. But hey to each his own I suppose.

Reverend Silky
05-22-2002, 12:35 PM
mmmmm... *thinks long and hard* nope. stupidity has a global effect.

05-22-2002, 12:51 PM
second story first post... funny as shit =p I heard that on england radio lol. Didnt she think about destroying evidence?? Shes as good as Bubba's playtoy.

05-24-2002, 01:30 AM
i just watched this story on the news. This story is both sad and stupid. This guy broke into his ex's house assaulted her and kidnapped their 2 year old son. After she finds him and gets the baby back he rams her car till she hits a pole mind u baby still in the car. He gets the baby and when the police try to get the baby from him he struggles with the police and the baby gets shot and dies. Now heres the stupid part at his hearing today he asked the judge how was his son. Needless to say everyone in the court room was shocked. in the interviews afterwards his own mom was like was he concerned about his son when he was doing all the stuff to cause this happen.