View Full Version : Piercings
05-13-2002, 05:03 AM
Whats your favorite piercing? Where is it located? Ladies what do you like on men, nose, ear, eyebrow, etc?
05-13-2002, 07:52 AM
I like the nipple pierced myself. Very sexy!
05-13-2002, 09:42 AM
both my wife and I have our nipples pierced {I love it when she tuggs on them} and I also have the underside of my dick pierced with a ring through it {frennum piercing}, and my sack done. My wife particurally likes the frennum piercing. She says the ring rubs through all the right places during sex. She has her lower lips and hood done also. Something else to play with while down there.
05-13-2002, 10:22 AM
I find nipple rings incredibly sexy...l although after watching it done I'm waaayyyy to chicken to do it myself!!
05-13-2002, 02:16 PM
I agree with vampeyes, nipple rings are awesome. What I wonder is, does it affect the ability to breastfeed? I only have both my ears pierced twice, though I'm getting the nub of my left one done soon. *winces as she imagines the pain*
Prophet Reality
05-13-2002, 03:05 PM
You forgot the best piercing of all the tongue. Now I haven't gotten mine done yet, but as soon as the funds become available again I will be doing so.
05-14-2002, 09:14 AM
a vamp with a tongue ring... mmmmmmm
I love the lebret(sp?) they're just damn cool
Reverend Silky
05-14-2002, 10:01 PM
honestly, so long as you know the difference between genitals and, let's say, a handful of candy corn, a tongue piercing is of little to no help as far as additional pleasure/pain goes. too much hassle for so little reward. but hey, that's me.
and what in the name of Vishnu's violin is the nub of an ear? just curious.
05-14-2002, 10:08 PM
My tongue ring only cost me 20 bucks :D and i LOVE IT :D i find i like most piercings :D
Reverend Silky
05-14-2002, 10:15 PM
hassle ain't the cost. it's the tooth damage, irritating aftercare (especially if you smoke), yadda blah. just about the only piercings i really liked enough to keep for any extended period of time were my stretched 'lobes. when i took 'em out to heal some scar-tissue, it seems like everybody in the monkey-fuckin'-a-football world decided THEY'd get stretched. since then, i haven't been motivated to get 'em reworked.
05-14-2002, 10:18 PM
Reverend Silky: vishnu didn't have a violin....vishnu had a bass.
Reverend Silky
05-14-2002, 10:22 PM
says you, lady. i happened to jam with ol' Vish just the other day. i was blowin' some phat beats on the 3-X jug, and he was carvin' out the funk on his custom-painted violin, adorned with a bear ridin' a unicycle. he always did love the circus, ya know.
05-14-2002, 11:14 PM
Rev Silky~ Piercer extraodinaire.... what gauage do I get if I want to get my nips done? I am not wanting them too sissy nor do I want to wear butterknives through them.... btw hear The Joker today thought of you....... lovey- dovey :D:p
Reverend Silky
05-14-2002, 11:30 PM
*big, goofy-ass grin* been too long since i heard my theme song.
well, any piercer that tells you you can start at most any gauge you want is kiddin' him/herself. the starting gauge for nipples is almost always 14, with the possible exception of 12 in special cases. that way, you have a ring that's just heavy enough to sit comfortably, but not so heavy that the unnecessary extra weight hampers the healing process. after yer all healed-up, if it rubs yer fancy, you can up the gauge a little at a time, never more than in increments of one at a time with at least a month or so until the next stretch. on the flipside, if you don't care for the heftier steel, you can switch to titanium which is lighter, or even drop a gauge and wear 16-gauge barbells. with the baffling variety of after-market jewelry and accessories available for nipples, yer options are almost limitless.
if ya wanna know anything else, you know where to find me... orbiting Saturn with the other space-cowboys.
05-14-2002, 11:37 PM
TY it is the sexy jewelry that is making me feel the need.....TY for your help
Reverend Silky
05-14-2002, 11:41 PM
mm hmm, my pleasure. it's what i do.
05-15-2002, 02:48 PM
Rev when you touring Alabama? my girl and I need tats and our nipples done
05-15-2002, 04:50 PM
i wanted to get my tongue pierced, then i found out that it isn't really pierced at all,
they basically take a big chunk of your tongue out and then put in a barbell or whatever else you may put in.
05-15-2002, 07:54 PM
Rev, I meant the little nub of cartilage that's on top of the lobe, connected to the side of the face.... Sorry, I don't know the exact name for it...
Reverend Silky
05-15-2002, 11:30 PM
well, my guess is, i'll be hittin' Alabama around the time monkeys take up arms and show us lazy Americans how democracy was meant to be run. about all i can do for ya from here is offer sagelike advice, and sometimes, snowcones.
Mercury, that may very well be the most brain-dumbing thing i've ever heard. the only way a tongue piercing differs from any other is the fact that once the surface is passed, the needle slides between the striations (strands) of muscle instead of through flesh, like in an eyebrow or earlobe. whoever told you that should be killed on princible for soliciting idiotic 'facts'. and that's the problem. too many self-proclaimed 'professional piercers' dole out handfuls of advice that might get somebody who wants to try it themself killed.
oh yeah, Pixie. tragus. had me confused for a while, is all. *grin*
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