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View Full Version : Size or ?

04-30-2002, 10:44 AM
This question is mainly for the ladies!I have just listened to ANOTHER ad for supplements to increase penis size.I know that
there have been threads like-How big is yours?This is mainly towards the women.I think that most men;as they mature;stop worrying about their size as long as they know that they are adequate!I don't believe those ads anyway.If something works on your penis or breasts;Why wouldn't it also increase other parts
at the same time?I;personally;don't want 10" toes.Doesn't it mean more to a woman;about the persons other attributes?I have been out with women;who could be called the cause of a wet dream.Some were jerks.They thought that their shit didn't
stink!(sorry;old terms came back!)Please awnser my question.I
think that mostly it is a thing that young;immature men(boys)
worry about. Irish

04-30-2002, 02:49 PM
I don't think it makes you immature to compare yourself to others, that seems natural. But if your stupid enough to spend forty dollars on a cream hoping it's going to make women like you, then you deserve 9" fingers! I however wouldn't want to be with someone who has such low confidence that they always needed me to reassure them that they are adequate.

Lady Tango
05-02-2002, 08:29 AM
I agree we all seem to compare ourselves e.g. breasts, bum, cocks etc. But it really doesn't matter in the end, size really doesn't matter. Better to spend the money more wisely on a meal or save for holiday.

05-02-2002, 08:34 AM
10" toes! imagine how many woman you could please at the one time then. :D

05-02-2002, 09:04 AM
legend---A 10"tongue would be more enjoyable for both parties;
but I don't know if you can or should injest the supplement. Irish