04-27-2002, 12:17 AM
If you don't speak "Southern" that's a big Hello!
I have read this site for a while now and finally decided to post. It has amazed me that such a diverse group of people are able to play so nicely together. Every one seems so cool and treats others with respect. That is, sadly, a rare trait these days.
Also I have seen some of the most breathtaking women here!!! WOW! What a group!!! I think I have fallen in love with several of you! ;-) I'm starting to have a hard time time explaining why I scream strange names in the middle of the night. (Sarrah, Lillith, Diva, Ash, Christine, Xanne, &, &, &....) Well I guess thats all I have for now. Hope to type to all of you much more
Please excuse any typos in my post as my typing skills are poor ,at best.
I have read this site for a while now and finally decided to post. It has amazed me that such a diverse group of people are able to play so nicely together. Every one seems so cool and treats others with respect. That is, sadly, a rare trait these days.
Also I have seen some of the most breathtaking women here!!! WOW! What a group!!! I think I have fallen in love with several of you! ;-) I'm starting to have a hard time time explaining why I scream strange names in the middle of the night. (Sarrah, Lillith, Diva, Ash, Christine, Xanne, &, &, &....) Well I guess thats all I have for now. Hope to type to all of you much more
Please excuse any typos in my post as my typing skills are poor ,at best.