View Full Version : Eccentric Eats
04-24-2002, 04:22 PM
Everyone one here comes from so many different places but we all also have so much in common(#1 being we are all sexy pervs).:p I have noticed that most people have some sort of weird thing that they eat... It could be something gross, a strange combination of things that do not seem to mesh, or just something plain peculiar.......
I am talking about the thing that you eat that causes people to say "I don't know how you eat that". Do you have a fancy for foul food?or a finicky food fetish?
I will be brave and tell you mine....... those orange puffy marshmallow~ like circus peanuts... pure sugar I know;) they must help me keep my sweet personality:D:p:D LMAO!!!!
Lilith, I can eat about 4 of those damn peanuts before they start making me sick... problem is I can hardly stop once I start!! :eek:
They just taste good!
04-24-2002, 05:09 PM
My weakness is yellow Peeps. None of the other colors taste right but I can eat the yellow ones all the time.:o :D
04-24-2002, 05:11 PM
Gummy bears i love them.
by the way has anyone ever saw those naughty gummies?
04-24-2002, 05:22 PM
I love hersheys nuts..its the best!
As for weird B/F thinks beets are totally gross and I love them.
I work at 7-11 I eat the Cuban sandwiches all the time...some people hate them.
04-24-2002, 05:55 PM
ok im gona say some weird shit that i eat lol. avacado sandwiches, raw onions, watermellow with salt on it. Green apples with salt on em. hummm i know there are tons more but i cant think of them atm ill post them as i think of em :D:D
04-24-2002, 06:15 PM
Some I enjoy....
bread, vegemite and whipped cream sandwiches..
Broad beans...bowls full...
Milo and lemonade...Mmmmm...a chocolate spider
Well Sharni, I've heard that vegemite is some pretty raunchy stuff, but that may well be just one opinion from an American. I've personally never tried it... :D
04-24-2002, 06:42 PM
Vegemite is good stuff
But it does have an unusual taste and not all appreciate it *L*
The ingredients are: Yeast extract, Salt mineral, Salt, Malt extract, Natural color, Vegetable extract, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, And Folate...
04-24-2002, 06:47 PM
I like bread with curd cheese and lots of ketchup over it. Weird?
04-24-2002, 06:47 PM
I'm suprised that no one has gotten physically dirty about this yet;
so I won't!
Kimmer22---You say that you work at 7-11.How do they explain to
the stockholders;the fact;that they are open 24hrs.,but spend stockholders money to buy locks for the door? Irish
04-24-2002, 06:53 PM
lmao - Mercury.. I have seen the naughty gummies and some that are not supposed to be naughty but look like it hehehee
my weakness is chocolate covered peanutbutter pretzels sounds so gross but oh sooo good :)
04-24-2002, 08:20 PM
Ya'll just know i couldnt resist this one........
chitlins......pickled pig's feet/boiled eggs.....and pickled okra
....grits......horseradish......and my all time favorite.....slick, slimmy, boiled okra......YUM YUM !!!!!!!!!
just some southern delicacies......
04-24-2002, 08:33 PM
peanut butter and banana sandwhiches
peanut butter on sliced apples
Fried potato sandwhiches
04-24-2002, 08:53 PM
...I don't really eat anything unusual, but everybody I know winces when I tell them that I drink's the beer that drinks like a meal...
04-24-2002, 09:39 PM
Mr. Irish...I wondered that same thing until I worked there...the locks are there incase of robbery. We have to lock the doors to preserve evidence, also if the power goes out(happens a lot) we can sell anything after an hour or so...the register battery dies and we cannot ring up stuff! everyone knows the answer to the age old question!!
04-24-2002, 10:56 PM
Thing which grossed out my ex-wife was having cereal
for supper if I was too lazy to make anything else.
04-25-2002, 12:21 AM
I love Sushi, and the Pickled ginger.... mmmmmmm! Salt on most anything fruit wise grape fruit, lemon, watermelon, honeydew.....
04-25-2002, 12:35 AM
OF, did you ask ex where is it written that certain foods can only be breakfast? I find it much easier to fix pancakes/waffles when I'm fully awake...
What grosses wife out that I eat is cottage cheese w/chips or crackers...also mushrooms, alone, on pizza, or soup...she gags me by eating this potted meat crap on crackers, and she still threatens to cook up some liver n onions...
04-25-2002, 12:55 AM
Kyttn, let me seduce you with my favourite.
Frozen watermelon (seedless), frozen honeydew, frozen
fresh pineapple, icecream and a little milk.
Blended to your preferred consistency, from milkshake to
slushy. Addition of Midori optional.
04-25-2002, 02:46 AM
sounds yummy OF
Sar are you sure you are not preggers???? wow what a mixture of things I am sure you would love vegemite send her some Sharni.
My little gastronomic delight is cheddar cheese and pickled onions, tastes great but makes stinky farts LOL
not appreciated by other family members
04-25-2002, 06:58 AM
Grumbleguts---I have never heard of a sweet-smelling fart!
Kyttn---FYI---I have always loved salt.I salt;salt!I have always had
a problem;with high blood pressure.I tried several salt alternatives and the only thing that; tastes right;is a product called "Salt Sense."It is Iodized and is advertised as having 33%
less sodium!
Grumble---You're a pretty fart smeller! Irish
04-25-2002, 07:40 AM
how about ..
cheese and tomato pizza with salad and garlic yoghurt topping
bacon, egg, sausage, cheese, mayo and brown sauce sandwich
tuna, cheese, coleslaw, tomato sauce sandwich
brown sauce sandwiches
the list can go on and on and on......
ICT really hates some of my choice of foods....
04-25-2002, 10:37 AM
ok danziggy I am dying to know what exactly is brown sauce?
04-25-2002, 11:00 AM
Vampeyes: I hope it is not liquid chocolate! :)
04-25-2002, 11:19 AM
you never heard of brown sauce? It must be english, hang on i'll get a bottle and read the ingredience - its sort of pickley and spicy but not bbq:
vinegar, malt and spirit
tomato puree
mod. maize
soy sauce
black pepper
Yuk, but danziggy loves it on everything, I have a sweeter taste and would prefer banana on toast like sadora, and mayo on chips (sorry that should be fries) but that's a euro thing right germansteve?
04-25-2002, 11:32 AM
ty ICT - sounds kinda like a steak sauce and my hubby loves mayo on fries and chips :)
04-25-2002, 11:38 AM
fried green tomatos
pickles beets
and green olives.....
04-25-2002, 11:39 AM
i think your prob right - they sometimes call it chop sauce here.
Of all the makes i think 'Daddies Sauce' is the most intriguing lol
04-25-2002, 12:06 PM
Whenever I order;a sandwich;etc.;out;I always specify"Without
Mayo."I hate Mayo! Irish
P.S.Different strokes,for different folks!
04-25-2002, 12:14 PM
Irish - same here lol (I get the strangest looks when ordering BLT's :) ) I don't even let him dip in mayo in the same room as me he has to take it elsewhere
04-25-2002, 12:27 PM
I think i would be lost without mayo or ground black pepper in my cupboard :)
I like snails in garlic tho"
04-25-2002, 12:30 PM
i'm with everyone on the mayo thing, yuck! and i gotta agree with OF on the cereal thing, i have my cornflakes at nearly any time of the day
but my weird combo i guess is icecream, cornflakes and chocolate sauce...cocoa pops and powdered milk...golden syrup and whipped cream sandwhich...
04-25-2002, 12:35 PM
did anyone say icecream?
how about icecream, legend and my thighs? ;)
04-25-2002, 12:38 PM
ict - that wouldn't be weird, that would be heaven ;) i wonder if that heaven comes on a stick :D
04-25-2002, 12:47 PM
yes heaven comes on a stick... Ben & Jerry's Phish food :p
04-25-2002, 12:51 PM
Well, being both a Canadian and an anthropologist, I guess it's fair to say that I've eaten my share of weird stuff...
To start, there's poutine --- french fries, cheese curds, and gravy. It's a French Canadian specialty designed purposefully to clog any artery in sight, and oooh so yummy.
Then... let's see...
*Caribou (realy lovely rich, dark meat)
*Muktuk (blubber --- not a favourite of mine, despite the fact that poutine has to be at least as high in fat :D)
*Pemmican (berries, fat, and meat ground into a pulp and dried out, as a traditional native travel food)
*Paganens (an Algonquin wild hazelnut soup)
*Acorn bread (ground acorns can be used as a kind of flour substitute)
*Bannock of many varieties (bannock is just a basic quickbread kind of like tea biscuits, but when you use ground sunflower seeds instead of flour or fill it with fresh blueberries you've just picked, it's quite special)
*Fiddleheads (a certain kind of fern, just as it's newly sprouting, has beautiful curls that resemble the scrollwork on a violin, and when just lightly steamed with butter, they're sooooo yummy)
*Grasshoppers both roasted and fried (let me tell you once and for all that they do not taste like chicken, though they're pretty good once you get used to the idea)
And perhaps weirdest of all, there's that peculiar British specialty, the battered deep-fried Mars bar on a stick. Quite tasty, actually, but I worry about the mental health of whoever thought that one up! Can't you just see it? 'Hmm, if I stuff a stick into my chocolate bar, and roll it around in the batter I'm frying my fish in, then I can deep-fry my dessert too, 'cause that'll be good for me!' :p ROTFLMAO!! :D
--- sweetstuff
p.s. According to my grandmother, my father used to eat peanut butter and liverwurst sandwiches --- what a combination!! :p
04-25-2002, 12:52 PM
Right on Lilith! Always wondered if I was the only one who liked Phish food and all the chocolate fishies!
And who can forget poutine, especially after a cold day on the slopes, absolutely great stuff!!
I love all kinds of sashimi myself....... except sea urchin
04-25-2002, 01:37 PM
Jizzlobber-- I have to agree with you Guiness is the one beer that i LOVE. I can drink a ton of that stuff.. Ever done a irish car bomb ??
Grumble dear-- ROFL i know for sure because Aunt Flo paid her visit this weekend :D:D:D:D
I came up with some more. Cottage cheese with salt and pepper or cottage cheese with pineapple... Mushrooms any way i can eat them but my all time fave is, Fried mushrooms in soy sauce, and red wine vineger with mozzerella cheese, let the cheese melt and its the BEST!!
04-26-2002, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Sarriah
Cottage cheese with salt and pepper or cottage cheese with pineapple... Mushrooms any way i can eat them but my all time fave is, Fried mushrooms in soy sauce, and red wine vineger with mozzerella cheese, let the cheese melt and its the BEST!! I'd like to dine with Sarriah this weekend... I've tried the cottage cheese w/pineapple myself, only prob I have with it is the acid in the pineapple seems to put an extra...curdle to the c.c.
04-26-2002, 08:14 AM
I ordered a "BLT" at DeAngelos(sp?) once and my waiter asked me if I wanted lettuce&tomatoe;on it.I replied that I didn't order a
"B";did I?That question must be so automatic;that they don't even think before they ask. Irish
04-26-2002, 03:00 PM
Oh, how I love poutine!!!!! I have one almost every day for lunch... the local tavern makes the best!!!
And now, for the grosser stuff: RAPÛRE!!!!!! English-speaking people call it rappie pie (around here anyway). This is two layers grated potatoes with a layer of meat (usually chicken or clams or beef, although some people make it with corned beef or moose or deer or rabbit) in between. The whole thing is put to cook in the oven for about 3 or 4 hours, and it crusts over and it basically looks like a grayish brown mush and it's just the most delicious thing in the world!!!!!!! It just looks really disgusting... It's traditionnally an Acadian meal, so it might be popular in Louisiana too...
04-26-2002, 03:29 PM
i love black pudding also known as blood pudding
04-26-2002, 03:40 PM
I love dill pickle and peanut butter sandwiches!
Sharni - vegemite is wretched!! ICK! It is definitely an acquired taste...that I never acquired!
I think the weirdest thing I ever SAW anyone eat was a "bubble and squeak" at a roadhouse! Very bizzare. Ok, maybe the toasted spaghetti sandwich too! (those zany aussies!)
04-26-2002, 04:08 PM
scotzoidman- come eat with me any time ROFL :D
I thought of another one while i was eating lunch today. One of my ALL time favorites
Grilled cheese with mustard and pickles :D:D YUMMM
Oh and i like chips and slasa but i put cream cheese under the salsa WOW thats good too :D
I know what im having for dinner tonight :D
04-26-2002, 06:31 PM
Sharni-----What is vegemite?I am one of those southern New
Englanders; that never heard of it;until;I hear everyone talking about it here.I'll include my e-mail address;so that you won't bore
everyone that knows what it is. Irish (Tom Ahern)
[email protected]
04-26-2002, 07:27 PM
I would have to say that for odd foods I have had:
Ostrich - actually this tasted really really good... like a nice good steak!
Snake - man, that was a long long time ago, and I do not recall what it was like
Ants - yup, chocolate covered ones at that (they are pretty common in certains parts of Colombia), kinda crunchy, tasted like peanuts
Buffalo - not so odd, tasted pretty good, a little stronger flavor than beef
I saw Pemican bars on SFC's reply - man, I love those things!... I could never get enough of them when I used to go hiking!
And the one thing that I just can not get enough of, good dark beer... Porters in particular... if I did not have to keep a job (and a liver) I would live off them!
PS. Irish - vegemite: think of brewing beer, once you have all the good stuff out of the malt after boiling it for a good long while, drain off all the liguid, put the remainder of it into a food processor an make a peanut butter like substance out of it :)
04-26-2002, 07:49 PM
On the subject of food.The expense has gotten rediculous!I have
to watch what I injest now;because I am diabetic.My wife just went shopping.Among other things;she got me Two 16oz.boxes;
of Post Great Grains cereal.They contain many additions,nuts,
fruits,etc.By the time that you add,a cutup bananna,skim milk,
sugar substitute(equal,Sweet n'Low,etc)it sure costs more than a bowl of cereal did;when I was a kid.Of course when I worked at
Sikorsky Aircraft;asa flight mechanic,$3.90hr. was big bucks! Irish
P.S.The cereal was $3.17 a box!
04-26-2002, 07:58 PM
Irish $4.00 is not unheard of here sometimes depending....... costly if you have kids.......but it beats growing the wheat :p
04-27-2002, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Ophelia
I love dill pickle and peanut butter sandwiches!
Sharni - vegemite is wretched!! ICK! It is definitely an acquired taste...that I never acquired!
I think the weirdest thing I ever SAW anyone eat was a "bubble and squeak" at a roadhouse! Very bizzare. Ok, maybe the toasted spaghetti sandwich too! (those zany aussies!)
I'm one aussie who doesn't like vegemite! But the spaghetti on toast, now that's a different thing. How can you not like it? It's great! Good thing to have for brekkie on a cold winter morning.
04-27-2002, 01:59 PM
My family thinks I'm crazy because I like peanut butter,mustard and dill pickles on my hot dogs. I admit it sounds wierd but it is good. I also don't have to worry about someone else eating my hotdog if I leave it unattended for a minute! Another thing, I have to have ketchup on my eggs
04-27-2002, 06:11 PM
Milktoast and sfc yall got my Cherokee taste buds awaterin .........lots of those ''odd'' foods were common place in our fridge so i didnt think that much about them. My gramps use to send me out with some friends to catch rattlesnakes to cook on a stick(can you say shishkebob?) .. Another ''delicacy of his was armadillo or carp patties (a freshwater mudeating fish) ......damn got my tastebuds kicking in now......and all i got here is pepperoni and swiss cheese pizza.....oh well......maybe when i go home later this year i can find somemore to add........
04-28-2002, 12:36 AM
Another ''delicacy of his was armadillo or carp patties (a freshwater mudeating fish Friend of mine gave me the recipe for Carp: Get a pine board, clean the carp & place it on the board, cook in 350 degree oven for about an hour... then throw out the fish & eat the board!
04-28-2002, 08:28 AM
Forget the carp, just get the equivalent volume in river mud.
Legend, Vegemite and left over mashed potato on toast for
Irish, if you weren't fed it as a kid, you'll never like it. Like Chinese
sweets, a cultural thing.
04-28-2002, 08:33 AM
ROFLMAO Scottz !!!! My mom aftercleaning and baking the meat added greenpeppers, onions, celery, and diced tomatos, with a few other seasoning items it tasted pretty good...
another thing i had to taste once put me into the emergency parents found out then that i was allergic to all shellfish......Oh well.....lots more interesting things to eat out there.........hehehehehehehe
04-28-2002, 09:10 AM
I would die WITH OUT shellfish:p One of my lovies eats Ranch dressing on everything... dips both Pizza and hotdogs into it..........
04-28-2002, 05:12 PM
Lilith --- Your ranch dressing anecdote reminds me of the time my young cousin (I think he was about 8 at the time?) decided to challenge another cousin's girlfriend (she would have been about 16) to a "contest"...
Part one of the contest was who could eat the larger quantity of their specified condiment... My cousin, who is known in the family as The Ketchup Fiend, was to eat (of course) ketchup, and the girl was to eat mustard. Gee, care to guess who won that little competition? :p
The second installment of the contest (a couple of weeks later, when both competitors' stomachs had calmed down) was who could eat the most seasoning. My cousin chose to eat sugar, and he decided that this poor girl should eat salt. (We're talking by the spoonful here...) :rolleyes:
I always wondered what possessed this young lady to go along with the competition --- my stomach still turns when I think about the results...!
--- sweetstuff
Prophet Reality
04-28-2002, 07:29 PM
Sadora...I agree there is nothing like a goof Peanut Butter and Banana sandwich, have you tried it with Cream Cheese yet? Very tasty.
And Phish food is the best on or off the stick. But on the stick definitely has the potential to be used in more interesting places, and of coursed licked off thoroughly.
But mine is ketchup on Macroni and Cheese. Or a nice cold cow's tongue sandwich.
04-28-2002, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Ophelia
Sharni - vegemite is wretched!! ICK! It is definitely an acquired taste...that I never acquired!
Ok, maybe the toasted spaghetti sandwich too! (those zany aussies!)
Vegemite is Yummy!!! not ICK!!! *LOL*
And Toasted Spag Sanger....Oh yeah...good stuff that is too!
]Originally posted by Irish
Sharni-----What is vegemite?
Go here Irish....this will help explain.. :)
06-15-2007, 05:14 PM
Anyone found any new food fetishes???
06-16-2007, 10:48 AM
I loves me a redneck cocktail--Tomater Beer! Mayhem and I found some non-alcoholic beer and I had a few not too long ago MMM YUM!
What is a tomater beer, you ask. Beer, V8 vegetable juice or regular tomato juice with optional salt, green olives, and/or kosher dill pickles.
I love ranch dressing with about anything I even share a recipe with my best friend for mediterrainian cucumber ranch burgers and that are melt-in-your-mouth scrumptious!
However in the UK I have yet to find kosher dill pickles and ranch dressing like back in the States. These pregnancy cravings are driving me insane, LMAO!!! :D:D:D
06-16-2007, 10:49 AM
Saltine crackers and milk. Crush up a bunch of saltines in a glass and fill it up with milk...... eat it with a spoon. Haven't had it for years but always liked it as a kid.
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