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04-09-2002, 09:53 PM
My Ad
It's not that I don't have a boyfriend, it's just that every time we try to have sex, he cums all over me, and I never get off. I just turned 19, and I have brown hair and green eyes. For some reason, the females in my family have always had huge tits, so my boobs are around a 30D. My nipples are toonie-sized, and when they get hard, they rise out about an inch. Do you have any suggestions on how to get my boyfriend to stop cumming before he puts it in me? Thanks! If you want to, get in touch with me at: [email protected]

Blue Nun
04-10-2002, 10:05 AM
Hi Cherry,

Sorry to hear about your problem. If I understand your problem correctly, your b/f is having difficulty with premature ejaculation, or at least not lasting long enough to satisfy you. When I was young, I had the same problem (now I have the opposite problem, it takes me so long to get off that my wife almost has to take oxygen after were through). Chances are your b/f is very sensitive to this performance problem and would not take suggestions very well.
One idea that worked for me is for you to try to incorporate his orgasm into your foreplay. For example, you could get him off early in the foreplay (either with a handjob, boob-job, or head; or you can be creative). This would also allow you to control his ejaculation, so that he wouldn't 'cum all over' you. After this, you should emphasize that this is not the end, and that he should do some 'work' on you. If he is anywhere as young as you, his little soldier should be back at attention in no time. And believe me, his second time around should last well long enough for you to get your's too (& maybe a few more).

BTW, the boobs sound great, would love to see them some time.

04-11-2002, 08:28 AM
Don't be such a sexy woman - you're obviously getting him so steamed up that he's absolutely unable to hold back. On the other hand, try giving him a cock ring (or my favourite, tie some cooking twine tightly around the base of his shaft as soon as he's erect. Then, get him to concentrate on breathing slowly. Good luck.

04-11-2002, 10:39 AM
This sort of thing used to happen alot to us, and i would have to agree what Kiwi said, you sound like a sexy woman....
Here is what I did. I told my hubby to get off by him self every day. In the morning, or when ever he has time. That way by the time we DO have sex its not like hes holding it in and doesnt get to much of a urge to go all the sudden. OR you can do this together. Let him go when ever he needs and then make sure you "Get it" too. Wether it be with toys or him in some way other than sex. By the time you go he may be ready again :D
If none of these things help he could have a slight problem and should talk to a doc.. Also i dont know if you take "care" of your self but maybe getting your self off once a day or when ever you can might help you too...
Just my thoughts let us know if this helps...

04-12-2002, 11:46 AM
I think Maybe we need to get to the HARD of the Matter here Cherry. We must examine the instument of his desire. Yes that's right. We will need to see the Weapons of Destruction. ( the TaTas', the Arse, and the Mound of which is causing this Premature Ejaculation) I Dr. Q will then discuss this with my Cohorts and associates. We will deliver without a Doubt the truest of Diagnosis'. And as an added Bonus.................we will charge NOTHING.....that's right ...........absolutely NOTHING..........nada, zip, zilch etc..... Would this be of Your Licking or not..............wait......................don't answer that...........just show us. :) (darn................I meant Liking) ;)

04-21-2002, 01:59 PM
Would love to see your breasts they sound wonderful. About your problem...maybe the problem is your b/f! I dont know how long he waits before he cums, but he should wait as long as he can and do the best to get you off first!

05-04-2002, 08:42 AM
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...............Cherry was just a Flash in the pan.